Difficult to wrangle, per an idiom / MON 11-25-24 / Advice to someone seeking happiness / Icelandic literary saga / He-Man's twin sister / Piece of jewelry that might complement a toe ring / Content between songs on Spotify

Monday, November 25, 2024

Constructor: Dena R. Witkes

Relative difficulty: Medium (solved Downs-only)

THEME: SOCIAL MEDIA (59A: Modern networking aid, as suggested by the starts of the answers to the starred clues) — theme answers begin with words that are also actions on SOCIAL MEDIA:

Theme answers:
  • SHAREHOLDER (17A: *Corporate investor) [you can share a SOCIAL MEDIA post]
  • LIKE HERDING CATS (27A: *Difficult to wrangle, per an idiom) [you can like a SOCIAL MEDIA post]
  • FOLLOW YOUR BLISS (44A: *Advice to someone seeking happiness) [you can follow another SOCIAL MEDIA user]
Word of the Day: The Las Vegas A's (52D: Las Vegas A's = ACES) (the clue actually has nothing to do with baseball, but I sure thought it did) —
The Oakland Athletics relocation to Las Vegas is an ongoing effort by the ownership of the Athletics of Major League Baseball (MLB) to relocate the franchise from Oakland, California, to Las Vegas, Nevada. The team was based in Oakland from 1968 through 2024, during which it won four World Series titles. Their relocation would make them the second major sports franchise to move from Oakland to Las Vegas, following the Oakland Raiders of the National Football League (NFL) making the same move in 2020. With four locations, the A's have had the most homes of any MLB team. [...] The Athletics' lease with the Oakland Coliseum expired at the end of the 2024 season. They will play at Sutter Health Park in West Sacramento, California, beginning in the 2025 season. This will be the third city relocation in the franchise's history since they had previously played in Philadelphia and Kansas City before their move to Oakland in 1968. It will mark the first relocation of an American League team since 1972 when the Washington Senators relocated from Washington, D.C., to the Dallas–Fort Worth suburban city of Arlington, becoming the Texas Rangers and first relocation for MLB overall since 2005 when the Montreal Expos departed from Montreal to Washington, D.C., to become the Washington Nationals. (wikipedia)
• • •

OK, the first thing I'm going to do is explain the clue that completely baffled me. I almost gave up on understanding it, and was in the middle of asking my SOCIAL MEDIA (i.e. BlueSky) followers for help, when I suddenly figured it out. The clue in question is 52D: Las Vegas A's (ACES). This is an absolutely brutal clue for a Monday, especially if you are aware that the Oakland A's (of Major League Baseball) are relocating to Las Vegas and will begin playing games there in 2028. It's even worse if you also know that the Las Vegas WNBA team is ... the ACES. I eventually got ACES but absolutely could not understand it. Seemed like a baseball clue ... with a basketball answer (!?!?!?!). I gave up understanding and went to ask my followers, but as I was asking, bam, it came to me. The "A's" here are just playing cards, such as one might find in Las Vegas (or any other place that has gambling). The "A's" are ACES. If you know absolutely nothing about sports, Consider Yourself Lucky today. Yeeeeeeesh. Monday clues are not supposed to baffle me. 

Now to the puzzle itself. It's really thin, with an underwhelming revealer. Feels like something I've seen done before, perhaps at another puzzle outlet. But that's not the problem. The problem is the concept is just tepid, and the revealer has no zing, no wordplay, no personality at all. Far too straightforward. Yes, those are all SOCIAL MEDIA actions (share, like, follow). But there's just three of them. With just three themers, the grid as a whole should be way more lively, with multiple 8+-letter answers (as opposed to none, which is how many this grid has). SHAREHOLDER is a snooze of an answer. LIKE HERDING CATS is great, but incredibly hard to parse if you're solving Downs-only. I had LIKEHER-INGC- and was certain that I had an error somewhere. No familiar phrase starts "LIKE HER," I reasoned. "LIKE HER what? Or ... is it ... LIKE ... HERRING?" Strangely, LIKE HERDING CATS is not a debut. It was used once back in 2012 (by a friend of mine, actually; hi, Mike). Whatever, compared to the rest of this grid, it's fantastic, so even though I floundered, I'll let it ride. FOLLOW YOUR BLISS feels quaint. FOLLOW YOUR HEART (same letter count) feels more natural to me, though I recognize that FOLLOW YOUR BLISS is a thing. Anyway ... boring, good, OK—that's how the themers seemed to me. The rest of the grid has nothing interesting to offer. It's not bad, it's just blah.

