Odysseus' faithful dog / MON 3-24-25 / Like seaweed or raw octopus / K-pop group with an "army" of followers / Person who has reached near-mythical status / Call of Duty handle, e.g. / Vehicle in a light rail system / Character in "Frankenstein" films who doesn't appear in the the Mary Shelley novel
Monday, March 24, 2025
Constructor: Victor Schmitt
Relative difficulty: Easy (solved Downs-only)
Theme answers:
- BATHROOM SCALE (20A: Something you might step on before or after a shower)
- MORAL COMPASS (33A: Set of ethical standards)
- LIVING LEGEND (41A: Person who has reached near-mythical status)
The Boys is an American satirical superhero drama series developed by Eric Kripke for Amazon Prime Video. Based on the comic book of the same name by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson, it follows the eponymous team of vigilantes as they combat superpowered individuals (referred to as "Supes") who abuse their powers for personal gain and work for a powerful company (Vought International) that ensures the general public views them as heroes. The series features an ensemble cast that includes Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, Antony Starr, Erin Moriarty, Dominique McElligott, Jessie T. Usher, Chace Crawford, Laz Alonso, Tomer Capone, Karen Fukuhara, Nathan Mitchell, Elisabeth Shue, Colby Minifie, Aya Cash, Claudia Doumit, Jensen Ackles, Cameron Crovetti, Susan Heyward, Valorie Curry, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. [...] The Boys premiered its first season of eight episodes on July 26, 2019. A second season premiered on September 4, 2020, with the third season following on June 3, 2022. In June 2022, the series was renewed for a fourth season, which premiered on June 13, 2024. In May 2024, the series was renewed for a fifth and final season, which is expected to premiere in 2026. As part of a shared universe, a spin-off web series (Seven on 7) premiered on July 7, 2021, an adult animated anthology series (Diabolical) premiered on March 4, 2022, and a second live-action television series (Gen V) premiered on September 29, 2023. // The series has been nominated for eight Primetime Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Drama Series in 2021, and has won seven Critics' Choice Super Awards and six Astra TV Awards. (wikipedia)
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The short fill is the one place this puzzle falls off a little, but not in ways that are gonna make anyone throw their puzzle across the room. SRI URSA BTS SSN ORR ETTA etc. Nothing you really want to see there, but nothing you haven't seen a million times before, nothing that's gonna give you trouble, so nothing that's likely to register as truly bothersome. Solving Downs-only, I can tell you that the only short fill that really (*really*) bothered me is ROLD (14A: ___ Gold, pretzel brand). Awful. Truly awful. No excuse for a non-word like that on an easy Monday. And in a section where you've added a cheater square to make filling the grid easier, it's really inexcusable. Cheater squares are what you add because you need to get *rid* of things like ROLD. As a Downs-only solver, you need the Acrosses to be recognizable things, and ROLD was Not. I assumed I had a mistake there, but couldn't see what it could be. ROLD went right through the one answer up top that I was struggling with—the poorly clued SLIMY (7D: Like seaweed or raw octopus). I assume that I'm supposed to think of the seaweed and octopus as edibles (why else would "raw" be in there), and I've never thought of edible seaweed as SLIMY. Nori (the edible seaweed I experience most often) is the opposite of SLIMY. So boo to that clue. And huge boo to ROLD, the worst debut I've seen in a good, long while. Not All Debuts Are Good. And now constructors are going to have it ROLD in their databases, and they're going to assume it's OK to use. And it may be—but only in the tightest of spots, not in a basic 76-word Monday grid. The northern section of today's puzzle is send-it-back bad. Just because it's an easy Monday doesn't mean you shouldn't polish every inch of your grid.
Only two other answers gave me pause during the Downs-only solve, making this among the easier Downs-only solve I've ever done. GAMER TAG was gibberish to me for a while (10D: Call of Duty handle, e.g.), until I'd inferred a bunch of crosses. I recognize the term, but honestly, even after I got GAME, the only thing I wanted was GAME NAME, and that seemed (and was) impossible. I also had some reluctance to enter TV DRAMAS (38D: "The Boys" and "The Bear," for two), since, if I recall correctly, The Bear won the Emmy for Outstanding Comedy Series. [Looks it up]. Yep! Also the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series—Musical or Comedy. Not at all self-evident that that show is a TV Drama. As for The Boys, I have no idea. I don't have anything to do with Amazon anymore.
