Main script of written Japanese / SAT 2-1-25 / Brief getaway for newlyweds / Dubious, in modern lingo / Pseudoscientific bodily emanations / Five-limbed marine creatures / ___ Fierce, onetime Beyoncé persona / Group that practices baptism for the dead / Instrument that might contain dried beans / Flat-topped straw hat
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Constructor: Kate Chin Park and Rafael Musa
Relative difficulty: Easy
Word of the Day: "AIN'T I A WOMAN?" (28A: Sojourner Truth speech in which she said "You need not be afraid to give us our rights") —
"Ain't I a Woman?" is a speech, generally considered to have been delivered extemporaneously, by Sojourner Truth (1797–1883), born into slavery in the state of New York. Some time after gaining her freedom in 1827, she became a well known anti-slavery speaker. Her speech was delivered at the Women's Convention in Akron, Ohio, in 1851, and did not originally have a title.The speech was briefly reported in two contemporary newspapers, and a transcript of the speech was published in the Anti-Slavery Bugle on June 21, 1851. It received wider publicity in 1863 during the American Civil War when Frances Dana Barker Gage published a different version, one which became known as "Ain't I a Woman?", because of its oft-repeated question. This later, better known and more widely available version was the one commonly referenced in popular culture and, until historian Nell Irvin Painter's 1996 biography of Truth, by historians as well.
Sojourner Truth was born Isabella Baumfree, in 1797 in Ulster County, New York. Truth ran from her enslaver in 1827 after he went back on his promise of her freedom. She became a preacher and an activist throughout the 1840s–1850s. She delivered her speech, "Ain't I a Woman?", at the Women's Rights Convention in 1851. Truth questions the treatment of white women compared to Black women. Seemingly pointing out a man in the room, Truth says, "That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere." In the Gage version, she exclaims that no one ever does any of these things for her, repeating the question, "And ain't I a woman?" several times. She says that she has worked and birthed many children, making her as much a woman as anyone else. Despite giving birth to children just like white women did, black women were not treated with the same respect as white women. Black women were women, but because their race was seen as inferior, being a woman did not mean much if they were not white. There is no official published version of her speech; many rewritings of it were published anywhere from one month to 12 years after it was spoken. (wikipedia)
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[28D: "Till one has loved a |
In contrast to the hiragana syllabary, which is used for Japanese words not covered by kanji and for grammatical inflections, the katakana syllabary usage is comparable to italics in English; specifically, it is used for transcription of foreign-language words into Japanese and the writing of loan words (collectively gairaigo); for emphasis; to represent onomatopoeia; for technical and scientific terms; and for names of plants, animals, minerals and often Japanese companies" (wikipedia)
1. a receptacle (such as a bag) containing small articles which are to be drawn (as at a party or fair) without being seen2. a miscellaneous collection: POTPOURRI (
- 34D: Share the bill (GO DUTCH) — I got this easily, but was ... mildly startled? ... as I thought this was kind of a slur (against the Dutch, for being cheap). "The Oxford English Dictionary connects "go Dutch" / "Dutch treat" to other phrases which have "an opprobrious or derisive application, largely due to the rivalry and enmity between the English and Dutch in the 17th century", the period of the Anglo-Dutch Wars. Another example is "Dutch courage". A term bearing some similarities is Dutch oven." (wikipedia). But dictionary dot com says: "Going Dutch appears to come from a 19th century Americanism, a Dutch treat (or Dutch lunch/supper), which also refers to each person paying their own way in a meal. The Dutch, here, apparently refers not to people from the Netherlands, but from Germany and Switzerland: the Pennsylvania Dutch, who supposedly had a custom of bringing their own food to gatherings, like a potluck."
- 31A: E to F, for example (SEMITONE) — I will confess that I "knew" this only in the sense that I had heard the term before, and once I had a few crosses, I could infer it. It's just the interval between two adjacent notes in a twelve-tone scale. Think piano keyboard. Since there is no (black) E sharp key, one note up from E is F.
- 50A: Pseudoscientific bodily emanations (AURAS) — sounds like something they'd try to sell you a spray or a roll-on for. "Stop pseudoscientific bodily emanations in their tracks with new AuraKwench!" I'm just glad the answer wasn't AURAE. Hurray for regular old English plurals!
