Oregon trail vehicle / TUES 3-25-25 / Ren's cartoon buddy / Like Eeyore in "Winnie-the-Pooh" / Horse that excels in equestrian sports

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Hi, everyone, it’s Clare for the last Tuesday in March! Hope it’s been getting warmer wherever you are — I start to feel more like a real person once it’s spring. My Monday was hectic because I had a court filing due today for an asylum hearing in a couple of weeks and I have a client’s green card interview in the morning… so I got to unwind with some sports on in the background and a crossword puzzle on my laptop. The rest of my family is into the Miami Open tennis, but I’m obsessed with the women’s college basketball. Namely: UConn. (I love Paige Bueckers. Who doesn’t love Paige Bueckers?)

In other news, my puppy is five months old! She’s over 28 pounds and is getting smarter (in annoying ways — like faking out that she was going to run down the stairs so I’d follow her… just so she could sprint into the other room to eat my sister’s dog’s food). My puppy gate is now practically useless because my puppy can figure it out any which way, and she’s learned how to jump into our giant bathtub. Puppies! 

Anywho, on to the puzzle!

Bob Benson

Relative difficulty: Slightly harder than an average Tuesday

THEME: Phrases that end in a word that relates to film and/or TV

Theme answers:
  • PLASTIC FILM (17A: "The Lego Movie"?) 
  • SPACE PROGRAM (23A: "Star Trek"?) 
  • WATER FEATURE (52A: "Finding Nemo"?) 
  • WORLD SERIES (62A: "Planet Earth"?)
Word of the Day: SAD SACK (26A: Schlemiel) —
Sad Sack is an American comic strip and comic book character created by Sgt. George Baker during World War II. Set in the United States Army, Sad Sack depicted an otherwise unnamed, lowly private experiencing some of the absurdities and humiliations of military life. The so-called "unnamed private" was actually Ben Schnall, a true-life private in the US Army during World War II, member of Yank magazine and good curmudgeonly friend of Sgt. George Baker. The title was a euphemistic shortening of the military slang "sad sack of shit", common during World War II. The phrase has come to mean "an inept person" or "inept soldier". (Wiki)
• • •
I’ll get to the puzzle — with its cute theme answers and kinda meh fill that was a bit harder than a usual Tuesday — in a minute. But first, did anyone suffer from an apparent puzzle glitch (or horrible new design)? I somehow came out unscathed, as did my sister, who solved the puzzle on the app, but for my poor dad (and, it seems, many others) who were solving the puzzle on the webpage, there was a problem: What appeared to be an iPhone keyboard covered half the page. My dad, of course, immediately texted my sister and me to blame us for doing… something. We, of course, blamed him for being technologically inept. Then, we learned that a lot of people were having similar issues. Whoops! 
So now that we’ve talked about that (I hope it didn’t affect too many times or solves), we can move on to other, brighter things — like this being a good debut from constructor Bob Benson. I liked the theme answers and appreciated them the more I thought about them. It’s quite clever how the constructor combined specific movies/TV shows (“The Lego Movie,” “Star Trek,” “Finding Nemo,” and “Planet Earth”) with words that are synonyms for movies/common phrases that have to do with movies and TV shows (FILM, PROGRAM, FEATURE, and SERIES). That might’ve been obvious, but it occurred to me a bit after finishing the solve. (I’m also running a little bit on fumes, so make of my epiphany what you will!) 

CACKLE (18D: Laugh like a witch) was fun. The clue/answer for 45D: Spirit guide? as BAR MENU made me chuckle (not CACKLE, though). SAD SACK (26A) is a fun expression that I didn’t know the origin of. I liked seeing Eeyore in the puzzle at 14A: Like Eeyore in "Winnie-the-Pooh," even if I’d say he leans a bit more toward being depressed than just SOMBER. SOAP BOX (50A: Political platform, perhaps) is an interesting visual. And I liked the use of SIGN (26D: Communicate with the hands) and KOKO (34D: Gorilla that famously learned to 26-Down) together. 