The Downs-only pitfalls for me came right in that "LIKE HERRING?" section, with the missing "D" making the two-word DUE TO very hard to pick up by clue alone (30D: As a result of). Other than that, I had the ACES issue, as you know, and then there was 41D: One might include a hammer, wrench and screwdriver—the slipperiest of all the Downs—which I had first as TOOL BOX, then as TOOL KIT (both much better than TOOL SET, especially in terms of the letter they bring to the grid (BOX > SET, KIT > SET, if only for that "X" and "K"). So getting SET was not just tough, but also semi-disappointing. It would be one thing if I'd ended up with the best or most colorful of the three options, but no, I ended up with ... SET. Sigh. I briefly wanted SAGA for 55D: Icelandic literary saga, but, well, you can see why that wouldn't work. Luckily I knew EDDA, both from grad school medievalist training, and from decades of crossword training (EDDA is crosswordese from way back—304 NYTXW appearances dating back to 1942). No issues with the clues, except I did not know that a SHOWER was, by definition, "brief" (6D: Brief rainstorm), and I've never heard ADS on Spotify in my life (39D: Content between songs on Spotify). That would be torture. If you use Spotify, better to splurge for Premium. Better for me, anyway.

Won't be here tomorrow, as it is a regularly-scheduled Claire Tuesday and also my birthday, so I'll be ... doing nothing, hopefully. Hanging with the cats as well as the human members of my family. Daughter's home for Thanksgiving week—we saw Wicked yesterday (starring Cynthia ERIVO of last Sunday's puzzle fame). I don't think I'd been out to the movies alone with my kid, just me and her, since ... like, Madagascar (2005)? No, Happy Feet (2006)? Something like that. So fun. She's taller now, and has a bigger vocabulary, so the experience is slightly different, but still a joy. I think the thing I'm proudest of though, is that when I asked her what snacks she wanted from the concession stand, her unhesitating reply was "Popcorn, Junior Mints." That's ... that's my movie snack order [single tear rolls down my cheek]. "She'd grown up just like me / My girl was just like me..."

See you next time.

Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld

[Follow Rex Parker on BlueSky and Facebook]


Lewis 5:42 AM  

My five favorite original clues from last week
(in order of appearance):

1. Game of throws (5)
2. On ice longer than normal, say? (2)(2)
3. One with an "accept all cookies" policy? (5)
4. Understudy opportunities? (4)(2)
5. Spot-checked? (3)(3)


Conrad 6:07 AM  

Happy Birthday, @Rex!!!

Alice Pollard 6:08 AM  

Happy early birthday Rex .

Son Volt 6:09 AM  

Cute enough early week - but there is the underwhelming quality and a big why? SOCIAL MEDIA is now an everyday commodity - who could be interested in building a theme around it - it’s like constructing a puzzle around your utility bill. Aside from the starts of the themers - I liked them as standalone entries - HERDING CATS and especially FOLLOW YOUR BLISS.

The Avett’s

Some testy cluing - Rex highlights the LV A’s but I also liked FIREMEN, TOOL SET and I LOVE IT. Been seeing EDDA quite a bit in the puzzle lately. Highly recommend a visit to Crater Lake NP.

Pleasant enough Monday morning solve. Another trip around the sun for Rex - thanks for what you provide here and enjoy the day brother.