- 58A: Five-limbed marine creatures (SEA STARS) — growing up, we just called these "starfish." Got this one easily from SEA-.
- 9D: Dubious, in modern lingo (SUS) — I am dubious about most things "in modern lingo," but I had to say I love "SUS." It's just so compact and evocative, with a deeper undercurrent of "that ain't right" than the full "suspicious" can convey. I remember my sister and I abbreviating "sketchy" to "sketch." Maybe lots of people did that. Anyway, same idea. I wouldn't use it, as I'm too old to be picking up new slang without sounding ... well, SUS ... but I do not mind seeing SUS in the grid at all.
- 21D: Play areas that, despite their name, are actually squares (DIAMONDS) — I love baseball and I love this clue, though *technically* a diamond can, in fact, be a square (see def. 1.3 here)
[Follow Rex Parker on BlueSky and Facebook]
@Rex: please post the Amazon link for AuraKwench. I have some friends I'd like to try it out on :)
Easy Saturday here too. A few stumbles but nothing that took very long to unravel
6D: My Chinese zodiac began with the RAm before RAT
21D: Wanted the play areas to have something to do with ...riNgS before they turned out to be DIAMONDS
30D: @Rex AXel before AXIS
36A: Had most of MINIMOON in place before I read the clue, so easily inferrable from there.
38A: aka before NEE
46D: I thought George LUcas might have been the director
NELLA Larsen at 55A
Maybe a nod to Black History Month with the Sojourner reference? Too bad neither the Pentagon nor the State Department will recognize Black History Month...
Super easy for a Saturday, for me. Started with a bump but then barely slowed at any point: NE was hardest for me since I first put in sPicETART (didn’t have ACIDTRIP or PANORAMAS yet.) but moved on and when I returned the error was obvious.
Wow! Now this one had the Whoosh Whoosh! Agree it was more like a Friday or even a Wednesday level.... or anyway, right in my wheelhouse! 10:02 for me, I think that's a record for me on Saturday, Katakana before HIRAGANA; Confidently wanted "half step" before SEMITONE (but the S from PARENTS seemed pretty solid) . Took me a while to see MBA and BOATER.... kept thinking about an MfA degree. Loved ODDSANDENDS and AINTIAWOMAN. Beautiful grid! Thanks, Kate and Rafael! That was fun : )
Gotta agree on the difficulty. It was a record Saturday time for me.
I guess it was easy, because I finished it without cheating. But it took over an hour, because I had "Sherpas" instead of NEPALIS as Everest climbers and "yield" before CRACK. I had no clue on the Japanese script, but trial-and-error gave me SASHA (which appeared the other day as an Obama family member), and that did it. Just MINIMOON a real thing?
Being so sure of aka instead of NEE and sherpaS instead of NEPALIS really held me up. Also, fAtherS instead of PARENTS and leftOPEN instead of WIDEOPEN. So not easy for me. But a good Saturday.
Semitone? Half tone ..............
At 6:53, my personal best for a Saturday.
I had the G for 22A and dropped in AGOG for some reason. That was a tricky mistake to find (ANNa for ANNE, HIRoGANA for HIRAGANA and ALL gONE for ALL DONE).
Rex summed me up pretty accurately - the Sojourner speech and the Japanese characters were the two sticking points - in fact that whole NE corner was brutal cause I also am not familiar with the 1909 ANNE sequel, SUS is not a term I use and I’m one of the very few people on the planet who know very little about Beyoncé (I do know that she is the “All the Single Ladies” lady, but that’s probably from about a decade ago by now). Oh, and I think she is singing country music while Dolly is rocking and rolling now - I may be wrong on that though.
I also learned how to say “hello” in LAOS, in another good example of a common usage foreign word brought to you by Will “liar, liar, pants on fire” Shortz.
I started by entering “epiphany” for one across, which seemed very right to me, but of course was wrong and a holdup for me. I was pretty sure that Hiragana was the answer to 12 down but I was offended by the clue. As the definition above says hiragana is “ is used for Japanese words not covered by kanji”. But since most Japanese words are covered by Kanji, Hiragana is not the main script of written Japanese, Kanji is. Finally not all notes in the twelve tone scale are separated by semitones. Most are separated by whole tones. E and F are separated by a semitone.