Still, the puzzle did seem to skew a tad old. FRIAR’S CLUB (11D: Locale famous for roasts) is pretty old-fashioned. VOLARE (9D: Hit 1958 song officially titled "Nel Blu, Dipinto di Blu") is an old-timey song. RICOH (47A: Tokyo-based company that produces cameras and office equipment) was a hot company… in the ’90s? And even though I liked SAD SACK (26A), it’s from a comic that debuted more than 80 years ago. 

I usually like my long downs, but other than FRIAR’S CLUB, the only one we’ve really got is DEPARTMENT (28D: Cabinet division), which is a bit boring. Having both IRE (30A: Fury) and IRA (19A: Oldest Gershwin brother) in the puzzle feels lazy. There’s also 12D: Alternative name for planet earth in the puzzle and then 62A: “Planet Earth”? I can’t think of a good reason why that would’ve been intentional. It’s also probably a stupid complaint, but STIES (37D: Complete messes) is an ugly, ugly word, and I hate it. 

But overall, this was a promising debut for the constructor — in a puzzle that seemed to focus on theme over fill.

  • 26D: Schlemiel reminds me of how my dad used to be a reporter for the Wall Street Journal and once wrote a feature about sailing across the Atlantic in a 42-foot boat as a crew member in a race, having never sailed before. Just about everything possible went wrong over the 27 days at sea (according to him, 12 days of near-constant storms, 65-knot winds, 70-foot waves, signs that the boat was breaking up, and all sorts of other fun stuff.) So his lede was a play on Moby Dick: “Call me Schlemiel.” 
  • I used to love playing HEARTS (49D: Game in which players tend to avoid the queen of spades) on our old desktop computer, and I was quite good at it! Granted, I was playing against computers, and I think I chose the difficulty, but who’s counting? 
  • Both my sister’s and dad’s ALMA (21A) maters (Cal and Michigan State) are out of the women’s NCAA tournament; I guess we’ll have to root for the Spartans in the men’s tournament. (Yes, the Yale men lost to Texas A&M in the first round.) 
  • WAGON (52D: Oregon Trail vehicle) makes me think of when I was in maybe third grade and played this sort of strategy game in our computer class that was loosely based on the trip many people took across the U.S. I probably died of dysentery a thousand different times. 
  • My puppy keeps closing my computer as I’m trying to type. Maybe she’s telling me to go to sleep. Or maybe she’s saying she wants me to stop what I’m doing and take her to a PET SPA (5D: Places where puppies are pampered). Though I think she gets pampered enough at home!
(Now doesn't that look like a pampered puppy?)

Hope you all have a great month of April!

Signed, Clare Carroll, president of the Paige Bueckers fan club

[Follow Rex Parker on BlueSky and Facebook]


okanaganer 2:00 AM  

Hi Clare; loved your story about your father. "Call me Schlemiel" indeed!

I tried solving this down clues only, and I almost got there, except FRIARS CLUB did me in... what the heck is that? So I looked at some across clues, and both 11 and 16 across were abbrev's, and I didn't know the CLUB in question, so no wonder I failed.

But moreover, by not looking at the across clues I missed the best part of the theme-- namely-- the across clues. That's where the theme shines. Oh well, not a good week for downs only; my bad.

The "queen of spades" clue... set off an old memory of a card game we used to play at the cabin, back when everyone I loved was still alive. That hated black queen... what was that game?... there were so many! Oh yes, Hearts. Good times.

Conrad 4:35 AM  

Hand up for loving "Call Me Schlemiel"!

Solved the old-fashioned way, on a PC using the NYTXW app. No sign of a bogus keyboard.

Easy puzzle. No WOEs and only one overwrite, gloomy before mOrose before SOMBER for Eeyore at 14A

Bob Mills 5:18 AM  

Finished it quickly without cheating, but also without considering the theme, which I grasped only after reading Clare's column. The fill was very straightforward, which made it a routine Tuesday for me.

Jacke 6:04 AM  

I generally do Tuesdays down only and theme material is rarely hidden in across clues on Tuesdays. Press on! And yeah, the beginning of FRIARSCLUB could've been anything. Intense old-timeyness on that one.