Sittin’ plush with a royal flush

Jane M. 6:16 AM  

Being practical, I routinely reject advice such as FOLLOW YOUR BLISS (or heart, or dreams).

My advice for finding happiness? Follow your nose.

Rick 6:23 AM  

junior mints are the one true way at the theater (with popcorn)

Bob Mills 6:26 AM  

Needed trial-and-error to get the SHERA/ENDS cross, otherwise not a problem. No way to know for sure, but I suspect the constructor didn't consider baseball with the Las Vegas A's clue. The Oakland A's aren't in Las Vegas yet, so it's forgivable. I also had toolkit before TOOLSET.

SouthsideJohnny 7:08 AM  

I stumbled around in the same places as Rex with the TOOL SET and finally acquiesced and dropped in ACES. For some reason, HALE didn’t register as a word for me so the H in SHERA x HALE was my last square, and a pure guess. I’m guessing that He-Man is probably being used here as a proper noun (similar to ANT-MAN ?) and not as a generic description for someone who lifts a lot of weights.

kitshef 7:21 AM  

Recently bought a new car and it comes with three months of Sirius/XM. I was shocked to find that even though it is (normally) a service you pay for, you still have to listen to gibbering idiots in between songs. But no ADS, as far as I can tell.

Clue for I LOVE IT definitely does not land for me. "Big fan" is something you would say directly to the person you are fan of, so the equivalent would be YOU ROCK, or YOU RULE.

kitshef 7:23 AM  

Ooh! and I had a malapop when I initially posited HALE for the actor Alan at 62A, only to have it appear at 7D.

Lewis 7:27 AM  

Often, the biggest Monday challenge for me is leaving the revealer blank, filling in the theme answers, and trying to guess what the revealer is. This is a skill I have trouble with. Today I did see SHARE, LIKE, and FOLLOW, and figured that the revealer would involve a pun based on a particular social media site. Not quite, and thus I needed a few crosses to get the revealer. But at least I got part of the way there – small steps.

And my brain loved the workout in trying to figure it out.

It also enjoyed scanning the completed grid and finding a trio of accessories (TIES, SASH, ANKLET), a quintet of “A” sandwiches (ARENA, ALA, AHA, ALDA, ALGA), and a pair of symmetrical rhymes (LASH and SASH), not to mention seeing that ANO is preceded by a word that contains it (HANOI).

Also, a word I adore, PATINA. My heart smiles and warms all over when it comes across that word.

Dena, congratulations on your NYT debut, and it is clear that with a Friday in the queue, you have range. Looking forward to that one, and I’m grateful for your puzzle today, which brought all these pings of joy.

Elision 7:54 AM  

But you can also be a big fan of an object or idea.

Dr.A 7:55 AM  

I was unreasonably annoyed by FIREMEN. Isn’t it Fire Fighters now? I don’t know. Otherwise, whatever. Did not even see the ACES clue, I guess I solved with the crosses!

Andy Freude 8:00 AM  

Yesterday I couldn’t fine my wire cutters in my TOOL box. They turned up in Mrs. Freude’s TOOL kit, which she keeps in a TOOL bag. Neither of us owns a TOOL SET.

Happy birthday, Rex! You’re a lucky dad. I last went to the movies with my daughter about twenty years ago. I think I’ll try to make that happen again next time she’s on this coast instead of that coast.

Anonymous 8:02 AM  

Happy birthday! Do you put the Junior Mints in the popcorn, as pictured?

MaxxPuzz 8:09 AM  

Have a fine birthday! It’s such a great present to have a lovely "kid" come home again. Ours won't be until Christmastime. Hope yours will be back then as well!

Aelurus 8:19 AM  

Happy birthday, Rex!

Got LIKE HERDING CATS right off the L. Didn’t think a LAB, the cross at the head of that answer, could be a cat herder. After all, didn’t those tough cowboys on horses ultimately fail? I remember that great ad, but I don’t remember the product being touted.