- 62A: Character in "Frankenstein" films who doesn't appear in the Mary Shelley novel (IGOR) — I don't think "fun facts" usually qualify as "fun," but this one kinda is. It's definitely a "fun" way to clue an answer that's been in the crossword countless times.
- 2D: Knight-___ (medieval character wandering in search of adventure) (ERRANT)) — this clue, also fun. Probably didn't need the whole parenthetical bit, but by getting "wandering" in there, you make explicit the word you're looking for ... plus, it just makes the concept in question more vivid. I studied medieval literature in grad school, so I've read about more knight-ERRANTs than I can remember. (Weirdly, I had a vivid grad school dream just last night, one in which there was some kind of reunion, and I was seeing certain people for the first time in 20+ years, and it was slightly stressful ... also, I realized *in the dream*, "... wait, why does everyone look the same? People would've aged." My dream brain does not have aging technology, apparently.
- 44D: Country between Djibouti and Sudan on the coast of the Red Sea (ERITREA) — got it on the first guess, no crosses. This may seem like no big deal, but it feels like a big deal, in that ERITREA was not a country when my basic idea of world geography was set in stone (or nearly so) back in middle school. ERITREA only got its independence in 1993. In fact, I'm pretty sure I only learned about its existence because of crosswords (possibly in 1993 itself, when ERITREA first appeared as a country in the NYTXW: [Nation born May 24, 1993] (Sep 12, 1993)—I can't believe the NYTXW was ever that timely with its cluing!). ERITREA actually appeared many times before 1993, but only ever as a part of Ethiopia ([Former Italian colony], [Ethiopian province], etc.)), and never during the time in which I would've been solving (i.e. post-1991). ERITREA's capital is ASMARA—handy to know, as Asmara frequently appears on ERITREA clues, and is an answer itself, from time to time (12 times in the Shortz/Fagliano Era, *37* times before that).
I'm happy to announce (all this week) that a new edition of These Puzzles Fund Abortion is available now (These Puzzles Fund Abortion 5!). Donate to abortion funds, get a collection of 23 top-notch puzzles from some of the best constructors in the business—mostly standard U.S. crossword puzzles, but also some cryptic crosswords, variety puzzles, and even an acrostic. Rachel Fabi and C.L. Rimkus have done such a great job with these collections over the past few years, raising over $300,000 for abortion funds around the country. I support a number of charitable organizations, but hardly any of them give me crosswords in return. So I'm going to give TPFA5 my money today [update: done!], and I hope you do too. Here's the link.
See you next time.
[Follow Rex Parker on BlueSky and Facebook]
Por todo el mapa.
Remember when we used to have a moral compass? Those were the days. We have a handful of living legends commenting on this blog. Looking forward to listening to the first devastated person apoplectic over plural LEGO with an {shudders} S.
Starting a new job today. I may be dead by noon.
People: 11 {sheesk... altho' ones a dog and ones a muppet}
Places: 3
Products: 4
Partials: 5
Foreignisms: 2
Gary's Grid Gunk Gauge: 25 of 76 (33%)
Funnyisms: 0 😫
1 True crime shows.
2 Folded fare for Frank Sinatra.
My Fascinating Crossword Uniclue Keepsake from Last Year: Henry Winkler being stupid at home. FONZ IQ RANGE ON LEAVE.
My five favorite original clues from last week
(in order of appearance):
1. What might keep you up at night? (3)(4)
2. Whom to call when you have a packed house? (6)
3. Hay there! (4)
4. Royal adversary (4)
5. Excellent, average, or bad, depending on the context (4)
@Gary Please don't 'be "dead by noon" - you & your comments mean too much to us. Going back to sleep now.
Good luck on your new job :)
Quick solve thanks to a lucky guess on the ARGOS/GAMETAG cross. Didn't consider the theme.
Not sure I ever met a Liverpudlian who would call themselves a Brit (much less be associated with Londoners). Scousers is how they identify. Proudly. But no foul here.
Was looking forward to the listening to the first person who would condescend to and caricature people who choose to use LEGO properly an adjective that modifies nouns such as "bricks" or "sets,"
Looks like I didn't have to wait at all.
I’m cool with the theme - just right for a Monday. There were a few tough answers to unwind - Rex mentioned ROLD, I’ll add ARGOS, GAMER TAG, POMADE and Captain America to the list.
I did notice the “S” at the end of LEGO while solving - however I’m so used to the NYT just doing whatever they want that I don’t even consider it newsworthy anymore.