SouthsideJohnny 6:33 AM  

This definitely was tougher than what I am used to on a Tuesday. The theme entries had to be parsed together and it seemed like there was more popular culture than usual (possibly a wheelhouse thing). Fortunately I was able to make sufficient progress and things started to become clearer and I finished without a cheat - still, I needed Claire to tie the theme together for me.

Anonymous 7:28 AM  

By the way, Koko didn’t really know sign language. Read about the criticism on her wikipedia page.

Anonymous 7:29 AM  

Thanks so much for explaining Sad Sack. I only got it from the fills and it made zero sense…

Lewis 7:35 AM  

It’s a wow theme for me. Here you have a term for something you watch on a screen clued with the title of an example of the term – and an answer that’s an in-the-language phrase totally unrelated to movies or tv.

That is sophisticated and clever. High props to Bob for coming up with it.

It may also be tight, that is, a set of worthy theme answers that are hard to add to. The best I could come up with is the tepid [“Apollo 13”?] for HIGH DRAMA. Bob, you said your original submission was a Sunday puzzle – can you chime in and tell us what other theme answers you came up with?

I liked seeing the contradictory cross of CACKLE and SAD SACK, and the rhyming LIAR, FRIAR, and IRE. It’s also sweet to see three promising debut puzzles in a row – the gift of new Crosslandia voices.

Congratulations on your impressive debut, Bob. Thank you for a splendid outing!

Andy Freude 7:43 AM  

So, anything OLD is “obsolete”? I dread breaking the news to Mrs. Freude.

JJK 7:49 AM  

Also loved the story about your dad and “Call me Schlemiel”, Clare, and as usual, loved your write-up. Your puppy is adorable!

As for the puzzle, I found the top half a piece of cake, the bottom half, especially the SE, harder than the usual Tuesday. I have heard of FRIARSCLUB, although it seems old even to me, who is (am?) old.

I wanted SADSACK for Eeyore, and don’t think SOMBER is really quite apropos there. So it was a surprise to find SADSACK crop up farther down in the puzzle. My problems in the SE were that I didn’t know Guy’s last name and UNCAST is an awful word - I first put in ‘vacant’, thinking of many government positions that are currently unfilled.

MissScarlet 8:03 AM  

I know it’s common to use “Cal”, but as a UCSB graduate, I resent it. We are all Cal. There’s nothing wrong with UC Berkeley. My personal nit.

Bill 8:09 AM  

Fine debut!
A couple editing things: having “old” in a clue directly crossing the answer OLD seems egregiously sloppy. It is questionable enough if it were across the grid but to be in the actual crossing clue/answer is glaring.
ITOO was just in the NYT crossword within the last couple days, clued the same way. Not a problem for the constructor to deal with but the editors know people do these everyday and I keep seeing this issue pop-up. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just being picky but it seems like the kind of thing an editor should be aware of/avoid.

David Grenier 8:14 AM  

Cute theme, perfect for a Tues/Wed puzzle. But more importantly, CUTE PUPPY!!!!

I would like to request more pet pics in this blog. And everywhere. All of the time.

Klazzic 8:17 AM  

One of the dumber puzzles. A real bore.

Anonymous 8:25 AM  

Whats with the Langston Hughes poem coming up 3 times in like a week? Funny how that happens.

Anonymous 8:34 AM  

found this one easy. no glitches.

Ted 8:35 AM  

I'd wager that nearly EVERYONE born between 1970 and 1990 played The Oregon Trail, either in school or at home. Many of us definitely played it on the old Apple II machines in class.

Judge Morgan 8:35 AM  

Claire's my favorite commenter. commentor? commentator?

Anonymous 8:37 AM  

I found the puzzle more like a Monday but for me sad sack was one of my favorite clues ever in a puzzle. I grew up in the 50s with progressive parents—so progressive I had a sad sack doll. Not an action figure —a doll. Yes they got me cap guns too and I played war, but my sad sack doll was my favorite toy. If you have not seen it, try the Bluesky app. I follow OFL and others on it. It is a real alternative to twitter where I don’t feel like I am reading a Fox News commentary.