Once the cluing voice fell it was smooth sailing. Liked most of the longs - APPLE TART, ODDS AND ENDS and HIT PIECES are all top notch.
Some obscure trivia - Rex highlights most of it. Backed into HIRAGANA, NELLA and AINT. SEA STARS is cool. Was looking for et VOILA first - the clue/answer is a little disjoint there.
That Petrol Emotion
Comfortably enjoyable Saturday morning solve. For more crunch - check out the center diagonal run in Anna Stiga’s Stumper.
SUNYs own Mercury REV
Two minutes faster than yesterday's solve so definitely on the easy side for a Saturday.
The NW was particularly easy but I was slow coming out. I didn't know the Japanese word but the speech title went right in and provided all the leverage.
Iwas relieved to get the congrats when I finished in the SE because in spite of how confident I was of the crosses for NELLA in the SW I couldn't be sure of it.
Easy but really terrific.
Not my fastest ever, but about half my average Saturday
Ahh, the beauty of and skill behind this grid, this sweet looking grid with its chunky white spaces.
It’s a grid design never seen in the Times before and has a most lovely flowy feel. It’s so skillfully filled, with gorgeous answers such as AIN’T I A WOMAN, HIT PIECES (a debut answer), GO DUTCH, MINIMOON, and ODDS AND ENDS. Plus, with very low word and block counts, it’s so cleanly filled in.
Looking over the grid, and channeling Jon Stewart: “Here it is, my moment of wow.”
My best experience of the solve – a rare and wonderful Saturday megasplat:
I had only a smattering of answers in the top half – one of them was AND DONE for [Finish line?]. Nothing seemed to be working up there so I changed it to ALL DONE and suddenly – and I mean suddenly, BOOM! That two-letter change triggered a staccato of slapdowns – ka-BAM kaBAM, kaBAM – and in one mad dash splash, the top half was filled in.
Oh, man. That’s a thrill when it happens, no?
Thank you for that, Kate and Rafael, and for a splendid outing through a beautiful, skillfully made, and fun puzzle!
My one sticking point was SEMInOtE for TONE. Otherwise pretty easy for a Saturday.
Rex, I remember “sketch” but hadn’t made the connection to “sus,” which I also love, though I’m old enough I can’t use it without earning an eye roll or two.
Had lobotomy before acid trip.
Yet again Friday and Saturday got flipped, as this was much easier than yesterday’s puzzle. Three minor holdups:
AXle before AXIS
sWIrlS before TWINES
StArfish before SEASTARS (thinking even as I wrote it that SEASTARS was better).
My personal experience with NEPALIS is that they are unhurried, except in Kathmandu, where it is chaos. But elsewhere, if something is scheduled for 7 o’clock and at 8 it still hasn’t happened, no one stresses about it – they just hang out patiently. As opposed to around here, where at 7:05 people are ready to riot.
Hand up for a fast and enjoyable Saturday. Only erasure was OFL'S A
That sound you hear is the wind going out of my sails as my EGO deflates after reading RP’s critique. Just when I thought I might’ve finished a perfectly nice Saturday without help, he declares it “too easy.” You’ll never hear that criticism out of me though, not on the seventh day of the cruciverbal cycle. What the pros may call lack of challenge, I say is a very pleasant surprise. Thanks to Kate and Rafael for a smooth and most enjoyable solve.
Idk which country I’m living in (California?) but MINIMOON has been a thing here for probably 20 years? Since I knew people getting married and BABYMOON as well. I didn’t think it was regional but maybe it is. I got hung up in a couple places but overall fun and well done. I had KATAKANA in some type fo puzzle in the past but not this one HIRAGANA. Now i know two types of Japanese writing. That’s pretty cool.
Hey All !
Very verbose Rex today, apparently he finished puz so fast, he had extra rambling time. 😁
I, too, found puz easy. A SatPuz with the timer at 18:48? Goodness. Almost set fire to the ole brain. Har.
Had starfish first for SEASTARS. Is Patrick from SpongeBob a Starfish, or a SEASTAR? cOwS-MOOS, clue set up for either answer. nyc-EST, lots of Time settings clues lately. Good ole ASSESS which will get @Anoa's dander up. Or could be ASSES for a group, ala y'all and all y'all. 😁
Fun, breezy SatPuz. Saved some precious brain cells.