There’s been a lot of drama over The Bear being in the comedy category when it comes to award shows. Was definitely considered by most to be a drama in its first season. Maybe a bit of a troll by the constructor.
Two days in a row now of debut puzzles where the constructor’s submissions were rejected a double-digit number of times before the yes – an inspiring message to not give up out of despair, to keep fighting, that things can turn around. Oh, may that be true!
Would you say there was bad fill… ALLOVERTHEMAP? Thank you, I’ll be here all night. Buffet’s half-off after 10 p.m., the food gets a little stale.
Cute early week theme - well filled for the most part. Liked MORAL COMPASS and the revealer was fresh and apt.
Not sure about Rex’s rant on ROLD - product name. HUBBUB, CROONER, NET LOSS, ASPENS all solid. Agree with the big guy on the scope and magnitude of the shorts.
Enjoyable Monday morning solve.
This theme is packed with lovely, with its gorgeous phrases LIVING LEGEND, MORAL COMPASS, and ALL OVER THE MAP. Those first two, by the way, are NYT answer debuts, and the third has only appeared once before.
Buttressing the lovely are HUBBUB, ERRANT, CROONER, CAMEO, and MEDLEY.
My TIL of the day is the mellifluous ERITREA, which I learned comes from the Greek name for the Red Sea – the Erythraean Sea – based , on the adjective “erythros”, meaning “red”. Lovely to see the echo in ROJO.
Victor, congratulations on your debut, and thank you for a box gleaming with beauty today!
Rex, is COHO old-school crosswordese you just knew by heart? Most of the puzzle was no problem downs-only, but I looked at 5A to get the C just to reduce the possibilities to check at 6D (OHIO could've been OLIO).
The only reason why ROLD is even in the grid is because ROLL would dupe 15D LOSE and 42D NET LOSS. But just like last Monday, I very quickly found a way to fix the grid with Crossshare's autofill:
Started to write Ethiopia but saw it wouldn’t fit. So ERITREA it was.
ROLD may be a “non-word” but if I’d been looking at across clues it would have been super obvious and easy. I have a feeling Rex might like The Boys. The Bear leans way more toward drama than comedy for me but an award is an award.
The two times I am absolutely least likely to step on a BATHROOM SCALE are right before a shower (when your feet are the dirtiest they will be all day) and right after a shower (when the water clinging to your body or towel or both will affect your weight). I was looking for some kind of mat there.
Hey All !
Nice MonPuz. Easy, agree about cheater square areas to be redone. Top one could be
which gets you in the Downs, HERO, ENEMY, FOSSE and gets an F!
And the bottom one could be
giving you in the Downs AVERS, (The best fill ever [Hi @M&A!!]) PEWIT, REDO.
A PEWIT sighting is worth it! Har.
Liked AS IT IS, smooth puz with little ROTS, DRAMA, or a cause for a bunch of HUBBUB.
Hope you have a good Monday!
ROLD may have been the easiest answer, if you actually read the clue. Complaining about it when you choose to use your own rules is ridiculous.
If you want to solve downs only, great. Have at it. However, critiquing puzzles based off your downs only experience (which is not what the constructors intend) seems unfair.
Nice to see a puzzle that starts out with an indirect reference to Don Quixote, probably the most famous knight ERRANT ever. And a ROJO too. Ole.
I like puzzles like this that make you want to guess the revealer. I thought, hmm, something with a MAP, but that was as close as I got. Didn't remember ARGUS and either of my sons may have a GAMERTAG, but that would be news to me. I don't think I have seen POMADE in print since I read Malcom X;s autobiography.
Nice Monday that knows how to Monday, VS. Very Smooth, and thanks for all the fun.
I took a lot of them college credit thingys in high school. Advance Placement math were pretty easy, and I shor did well at Advanced Placement Physics. I spose a fella could say that I was ALLOVERTHEMAP classes.
It's unusual to see MORAL and ASS in the same phrase, but I guess they COMPed us this one.
Does an Emergency doc going ballistic deliver an ERRANT? Maybe after he's had someone ODIN the waiting room?
I was pleased to guess the revealer before reading the clue and with no squares filled in from crosses. This is a pursuit I picked up from @Lewis. So while I'm thanking him for that idea (thanks, @Lewis), I'd also like to mention how much I like the "5 Best Clues" offering. I always cover up the answers and find myself worrying about mental decline if I don't remember them all. Today I breezed through all five, so no memory care home for me just yet. And while I'm in thanking mode, thanks and congrats to Victor Schmitt. Way to hang in there and finally breakthrough with a very nice Monday puzzle!