Dr.A 8:40 AM  

Good enough puzzle, didn’t like all he military fill in he first five seconds with TROOPS, RIFLE and FTS and then it had nothing to do with anything anyways. Bummed me out a bit before I even got going. Cute them, cuter story and even cuterer puppy. Thanks Clare.

Anonymous 8:44 AM  

New (accidental?, I hope) format gave me a head ache. Spend 10 min trying to fix it.

burtonkd 8:55 AM  

I always wondered if they did little mini-themes to amuse themselves. ITOO might have been unfamiliar a few days ago, but today is a gimme.

Barbara S. 8:56 AM  

I thought this was sound and enjoyable. And I wouldn’t call it harder than the average Tuesday as I solved it in close to record time. Fave answer was BARB, sitting almost in central position. Looks like the grid is addressing me!

The theme was sturdy. I figure these movies and TV shows are pretty much universally known, so there shouldn’t be too many people in the dark. I made only one error – like others, I thought Eeyore was mOrose. I agree with Clare that SOMBER doesn’t quite get at the depths of Eeyore’s moodiness. The word also looks oddly like SOMBREro, a resemblance I just noticed. Must be coincidental. [Looks it up.] No, it isn’t coincidental at all. Both reference “shade.” This, from the Online Etymology Dictionary:

SOMBRERO: type of broad-brimmed felt hat of Spanish origin, widely used in Mexico and South America, 1770, from Spanish sombrero "broad-brimmed hat," originally "umbrella, parasol" (a sense found in English, 1590s), from sombra "shade," from Late Latin subumbrare (see somber).

Appreciated another mention of I, TOO so close to the recent one on Sat. Helps to solidify that answer in the brain. (Hi, @Bill: Looks like we have a different take on this.) I didn’t know anything about the FRIARS CLUB, and enjoyed reading about it.

@okanaganer (2:00 AM): My heart suddenly contracted at “back when everyone I loved was still alive.” I, TOO, remember that time well. And a reference to “Dipinto” in the VOLARE clue is especially poignant for many of us here.

pabloinnh 8:58 AM  

Old Maid.

RooMonster 8:59 AM  

Hey All !
Neat theme idea, nicely executed. Common phrases twerked into different meanings. Cool find, Bob. And Congrats on the debut.

Only 34 Blockers, not too shabby. Fill pretty good.

Is the only way to clue ALMA is with Mater? There has to be a TV/Movie character out there somewhere named ALMA. You'd think so ...

No Rex SOAP BOX today, we get a nice review by Clare. Also, thankfully, didn't get the keyboard thingie seems some got. I solve on a desktop on the NYT website. Yay Me! 😁

Have a great Tuesday!

Three F's

pabloinnh 9:00 AM  

My reaction exactly, except for the Mrs. Freude part.

pabloinnh 9:02 AM  

ITOO noticed that.

Anonymous 9:06 AM  

The Friar's Club roasts continued into 2015, so while its heyday was in the 50s and 60s, Comedy Central's roasts kept it relevant until relatively recently.

pabloinnh 9:10 AM  

Thought this was Tuesday-easy, my only WOES were Mr. PEARCE and TESS, which I should learn as I have a granddaughter TESS(A). Needed most of RICOH to remember that one but it eventually rang a bell.

Agree that Eeyore is beyond SOMBER. Not sure about depressed. I'd say gloomy.

Clare's story made me think of my favorite take off on the Moby Dick opening which is "Call me, Ishmael", as in just pick up the phone...

Congrats on the debut, BB. I'm a Big Booster of any puzz that has answers like CACKLE and SPASM, and thanks for all the fun.

burtonkd 9:21 AM  

FRIARSCLUB has been listed as a sponsor of the Comedy Central Roasts, so I was wondering if they were still around. They went bankrupt last year and the NYC townhouse was up for auction in December. Lots of pics in the NYPost of the Old Style decor. Turns out I could have been a member for just over 5 grand; not sure I’d want to be a member if they’d have me:) It turns out that fiscal mismanagement and tax fraud are not laughing matters…

Anyone else remember those old ad drawings for X-Ray SPEX? I really wanted a pair of those as a pre-teen.