Get prepared to see if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow early tomorrow morning! Went to a Groundhog Day in 2002. Pretty neat.
Happy Saturday!
One F
Hand up for a fast and enjoyable Saturday. My only erasure was OFL's AXLE/AXIS confusion and lots of first guesses seemed correct and were. Love when that happens.
Got all done an noticed I had left a blank square where SAS_A CROSSED _IRAGANA.I thought "I bet that's an H, but I can't run the alphabet on paper and get the happy music. I give myself credit for a logical guess.
Do people still GODUTCH? Pretty common years ago, but I haven't heard it in a very long time. Of course, I haven't been on a date in a very long time either.
Nice work, KCP and RM . A Saturday that Keeps Crossword Puzzling Really Marvelous, and thanks for all the fun.
I found this pretty easy, too, and really enjoyed it, although wouldn’t have minded a little more resistance. I did not get ACID TRIP first thing but I did get PANORAMAS, then started to work on downs 1 through 8. The first five came easily, so had ACID T___, and promptly filled in ACID Test, with a mental tsk-tsk that the answer didn’t fit the clue very well. D’oh. Like @Conrad, I had RAm before RAT, which messed up my APPLE dessert for a bit.
A few problems along the way, but all easily fixable: growL before SNARL, AXle before AXIS (I even wondered about AXel, the figure skating jump, as it’s also the [Center of a revolution]. I resisted SUS for a long time until SASHA could no longer be denied. I don’t know the word and it was getting muddled in my head with SUSs, as in grasp or realize. I didn’t think of SUS as in suspicious until reading @Rex.
Didn’t think I knew AIN’T I A WOMAN, but it came with just a few crosses. HIRAGANA was a total mystery. I think I learned MINIMOON from crosswords, although I see it’s been in the NYTXW only once before, in 2021, so it seems unlikely I retained it from that usage, maybe from puzzles in other venues. Agree with @Rex about the evolution of STARfish to SEASTARS.
Fun puzzle! Thanks, Kate and Rafael.
In a 12 tone scale the notes are separated by semitones. In a DIATONIC scale there are semitones (half steps) and whole steps.
Semitone is British usage. Most Americans call it a half step.
I say SUG and GNARL. Sus is suss. Double s. Sug is a dubious suggestion.
NE was a complete disaster of natick, the rest was easy and boring.
Nyoooomed through this and was so proud of myself until I wasted minutes looking for my error: ALLgONE. Grr.
My doctor brother heard of two colleagues who opened a practice together: a psychiatrist and a proctologist. They were first said to serve heads and tails, and later ODDS AND ENDS.
That sounds like my life story!
Easy puzzle, amazing blog. I always learn something and find joy in this forum. As a first generation American with roots in Holland, I’ve always cringed at the Dutch treat thing - see 34D: Share the bill (GO DUTCH). The origin and historical context shared here is all together enlightening, interesting and freeing for me. Thank you, Rex!
Just admit you put party favors before odds and ends, Rex!
If you look at grains of sand with the aid of LOUPES, you'll find that some are perfectly rounded, but others have tiny, unexplainable projections here and there. Experts call those projections ODDSANDENDS. When they find a really great scoop of sand, they'll save it by giving it to the assistant to put in a bag with a flexible strap around it. "BANDIT," they'll say. "If we keep looking we might even HITPIECES of SEASTARS."
When I play tic-tac-toe with my granddaughter, she makes huge "X"s, which I guess are BIGNONOS.
You know what they say, behind every great ass stands a great ASSESS.
I think that the employees of the Genius Bar should be called APPLETARTs. "Hi, I'm SASHA, and I'll be your APPLETART today."
Every last bit of my solve was the same as @Rex's. Real fun, real fast. Thanks, Kate Chin Park and Rafael Musa.
Thank you for calling out the DIAMONDS answer! If you rotate a square… it’s a diamond.
I fell for RAm>RAT. This led to wondering if an APPLEmART was short for some kind of solidified apple martini.
Speaking of short for; I always thought of SUS being short for “suspect”. Quick internet research suggests either, but I think it matches the sense of SUS better than “suspicious”.