This is an ignorant take. Easy does not equal good. ROLD is bad whether you read the clue or not. Inherently bad. Which is why no one has ever used it before today. It’s a partial brand name. Junk.
This smoothly-made, pleasant puzzle with very nice fill and a somewhat tepid theme engendered in me absolutely nothing of consequence that I felt I simply had to say. This is a rare occurrence for me. So I read the comments first, hoping to respond to some of them instead.
To @Eg's comment about Lewis's quiz: "I always cover up the answers and find myself worrying about mental decline if I don't remember them all", I say this: I didn't remember #1, and now you've got me worried about mental decline.
@kitshef -- All that water might add up to, I don't know, half an ounce at most? But don't under any circumstance include the towel.
@Gary -- Wishing you luck with your new job. But please don't be dead by noon. Try to survive -- if not for yourself, then for us.
Don't they have Rold Gold pretzels where you are? We get Utz in the puzzle once in awhile and no one thinks anything of it, not sure why this should be any different
@Nancy - I'm guessing you have less hair (head and body) than I do. It's a pound + for me.
After SCALE and COMPASS, I was sure we were talking about geometry, but then LEGEND came along. So, that initial A in the reveal had to be for AtLas.... Nice to have a Monday with two theme surprises. Plus a knight ERRANT, a HUBBUB, and POMAGE
Thank you for the ERITREA lore! I know "erythema" but never would. have made the connection.
TVDRAMA might be a tongue-in-cheek answer since most of the TV watching community considers The Bear to be a drama and often criticizes its Comedy wins.
Medium but it seemed tougher. No costly erasures but I did not know LEE, ROLD, and GAMER TAG (hi @Rex).
…and yes, The Bear is a comedy or, with some squinting, a dramedy…my evidence: the Fak brothers.
Solid and reasonably smooth with a tight theme and fun reveal, liked it.
Croce Solvers - Croce’s Freestyle # 995 was once again easy-medium for a Croce (the bottom half was a tad tougher than the top) with the exception of my one square DNF. You may have the same problem? Good luck!
Just what genre is The Bear? A question sure to start a comment war. I can tell this much. I was sobbing during the episode where Sugar drives herself to the delivery room and has a deep talk with her mom. And speaking of comment wars, the plural of Lego is....
I feel like Monday got mixed up with Thursday or Friday. It was easy enough for regular solvers, but I suspect that neophytes expecting an easy Monday were bitterly disappointed. (I can usually solve the Monday with nary a thought. For me at least, this required some thinking and some using of the crosses.)
@kitshef…good grief! You are making me think of a wet Bernese Mountain Dog!
Oh my how stressful. I hope you can maintain your sense of humor. Best of luck.
A fine Monday, but I ran into trouble entirely of my own making in the bottom center. Never having written out ERITREA before, I totally botched the spelling on two letters (ERIThia—don’t know where that ‘h’ came from—I guess I combined the country with Aretha Franklin), and the two botched letters happened to cross IGOR, which I should have known right away except the clue threw me off (“Oh, I’ve only read Frankenstein, not seen any film versions, so I must not know this one” [voice over: but she did in fact know this one]) and DATE, which I now know is the fruit from a palm but did not ten minutes ago (“Hmm…it ends in an ‘i’—is “açaí from a palm? Maybe…I only know it from crosswords”), and there was a rapper crossing the two of those which is always going to throw me off. Nothing tricky—but my notoriously bad spelling continues to haunt me in middle age.
I agree. I immediately entered ROLD and then thought to myself, wow, their advertising must have really worked on me.
The Bear is shoehorned into comedy essentially because the episodes are a half-hour long, rather than an hour. I can’t remember any laughs from the last couple of seasons. Lots of effective dramatic ones.
Inre ROLD Gold: It is a national brand that has been around for over 60 years. No worse than any other PPP, in fact probably better with the rhyming and parallel spelling to GOLD. Solving the puzzle as intended rather than the downs-only stunt, it was no issue whatsoever.
Your reference to The Autobiography of Malcolm X brought back memories! Seems like Malcolm used Vaseline after his “at home” conk, though. Pretty sure hair pomade is still used these days!
One of them last-words-connections puzthemes. See a lot of those puppies, here. Pretty well done one, tho.