I thought the theme was elegant and clear in a “why didn’t I think of that” kind of way. Fill more varied and interesting than the frequent fill in the blank Tuesdays.

Beezer 9:31 AM  

Very nice debut with some good fill, and my only observation is that seemed to skew more toward the older solver (like me) with things like FRIARSCLUB, VOLARE, KOKO, and SPEX. But, looking at it again, there is plenty for younger solvers also. I always hated the FRIARSCLUB roasts that were televised. I tend to think of Don Rickles (who everyone said was really a sweetheart) because they just seemed so…mean!

As for EEYORE, I agree with Claire…SOMBER is an understatement. He was a SADSACK, pessimistic wet blanket! I remember being so irritated with EEYORE as a child, but maybe there was an underlying lesson of being kind to your friends, even when they have issues. At the time, though, I just thought “Oh STOP it”!

Claire, your Dad is obviously very witty…great story AND adorable puppy!

burtonkd 9:39 AM  

Eeyore was gloomy or morose before depressed, although clinically I guess the latter could cause the former.

Guy PEARCE was just nominated for an Oscar for his role in The Brutalist.

burtonkd 9:40 AM  

ALMA Mahler was the wife of Gustav and used to show up more often that way when the puzzle had more high art clues. Wouldn’t be a very Tuesday way to clue it.

egsforbreakfast 9:43 AM  

OBSESS could be a gynecology appointment for a Millenial.

There was so much drinking at my college that it became known as BARMENU.

You remember the movie "Wild" based on Cheryl Strayed's book of the same name? It was about a woman who decides to get her life together by hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. Starred Reese Witherspoon. With that intro, how about "Wild?" as the clue for WALKIE TALKIE.

Caesar, if a famous South African Nobel Prize winner had been among his assailants: ETTU TOO TUTU?

I really liked this puzzle because the theme works so cleanly. You don't strain at all to fit the theme clues to the answers, even though the answers are unrelated. Wonderful debut. Thanks and congrats, Bob Benson.

Nancy 9:44 AM  

I never mind using pop culture-y things as a puzzle theme just as long as the solver doesn't have to know anything about them. Having watched none of the above, all I needed to know was that they were some kind of FILM, PROGRAM, FEATURE or SERIES. Some phrases were more in the language than others -- is PLASTIC FILM a thing? -- but the theme worked just fine with no revealer needed.

A little tougher than the usual Tuesday, and with one lovely clue for BAR MENU -- which I suspect is not new. Liked it.

Nancy 10:07 AM  

Chatty, very interesting writeup today, Clare -- and what an adorable puppy!!!! It seems like he's unusually smart too. Wow -- He can even close your computer!!!

But I'm really glad that I don't have to train him!

Greg in Sanibel 10:08 AM  

I just came here to comment that “dude, close some tabs” is the most Boomer thing ever, and I am here for it as a member of that club!

Whatsername 10:19 AM  

Puzzle was fine as Tuesdays go. I agree with Nancy that if you’re going to use pop culture clues, this is the way to make them work. And I didn’t see anything at all wrong with the fill, no SLOP. I was a bit, just a teensy bit disappointed though, not to see RP on a SOAP BOX about RIFLE and ARMS.

Clare, your pup is just precious. Pet pics are always welcome and appreciated on this blog. But I don’t know how you stand to go to work when you have someone that adorable waiting for you at home.

Anonymous 10:19 AM  

I’m still not quite sure I understand how a VCR is a tracking device??

burtonkd 10:24 AM  

Saran Wrap is a plastic film

Charly 10:36 AM  

The theme would have been much more impressive to me if I hadn’t solved a puzzle from the archive (Wednesday, March 22, 2023) just yesterday that not only had the exact same concept, but even made the same pun with WATER FEATURE… and with better fill IMO!