Same problem with WOE HIRAGANA. ANN_ could have been an E or A. Plus, I don’t get EGAD as any kind of “oath”, I’ve only ever understood it as an exclamation.
As others have said, this was a quick whoosh that could have used a little more resistance for the full Saturday experience.
New-ish solver here. I have been amazed at the number of times acid shows up in the puzzles. Sometimes it seems like all constructors are habitual LSD users!
What with the PARENTS coaching Little League and the STAGE MOMS I felt a surge of childish rebelliousness, but it didn't go very far. More generally I liked the wide variety of the fill, from SEMITONE to MINIMOON (nicely situated just below WAXING.) And a variety of viewpoints, from LOUPES to PANORAMAS. The puzzle also featured perhaps the most outrageous cluing yet of EST as a time zone. Although that clue has a weakness -- since Times Square, the actual 'setting' for the ball drop is in the clue, you know right from the start that there's something else going on.
I don't know much about movie directors, but I'd heard of ANG Lee and Sydney LUMET, even if I didn't know they'd directed those particular movies. I should have, in the case of "Twelve Angry Men," but somehow my mind was telling me it was a British film from one of the Angry Young Men -- misplaced anger, there.
Question of the day: do you have to be male to go STAG?
Way too easy
It's been a while since we've had a bit of fun with Hidden Diagonal Word (HDW) clues, so ...
1. Place for troops to meet and eat
2. Titular fish you can find (diagonally) in this grid
3. Foot-shaped forms in manufacturing
(Answers below)
Not as easy for me as for Rex. Nothing unusual there. It was a few minutes past my typical Saturday easy time, but I solved it late night and may have nodded off along the way once or twice. So, easy/medium, I suppose.
SUS crossing SASHA crossing HIRAGANA carries some definite Natick potential for folks like myself who aren't big Beyonce fans.
And no, I understand that a square turned 90 degrees can be called a "diamond" but a baseball field is not such a square. Period. The infield is both a square and a diamond, but the "play area" also includes an outfield. Awkward clue at best.
Answers to HDW clues:
1. Mess (off the M in 35A, SONOMA--I always thought that MESS referred to the food in that tent, but it refers to the place itself)
2. NEMO (off the N in 35A, SONOMA)
3. LASTS (off the L in 46A, LAOS--a Saturday level clue for an ordinary Monday word--LASTS are used in the manufacture of shoes)
And, for good measure (with apologies to G. Jugert), some uniclues/answers:
1. Rrrrrip!
2. Gastric woe from eating too much dessert
3. General studies advanced degree
"I remember my sister and ME" - why have objective pronouns fallen so far out of fashion?! But I am also an old person who loves "sus" - score one for the kids today.
All my life I thought SEA STARS and starfish were different animals, but Rex is right, but my mistake is common -- what I've been calling SEA STARS are actually brittle stars. Although I'm not sure what the criteria are for saying one English name is right or wrong; that's why you're supposed to use the Latin names when you want precision.
My second son lived in Japan for 6 years, so I've visited that country quite a bit, and knew about the different types of writing -- but not how to spell them. I put in HIRAkANA, and wondered how an EkO checked your id.
To my shame, ACID TRIP did not occur to me until later in the solve, when I had the A. I was looking for something starting with LSD or drug. As many probably know, Michael Pollan has a book about LSD called "How to Change Your Mind," so it wasn't hard to see the pun there.
Sorry for the politics, but it's utterly shameful what's happening right now. We are moving backwards as a country and not nearly enough people know about it.
Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that's exactly what they were doing with the Sojourner Truth quote.
Shaq also has an EdD which threw me off. I didn't know he had the MBA, and could have believed Sheryl Sandberg had an EdD.
30D error…. An axis is the center of a rotation, not of a revolution …the center of a revolution is another object …
The earth rotates on its axis, and revolves around the sun … suggest you read Arthur Koestler’s “The Sleepwalkers’.. it’s a science book for English majors…
Love your blog, anywho, elj
Easy for a Saturday -- definitely! -- but chock-full of deliciously colorful fill. Too bad it's not Monday; imagine the story that @GILL might have woven out of such entries as ACID TRIP, OPIUM, STAGE MOM, BANDIT, MINIMOON, AIN'T I A WOMAN, WAXING, and BIG NONOS. Why I'd almost like to take a CRACK at it myself.