Right outta the chute I got HUBBUB, and said "all righty then -- gonna have lotsa U's, to make up for yesterday!" Wrong again, M&A breath. Those were the only 2.
staff weeject pick: JET. Always nice to see a scrabble-twerk in there, somewheres.
fave moo-cow eazy-E MonPuz clue: {Major or Minor in astronomy?} = URSA. har. A ?-marker clue that was a gimme. Rare stuff. Like.
other faves: HUBBUB. SLIMY. The ARGOS/GAMERTAG/RAMEN challenge. The ROLD of mystery [cuz M&A don't do pretzels].
Thanx for the fun, Mr. Schmitt dude. And congratz on yer debut. U are now on the Map.
Masked & Anonymo2Us
... and now for a harder 2-U solvequest ...
"No Place To Hide" - 8x7 12 min. themed runt puzzle:
Definitely bristled at The Bear being defined as a drama, though I also bristled when it was nominated as a comedy.
And obligatory bristling at the S after Lego. Name brands are adjectives. It's definitely one of those insider vs outsider things. People outside the AFOL community say Legos all the time.
Very nicely done theme with a tiny bit more sparkle than many Mondays, with things like ERITREA and KnightsERRANT. I am still waiting for the day I can identify a “cheater square” and figure out why it is bad. I guess the “bad” part is that it leads to shorter fill…verboten!
As for LEGOS. I hope this doesn’t sound condescending or caricaturizing (is that even a word?). I guess I liken it to Kleenex. You can have a box of Kleenex and you might ask someone to grab you a Kleenex. Have people ever said…”hey, can you grab me a handful of Kleenexes”? Probably. I do think that when the brand name becomes synonymous with a product, pluralization of the brand name as substitute for the product occurs.
I enjoyed the puzzle. I thought it was very very easy but it got my Monday off to a good start by making me feel super smart for being so quick. By Fridays I'm not so smart lol
And I liked Rold. Since when is there no brand names in crossword puzzles?
Walk into any supermarket and you're likely to see an entire aisle dedicated to Rold Gold pretzels. The point is: If you are going to critique or criticize a puzzle, you should read all the clues. If this clue ran on a Tuesday, and Rex had read the clue as the constructor intended, he would have answered it immediately and wouldn't have blinked an eye.
Gary Jugert
When I saw LEGOS. I also thought people will complain ( but you are funnier!).
We can call them what we want to,
You know, the Malcom X. autobiography was probably the last time I saw "conk" used in that sense too.
OK Christiansen
I think Gary would agree with me that he and I are reacting to people who complain that the puzzle is WRONG when it has LEGOS. We are not condescending we are disagreeing. I have a right to resent prescriptive critics who are implicitly questioning my way of speaking. ( And what most people in the US say). Get those Legos off the floor. I almost stepped on them. said the parent to the child
I think the critics are condescending not the other way around.
That's a rude comment. I agree with anon 8:50 that Rex's critique of this clue was off. But also ROLD is weak fill
The late comic Richard Lewis remarked once on having the Moose Skowron salad at Mickey Mantle's restaurant --- with the Vaseline.
A pleasant Monday. With a few clues that slowed me down (I do not do downs only) But there was a lot of easy crosswordese today as Rex noted. I did like the discussion about LEGOS especially Gary’s comment. Beezer had the best explanation of why Legos is a fine answer. That’s how language works.
I know, and it’s another example of useless knowledge clogging up my personal data storage space! Anyway, after I replied to you I searched the term. Yegads. No wonder you don’t hear it now because the term came from the product name which had lye in it among other horrible things!
Is anyone else having issues when solving on a desktop where the format of the crossword seems to have switched to something designed for mobile users (including a giant keyboard dominating the space).
@dgd…I beg to differ! When my son made a mess on the floor I said to him “ok, pick up your Lego bricks, your Lego people, your Lego palm trees or rocket cones, and every other permutation of Lego!”
Pretty easy Monday & enjoyable too. Thank you & congrats on your debut, Victor :)
FYI: AFOL is "adult fans of Lego." TIL there's an AFOL Youtube channel devoted to Lego stuff.
Agree with Anonymous above. As a desktop/laptop solver, I hate the new screen format. GIGANTIC keyboard (which I won't use) and the highlighted clue no longer appears above in large font (which is needed). And no ta-da (the least of complaints).