Charly 10:46 AM  

Themers from a 2023 puzzle with the same concept:
PROFILE PICTURE (20A: "Malcolm X” or "Milk”?)
WATER FEATURE (25A: "Titanic" or "Jaws"?)
WALKIE-TALKIE (41A: "Wild" or "The Road"?)
FLICK OF A SWITCH (47A: "Freaky Friday" or "The Parent Trap”?)

Carola 10:50 AM  

Stellar theme answers today, I thought. The first word had to encapsulate an essential quality of the clue's subject and the second be an example of screen entertainment while together forming a common phrase unrelated to visual media They were all good, but WATER FEATURE gets my blue ribbon.

EasyEd 10:56 AM  

Neat puzzle, lively critique, and upbeat blog, great way to start the day. Could not get started in the NE but as I progressed through the South the theme became apparent and was able to suss out the North. The puzzle does tend to the OLD side and in my case that helped. I think I recalled FRIARSCLUB from Frank Sinatra stories. Recall SADSACK clearly. And Volare—lots of sweet and bittersweet memories…Hope Clare will keep us posted on the progress of her mischievous pup…

Alice Pollard 10:59 AM  

Rex would have rated this Easy. Just saying. No offense, Claire. I had KO and put in KOng before KOKO. that messed me up slightly . Also.. WATERFEATURE?? what's that?

jae 11:10 AM  

On the tough side of medium for me.

I’m not sure if PLASTIC FILM is a thing? PLASTIC wrap, yes.

No WOEs but one costly erasure: Burr before BARB.

I’m with @Clare on this one, cute/clever theme, meh fill, OK Tuesday, liked it..

Anonymous 11:13 AM  

Nice write up as always, Claire, and the puppy photos are great. Especially wonderful, though, is your work on behalf of asylum seekers and immigrants in general. Thank you for doing that and for saying so.

jb129 11:15 AM  

Hi Clare - love seeing pics of Red - wow, he's grown! What a cutie :)
I solved as a themeless & didn't see the theme until I came here. The only thing that tripped me up was BAR MENU. Congratulations on your debut, Bob & thank you :)

jb129 11:30 AM  

@Nancy - Pets pics are always welcome here? Well, I'm gonna take advantage of that - here's my Cinnamon who went to the Bridge because of a reckless driver (& nearly me). Sorry Rex, don't want to start a 'trend :)"

Nancy 11:30 AM  

I've always called it plastic wrap. Who knew?

Anonymous 11:47 AM  

@okanaganer I too have fond memories of playing Hearts at a cabin in Maine a long time ago. Wasn't the Jack of Diamonds also a penalty card? 10 points? Good memories!

Anonymous 11:49 AM  

ARAB horse. OK, but you’d be hard pressed to find many humans who would call it that. ARABIAN is the only version I’ve ever heard.

Anonymous 11:57 AM  

I loved your write-up, Claire. The personal details give it life!

Anonymous 12:08 PM  

The Friars Club was a great N.Y. place. I was a member there for many years and well remember their roast of Don King the fight promoter. Donald Trump was the toastmaster.. it was hysterical.

Dr Random 12:16 PM  

Plus the clueing for ARMS.

Dr Random 12:18 PM  

Thanks for this—always enjoy fun etymology tidbits!

M and A 12:26 PM  

Nice flick theme. Agree with Clare the puppy whisperer, on most of her puzcommentary.

staff weeject pick: FTS. Plural abbreve meat. Primo weeject stacks, NE & SW, btw.

WATERFEATURE? Sorta like "wet" or "welly" or "Eviany" or somesuch?

fave stuff included: SOAPBOX. CACKLE. PEARCE, re: "Memento" flick [M&A best flick referenced in the puz award].

Thanx, Mr. Benson dude. Congratz on yer movie-ing debut.

Masked & Anonymo5Us

... surprise! ...

"Fill of Surprises" - 7x7 12 min. themed runt puzzle:



Anonymous 12:30 PM  

I say avoid Proper Names!!

Karl Grouch 12:56 PM  

Ob sess, great!