Liked seeing both ATE and EAT sharing the E at 40A.

Crater Lake in Oregon is the clearest, bluest, deepest lake in the United States. Stunningly beautiful. It was a gorgeous autumn day and we hiked all the way down to the water’s edge on a switchback trail that drops...let me check...700 feet in 1.1 miles. Going back up was tougher. We had recently seen Finding Nemo and as we kept climbing and climbing, slowing and slowing, I quoted Dory, the blue tang fish who told Nemo’s dad, Marlin, when he needed encouragement: “just keep swimming...just keep swimming....” I was astonished when a young child who obviously knew the tune well started cheerfully singing just like Doryas she and her mom passed us and continued up the trail. So ably encouraged ourselves, we picked up our pace.

Thanks, Dena, for a fun Monday. Just keep swimming!

BillG (no, not *that* BillG.) 8:25 AM  

Cat's in the cradle, Rex. Happy early birthday.

dash riprock 8:28 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
mmorgan 8:28 AM  

I did better think usual downs-only but still got stuck near the top, so I had to look at some across clues. But just a few! Theme did nothing for me, as I assiduously avoid social media. I figured A’s were ACES as in cards since luckily I know nothing about sports. How’d you like Wicked, Rex? I went with very low expectations and thought it was amazing. Happy Birthday, too!

RooMonster 8:28 AM  

Hey All !
Happy Birthday, Rex! Doesn't it seem like you just had one of these? Dang, slow down time! 😁

Fine MonPuz. Lots of easy clues, got a chuckle out of remembering MOI said by Miss Piggy.

Couple of similar answers, MAZE/HAZE, BEG/KEG, AHA/ALA. ANO as a non ASS is always nice to see.

Brief writeup today. Always a good thing from me!


Two F's

Ed Rorie 9:14 AM  

A shower is indeed usually brief, but more importantly, it is the opposite of a storm.

Anonymous 9:17 AM  

Happy Birthday! We're looking after the three grandkids so "like herding cats" was nice. Liked a little more challenge for Monday

Aelurus 10:00 AM  

About those movie snacks – Sno-Caps for me.

Had TOOL box first, but when I saw the clue for 66A knew that wasn't quite correct.

@Lewis 5:42 – I make a game out of trying to remember the answers in your list of favorite original clues (thanks for these!), and for last week I was four out of five. Couldn’t recall EASY A’s.

@Dr.A 7:55 – I wondered too and looked this up. According to a March 2024 report on FOX 5 New York, out of 11,000 uniformed members of the New York Fire Department, 165 are women.

Gary Jugert 10:07 AM  

Similar a pastorear gatos.

@Beezer Don't ever feel guilty about that pension! It's how life is supposed to be for those of you who dedicated yourselves to public sector (and largely thankless) work.

Awkward theme eh? SHAREHOLDER and SOCIAL MEDIA are sooo dull, FOLLOW YOUR BLISS is really terrible advice if you ever want to own a decent car, and LIKE HERDING CATS is something I relate to as a teacher.

I think a HOLE is a problem with every sock, not just old ones. I support sock integrity.

There's no need to TASTE it. As a dude with blood pressure issues, I can assure you everything has way more than enough salt.

❤️ [Miss Piggy pronoun]. Sooo great.

Gunk light and wildly unhumorous. This is not the puzzle you are looking for.

Propers: 3
Places: 3
Products: 2
Partials: 1
Foreignisms: 5
Gary's Grid Gunk Gauge: 14 of 78 (18%) {Epic!}

Funnyisms: 1 🤨

Tee-Hee: A TEAT. [Bread loaf butts] ... Hey! I resemble that clue.


1 Why Starbucks used to be awesome and now it's kinda lame.
2 Why you don't leave the house in New Mexico after dark.
3 Did a beer bong.
4 Soccer mom logs off Facebook.