Agree, it is awful
@dgd. One can certainly disagree. But preemptively characterizing one who disagrees with you as "devastated" and "apoplectic" is a gratuitous and condescending caricature.
I tried solving down clues only, but it didn't work and I'm too impatient so I looked at some across clues. Most Mondays I can make downs-only work; sometimes not. Here it was because I guessed so many wrong downs: RUCKUS not HUBBUB, ROADS not PATHS, SALTY not SLIMY, USER NAME not GAMER TAG, and that's only the top row!
I'm usually disappointed when I have to solve the "normal" way because it's just not challenging enough to be much fun. As the critics say, it's my choice.
Unknown Names today: Suni LEE (although it wasn't a hard guess), never watched the two TV DRAMAS, didn't know ELMO was on Sesame Street. (I've heard of "Tickle Me Elmo"... checks... yup, same guy.)
We had tons of LEGOS as kids. So did our nephews. Everyone says "legos".
I agree that ROLD isn't a word. But why pick that out of all the many non-words we see in NYTXWs?
Just one week ago, we saw a non-word, SNO, clued as "_CAPS (candy)" -- quite similarly to that of ROLD except for the underscore. That was just one of the many brand name segments that have populated the puzzle for some years now, with no complaint.
I liked this puzzle. I did it - wait for it - downs-only. Because numerous commenters have pointed out that the constructor didn't mean for it to be solved that way, I feel obliged to defend my method. I've been solving these things for over 15 years and, about 6 or 7 years in, realized that I was competing Monday and Tuesday grids in about 6 or 7 minutes (pencil on paper; I'm slower on a keyboard). Not a ton of fun and what am I going to do with the rest of my morning?
I'm not trying to show off. In fact, when I began doing this there was nobody to show off to; I wasn't commenting then. And I certainly don't hold it against the constructor when I get held up. Usually, after finishing, I take a few minutes to read all the cross clues to see if I missed anything wonderful or clear up anything I did not understand. Today's example of that was ROLD. It worked even though I don't consider octopus and seaweed to be particularly SLIMY. I got the congrats and went back to check the acrosses and remembered that my teenagers' preferred brand of pretzels was ROLD Gold. Aha! Mystery explained - and a bit of fun. Held me up for long enough to make it interesting. So no boast and no blame, just a way to work in a second cup of coffee and finish my cigar.
The reason I (and perhaps others) state that we solve downs-only is to let the normal solvers know that we got hung up on the non-word ROLD not because we are stupid, but because we chose to work things out rather than just fly unthinkingly through. So maybe it is a boast. A small one.
Loved opening up with the silly-sounding HUBBUB and the old-timey ERRANT. Liked 58A "Gave for a while" because of the goofiness that LENT is also a while when you give up. Also thought al the themers and the revealer were solid.
I hope @dgd and okanager know….of course I said “pick up all your Legos!”
A nice, straight forward easy, breezy Monday. Cute theme, well executed. Sure there was some overly used short fill - ORR, ETTA, NSA, URSA, BTS, etc... but as @Rex pointed out, nothing that gave any trouble or caused any real annoyance. So I had fun and that's what matters.
Only got ERITREA from the crosses and for the longest time I had ERRANT for 2D - I don't care enough about BTS to get their name right so the incorrect D did not register right away. Other than that, no real holdups.
The themers look very pretty in the grid and it was a joy sussing out the revealer. I understand that this is a debut so congrats to Victor on a job well done!
What's going on with the MASSIVE unwanted keyboard now appearing on the puzzle screen?? NYT needs to get this removed!! Is everyone seeing this or just me? Windows and Chrome user.
@Beezer oh yes, I can hear my mom saying it almost every day!
yes! I'm been trying to figure how to change it all day!
The “fun fact” is wrong. Other than Marty Feldman’s parody role in “Young Frankenstein”, there are no characters named “Igor” in the Frankenstein movies. The hunchback you are thinking of from the original “It’s alive!” scene is named Fritz. Later sequels have another hunchback evildoer but his name is YGOR. I get that most Monday solvers don’t know that. But you can’t just say the editor’s name is Mill Shortz. Spelling counts with proper nouns.
Yes, me too. I emailed support and got no response.
When Rex noted the elk plural with an S only for the bpoe I definitely thought in my head “well Lego plural has no S but that never stops the crossword world!” Even though I KNOW everyone says legos. It is technically not correct. But I only jokingly get apoplectic. It is just a toy after all.
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