Anonymous 12:57 PM  


Anonymous 1:24 PM  

An app is the "old fashioned way"? You must be in your teens!
But I also have my hand up for "Call me Schlemiel".

sharonAk 1:28 PM  

@Bill 8:09 When I first started doing crosswords about 40 years ago I was advised they got easier as one got familiar with them. One of the things that helped me, and I assumed was intended was seeing certain clues answers repeat. This is a Tuesday puzzle.
Also, re 29A and 25D You think a Clue with "old" in it should not have its answer, cross the answer "old" ?! If I noticed that, I found it a fun bit of word play. ( Pretty sure I did not notice it.)
Were you feeling a need to find nits to pick because T-Rex was not with us today?

MJB 1:31 PM  

There were no Pooh books in my childhood since my mother agreed with Dorothy Parker's assessment: "And it is that word 'hummy,' my darlings, that marks the first place in 'The House at Pooh Corner' at which Tonstant Weader fwowed up."

Anonymous 1:42 PM  

Baker's Sad Sack was not originally a comic book or strip. It was a hard-cover book, published in 1944, and was titled "The Sad Sack". The Wikipedia article that Clare referenced misses the mark. Maybe I'll put on my Wikipedia editor hat and fix it.

My dad brought a copy home when he returned home from WWIi. I'm wondering if I still have it somewhere.

In any case, this puzz was far easier than Monday's, at least for this codger.

Anonymous 2:03 PM  

Guest host

Anonymous 2:20 PM  

"played this sort of strategy game in our computer class that was loosely based on the trip many people took across the U.S."

This is such a weird way to reference the wildly-famous Oregon Trail video game.

Les S. More 2:40 PM  

jae, we have just moved into our newly built farmhouse and just a few days ago I was awakened by the sound of my wife (an early riser) ripping the protective PLASTICFILM from the new appliances. We still have workers coming and going so the contractor (our son, actually) has laid heavy duty PLASTICFILM along various routes throuhg the house to protect the new maple floors from their dirty boots. But for most people, plastic wrap is more definitely more familiar.

Les S. More 2:44 PM  

That used to be a pet peeve of mine, too, but I see it so often in the NYTXW that I don't even roll my eyes anymore.

SharonAK 2:47 PM  

like Claire I chuckled at the 45 D clue spirit guide . I was definitely thinking in ghostly directions until a few crosses made me see bar menu. I hopeLewis has it in his favorite clues of the week list.
Also smiled big, maybe chuckled at "plastic film" for 1 A "The Lego Movie"

okanaganer 3:03 PM  

@Anonymous 11:47 am: I have totally forgotten which cards were important in which game. The Jack of Diamonds was definitely something special in one of them; whether it was Hearts?... no idea.

Les S. More 3:26 PM  

Clare - nice breezy write-up and beautiful pup. We have 3 full-time dogs here at the farm and they are, collectively, both a joy and an aggravation. The aggravation part is almost doubled when my city dwelling son brings his two border collie crosses out for some real exercise and lets them run wild, but I love 'em when they calm down. Also loved your father's Moby Dick derived lede. Worked in the newsroom for a lot of years, seen a lot of clever ledes, but that might be the best.

@Barbara S., I thought SOMBER was just fine for Eeyore. Loved your etymological journey. Way back in my early university days everyone had a massive English dictionary (and, perhaps Harrap's English-French volume), but I was the only guy I knew that also had an etymological dictionary on my shelf. Though I can't remember the title, I do remember getting lost in it for hours at a time.

Really enjoyed the puzzle today, solved downs-only. Didn't see the theme until I was finished, of course, but loved it when I finally reviewed the grid via the acrosses.

Anoa Bob 5:25 PM  

I've been in quite a few bars and even was a bartender for several years during grad school and I don't recall ever seeing a BAR MENU. I also think Clare's dog looks well loved and cared for and that she's a cutie.

dgd 5:52 PM  

Anonymous 7:28 AM
Clare complained how the puzzle skewed old, and mentioned sad sack. I gather you never even heard the term. This blog has been an education for me as to what is not common knowledge among the young but are gimmes for me. I didn’t always know this origin but it was a very common expression since I was young.

dgd 6:26 PM  

Late as usual
Enjoyed Clare’s write up. Especially the puppy stories. The researchers who study dogs all say they are better at understanding us than we are at understanding them. And this smart puppy figured that out pretty quick!
I liked the theme. As Nancy and others said, a good way to use popular culture.
I thought Clare was a bit unfair about the puzzle skewing too old. Other than that agree with her evaluation. As I implied earlier, Sad Sack unknown!? Another indication of my (old) age.