My Fascinating Crossword Uniclue Keepsake from Last Year: The very terrifying or totally terrific life you're not leading without the products proffered 30-seconds at a time with background music. ADMEN SPOOFISM.


Nancy 10:07 AM  

I saw SHARE and LIKE and knew that the next theme answer would begin with FOLLOW. But what would the fourth theme answer begin with? TWEET? RETWEET? REPLY? LOG OFF? When you have no experience on SOCIAL MEDIA, this is a very difficult question. BTW, which platform are we on, anyway?

I forgot about leaving the fourth theme answer slot for the revealer answer.

This is the sort of thing I do to make an unchallenging Monday more interesting for myself. It would have been fun to have had a theme that tied both halves of the theme answers together. Such as: What do a SHAREHOLDER and LIKE HERDING CATS have in common? Both have stock that can't be controlled?

Nah -- you almost never have that kind of macrothemism (yes, I just coined it) on a Monday -- so you just have to take what you get. I found no challenge in this puzzle at all.

T. Esla 10:07 AM  

And we have all been taught from a very early age never to shower during a thunderstorm

BobL 10:32 AM  

Do you suppose crossword mentors tell their new constructors not to read Rex?

Gary Jugert 10:50 AM  

@Nancy 10:07 AM
We are on Google's Blogger platform. It comes free with your Gmail account and you can make as many blogs as you want, but Google has long since abandoned most meaningful support for it, and that's why it's so awkward to use. It's still running on 1990s fumes. Imagine two programmers in a basement office in Pasadena spending most of their time blocking psycho blogs. Google doesn't rank Blogger sites highly in its in it's own search results probably because free blogs worth reading (like Rex's) are rare, but awful blogs are plentiful. Writers looking for larger audiences start blogs on better platforms these days.

egsforbreakfast 10:52 AM  

Don't ask me why, but AT EAT, A TEAT ATE AT me.

Mrs. Egs thinks that the way to make a company run better is to FIREMEN and hire women. I think she's onto something there. On the other hand, she put bells on the collars of all her feline pets, and it's really annoying. I really don't LIKEHERDINGCATS.

Pro tip: If you go fishing for Gar, bring a GARNET.

Like others, I originally was following my heart, but when I saw that the final word had to start with "B", I figured it must be FOLLOWYOURBallS. Maybe a softer version of the old "If you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow."

I thought this was about right for a Monday. Like @Lewis and @Nancy, I got where the SHARE, LIKE and FOLLOW we're taking us, but was thinking too specifically about sites to outright guess SOCIALMEDIA. Congrats on a swell debut, Dena R. Witkes.

Joe from Lethbridge 11:05 AM  

I was also annoyed, and I was also annoyed that Rex didn't call out the constructor for it.

M and A 11:10 AM  

A connections puz ... another "starts with" puztheme mcguffin.
Sure did luv that LIKEHERDINGCATS themer, tho.

No ?-marker clues. U kinda need a couple, even on a MonPuz, just to add some humor/intrigue/somesuch.
{Szeus's main squeeze??} = ?*. There yah go.

staff weeject picks: The pub's word ladder of ABS/ADS/ADE/ALE/ALA/AHA. Primo weeject stacks in the NE, SW, mid-W, and mid-E, btw.
fave moo-cow eazy-E MonPuz clue: {Capital of Vietnam} = HANOI. Cuz DONG wouldn't fit.

Thanx, Ms. Witkes darlin. And congratz on yer unquestionable debut!

Masked & Anonymo2Us

p.s. @RP: In case M&A forgets ... Happy B-Day, tomorrow.

p.p.s.s. * = SHERA.

utterly spamless ... but crucial runtpuz hint for it: when in doubt, guess "U"...

Nancy 11:13 AM  

Did you know that there's a funny "Cowboys HERDING CATS" ad? This comes courtesy of some people on the Wordplay Blog.

Anonymous 11:15 AM  

Wholeheartedly agree on Junior Mint! It was my husband's nickname for our then one-year-old son.

jae 11:20 AM  

Easy and it would have been easier if I hadn’t put TOOL kiT before SET (Hi @Rex). A pleasant breezy Monday, liked it quite a bit more than @Rex did. Nice debut!

We went to Crater Lake in July a few decades ago, it snowed.

Croce Solvers - Croce’s Freestyle #962 was a medium Croce for me with the NW the toughest part. Good lick!

Happy birthday @Rex!

jb129 12:16 PM  

I never heard of "Follow your bliss" but bliss is nice however you phrase it. An easy Monday.
Congrats on your debut, Dena :)
And, of course, wishing you a Happy Birthday early, Rex 🎂

Kimberly 12:19 PM  

The “A“ referred to neither baseball nor basketball. Another thing that happens in Las Vegas that you might not be familiar with is gambling. They use decks of cards. Shockingly, Vegas is actually quite famous for gambling. And card playing. The A that most people would think of in Vegas is the card, the Ace.

jberg 12:31 PM  

I don't usually try to guess the revealer; I just work the crosses until I come to it. They I pause a moment to try to guess the theme (if I have not done so already), before looking at the clue. This time, though, SOCIAL MEDIA seemed so obvious I just checked the length and wrote it in. It was kind of fun, maybe I'll try it again tomorrow.

My wife and I had Covid vaccine appointments this morning, so I solved the puzzle while waiting for her to get ready to leave, but did not have time to come here. So here I am now, more immune than before.

The theme was OK, even though the three words are not universally used -- on FB you "friend" rather than "follow," on Twitter you would "retweet" rather than "share," but maybe this has changed. But those are probably the generic terms, so fine. My only problem was that I wanted to follow my dream, rather than my BLISS; and while a LOOFA is a "sponge" in some sense, I don't consider it "spongy," because it doesn't absorb water; so I resisted that one a little. Also, I wanted the pet docs to be documents, so I almost wrote in "tagS." Fortunately, I waited for the crosses on that one.

The most surprising thing for me was putting in with no crosses. I have no idea whatsoever how I knew that.

OK, let's see what you all said.

Sailor 12:40 PM  

Your annoyance was not unreasonable. The implication that only male firefighters are brave felt like an insult to all the brave women who fight fires and save lives.

Dena R. 12:50 PM  

Mostly 🤷🏼‍♀️

Anonymous 1:00 PM  

Once again—READ THE BLOG (Rex explains this)

jberg 1:02 PM  

@Nancy, thanks for that! And notice that one of the catboys says "it's like living your dream," -- not your BLISS!

jberg 1:04 PM  

After 42 years as a college teacher, I long ago lost count of the number of times some dean had said that managing faculty was LIKE HERDING CATS--as it should be, in my opinion!

okanaganer 1:05 PM  

Solving down clues only, for me to consider it a total success it's not enough to fill the grid correctly without looking at any across clues, I also have to figure out the theme. Well I got the grid right -- yay -- but not the theme. Rather than spend ages trying, I decided to take the technical victory and go home (ie read the clues). It just didn't occur to me to check the first words!

Here in the southern interior of British Columbia, we have two seasons: high summer, which is about 3 months with basically no precipitation, and the rest of the year which can be anything from mild and cloudy to clear and minus 30 degrees. This year, it is evidently an endless series of rain SHOWERs interrupted by windy cloudy days. I was quite surprised yesterday when, on my afternoon walk, I heard the "ping" of baseballs being hit at the nearby ball field. A father and his two sons hitting and fielding baseballs. In the cold cloudy drizzle. Late November; temperature 3 degrees C (37 F). In shorts and T-shirts! Nicely done, men.

Diane Joan 1:14 PM  

Happy Birthday Rex! Glad your daughter could join you!