Beezer 6:47 PM  

@Les S. More…I admit it…I’m focused on “newly built farmhouse”! Ok. I live in the Midwest. Are you a farmer? I’m truly not trying to be “cute.” Is this a style of house? Okay, I know…I should search it…

Beezer 7:00 PM  

Okay @Les…as per my comment above (to one of your replies) taken with “the farm”…AND after a search…I’m still a bit perplexed. Farmhouse “style” homes today looks nothing like what Midwest farmhouses look/looked like. But, you call “your turf” the farm. I guess I have a question here (somewhere) but not sure the blog is appropriate place to quell my idle curiosity that has zero to do with today’s puzzle!

Nancy S. 7:37 PM  

Go Huskies!!

Anonymous 8:42 PM  

Nobody mentioned or was shocked at the New York Times using “How’s it hanging?” as a clue?

Ancient @aol 8:47 PM  

No one was shocked or even mentioned that the New York Times used “How’s it hanging as a clue?”?

Gary Jugert 8:54 PM  

Un anciano le grita a una nube.

Super late as it turns out a job takes a lot of hours formerly dedicated to mirthful musings about words in grids and turns into them into exhaustion. Despite falling asleep in the middle of this, I had a grand time racing through even though the theme is less than sensible. Plenty of comedy kept me amused.

I hesitate to bring this up after (apparently) condescending to the Anti-S Lego afficionados yesterday and treating them as caricatures prior to them doing it themselves, but an S-free Lego appears today in a clue and I hope the balance is restored to the force. When a corporation tells you there's no S, there's no damn S. When a corporation tells you a Frisbee isn't a Frisbee, unless it's a Frisbee, then by all heck's sake, it better be a Frisbee. The next time I stoop so low, hand me a Kleenex, er tissue, before bloodying my schnoz.



People: 7
Places: 2
Products: 7
Partials: 6
Foreignisms: 2
Gary's Grid Gunk Gauge: 24 of 76 (32%)

Funnyisms: 8 🤣

Tee-Hee: X-ray Spex. Hubba hubba.


1 Grampa radicalized by Fox News explains taxation.
2 Agency created by xenophobes to radicalize grampas against immigration.
3 Those laughing at memes about radicalized grampas.
4 Grampa saying you'll have fun at his club.


My Fascinating Crossword Uniclue Keepsake from Last Year: One unafraid to list enemies of the day behind a tiny metal clasp. HOT TAKE DIARIST.


Blog Goliard 9:35 PM  

Tracking was one of the adjustments needed (I had to do it manually often enough back when) for optimal playback.

Les S. More 9:39 PM  

@Beezer. Sorry the late reply. I had to go out to a bunch of city errands. Just can't find a decent cigar shop out here in the country. So, yes I am a newly minted farmer and we live in an agricultural area that is still within the boundaries of Metro Vancouver. Most of the plots are 5 or 10 acres but many 100 acre farms still exist here. Because of a weird law enacted 40 or so years ago (for reasons unknown, at least to me) we were not allowed to erect two houses on the property. Our son and daughter-in-law took up residence in the existing and nicely renovated farmhouse and we set out to build a place for my wife and me separated from them by a large glassed-in conservatory. (Under the present permitting process, it qualifies as a reno). Addition is sorta modernist with lots of huge windows and clean lines but we have some traditional farm furniture to mix in with the modern stuff.

We raise goats and llamas and have a small, expandable orchard of apples, pears, plums, and cherries, a kitchen garden soon to be expanded to market garden status, and an almost completed chicken coop and run.

My wife gets itchy every ten years or so and we have to change up our lives. This is her latest project and I love her dearly so ... yeah, I'm a farmer now. Small scale, but still a farmer.

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