Gene 1:16 PM  

I believe that's why the clue says "e.g."

Gene 1:23 PM  

Successful Downs Only, and 52D was quick because I *did* know the WNBA team. and Rex's theorizing seems to originate from someone playing with less than a full deck. 😁

SharonAK 1:31 PM  

@Egs Lol at "MrsEgs thinks...
@Nancy thx for the Herding Cats video

"Follow your bliss" sounded very in the language to me and has a lot more zing than "follow your heart"

Anoa Bob 1:41 PM  

Solid Monday offering, refreshingly light on names. I didn't know 6A SHERA but we all know 52A Alan ALDA, right? Oh, and there's LASH Larue at 1 Down. I believe he was one of the first to LIKE HERDING CATS.

Like @Lewis 7:27, PATINA is one of my favorite words. It technically means a green film or covering that forms when copper or bronze is exposed to air for a long time. Think Statue of Liberty. (Is she still declaring “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”?) PATINA can also mean any covering or coating that indicates great age and can be a sign of authenticity in antiques and such. I myself am covered in an authenticating PATINA.

I first heard FOLLOW YOUR BLISS in a Bill Moyer interview with writer, teacher, philosopher Joseph Campbell. Sounds easier said than done. If I did that I would be spending all my time shooting pool, playing poker and throwing the frisbee at the beach.

Blog Goliard 2:01 PM  

It’s a small thing, but the clue describing ORAL arguments as a “section” of a case struck my ear funny.

It sounds normal enough to speak of a section of a document (an advocate’s brief, a judicial opinion). But a case that goes up to the Supreme Court moves through a legal *process* that has *stages* (one of which may be oral argument, though many cases are disposed of prior to/without argument); those are the natural-sounding words to use there.

M and A 2:29 PM  

slight correction to previous msg: “puz’s word ladder”, not “pub’s word ladder”.
M&A Dept. of Corrections

Anonymous 3:14 PM  

Easy-medium Downs-only. I didn't know about the Las Vegas Aces and got that clue quickly. But I assumed that 4D was a sports clue, and with LO--A in place at 1A, I could only think of LOTSA and LOTTA as option. It wasn't hard to infer the FIRE part once I had -MEN.

dash riprock 3:47 PM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe 5:38 PM  

"She'd grown up just like me / My girl was just like me..." Great! 😊

Escalator 7:23 PM  

6:53 to solve today….with no errors….a record for me….

Anonymous 7:47 PM  

I totally agree. I kept it blank, hoping there might be three other letters. It's 2024. Really? SMH

Judy 10:32 PM  

Least favorite. - Suffix with Gator or hater - - ade. Certainly heard of Gatorade. Too easy, especially with upper case G. But what or who is a haterade?

Anonymous 10:37 PM  

When I am doing New York Times crossword, I expect a certain amount of respect for the English language. I don’t like millennial made up words. I don’t like abbreviated email messages. I like an intelligent crossword. Not a trashed out made up crapped out grid.

Dr.A 8:13 AM  

Thanks all for validating my annoyance! I appreciate it.

Anonymous 2:09 PM  

You know millennials are in their 40s now, right? And sorry, but if hep cat still fits in the grid then I have no problem with haterade.

Aviatrix 10:15 PM  

Retired pilot here. In my world, the opposite of SHOWER is "steady precipitation." Showers come from high, vertically developed, cumulus clouds. They can produce more intense precipitation than the smooth layer clouds that produce steady precipitation, but because you pass through them quickly -- or if you're on the ground they pass by you quickly -- the precipitation is intermittent. Thunderstorms and blizzards come out of vertical clouds.

I don't think you'll see this, but I wonder where in the world you are that storms are associated with steady precipitation.

rondo 6:23 PM  

At least 20 threes in here including a mini word ladder ADE ALE ALA AHA; couldn’t work in ANO ABS AMI. 28 A's in the puz, or 15% of the white squares, seems like A lot.

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