A word about ACID TRIP. I love that clue at 1A because it creates curiosity -- and is there any better place to create curiosity than at 1A? But I've avoided the mind-changing ACID TRIP like the plague and shall continue to do so -- the problem being that you have no idea how an ACID TRIP will change your mind.
For example, I could certainly benefit from a more serene mind. My mind has little to no serenity. But would I be lucky enough to get more serenity from an ACID TRIP? Nah, I'd probably wind up with a lot of added angst and worry and lurid fears I'd never even thought of before. No matter what kind of mind you have, no matter what aspects of it you might wish to improve, what I say is: "Better the mind you have than the one you've never met."
A very enjoyable puzzle -- but over too soon.
IMAFAN, too. A Saturday that sat squarely inside my landing zones of knowledge. I was stumped for a bit by the squares/diamonds dilemma, interpreting “play area” as theater, but Rounds wouldn’t fit and don’t even think about Proscenia. I abandoned that ship and happily found WIDEOPEN over there in the SW and was saved. Fun, fun puzzle.
Hiragana and katakana are Japanese; Kanji is the term for the 20,000 or so Chinese characters they also use to shorten writing. Most people can’t read a newspaper there until they graduate high school and learned all of the Kanji.
Asurdly easy, it actually makes me feel bad. I obliterated my Sat personal best time and it's just so skewed. This was genuinely a Wednesday level puzzle - maybe even a Tuesday, based on my time! What were the editors thinking??
Definitely easy today. Like Rex, I needed ODDS AND ENDS in order to change AXle to AXIS. And HIRAGANA a total no-know (but not a BIG NO-NO!) My main hold-ups were half-TONE and “am I not a WOMAN” which doesn’t even fit but I didn't notice I was missing a letter until I fixed the phrase.
Like @Nancy, I haven't (and won't) try LSD. I'll just stick with whatever creativity my unadulterated brain can conjure up.
I circled the clue for 13D as a fun clue, “Finish line?” For ALL DONE. I suppose they could have clued AND VOILÀ similarly.
Nice, breezy Saturday, thanks, Kate and Rafael!
This is the first Saturday that I’ve ever gotten without looking up names or hints! That’s probably a sign of how easy it is, but also I’ve been learning Japanese for the last year, I teach game design/studies/programming at uni (Among Us made “sus” very popular) and my DEI and social justice research has given me exposure to Ain’t I a Woman, so some of that was luck for sure. :) but also this was just very low on names which seems to be a big sticking point for me!
As Andy said above, a semitone is the British name for what we call a half-step. In a 12-tone scale, there's a semitone/half-step between D and D-flat, D-flat and E, E and F, etc. Also, they call quarter notes "crotchets" and eighth notes "quavers", and you don't want to know what they call 64th notes :p
Yep, easy. No serious problems with this one.
Costly erasures: ACID Test before TRIP, AXle before AXIS (hi @Rex), RAm before RAT, and sherpas before NEPALIS.
I did not know NELLA and HIRAGANA.
Very smooth, breezy and fun, liked it.
Am I the only one who launched in confidently with LOBOTOMY? Yes? Oh well.
¿No soy una mujer?
D'ya ever feel like acid and LSD show up in the puzzle way more than real life?
Except for the people in here, and the Japanese thing I still don't quite grasp, the cluing wasn't even trying to be tricky. It took me a regular Saturday amount of time to do, but I'm blaming 30Rock as I'm watching it for the first time and you kinda hafta pay attention or suddenly Kenneth is in a pickle and you don't know how it happened.
Thanks for the animal/pizza joke 🦖. My offer to buy Ida is still on the table.
People: 8
Places: 2
Products: 2
Partials: 3
Foreignisms: 2
Gary's Grid Gunk Gauge: 17 of 68 (%)
Funnyisms: 2 😕
1 What you'll hear if you promised me your cherry.
2 Oh gosh, that's how cousin Clarence ended up in a burned out Buick in an abandoned warehouse.
3 Where to begin smoothing out California.
4 Study partner named Poppy.
5 Why your ankles and crotch are cold.
6 High elders.
My Fascinating Crossword Uniclue Keepsake from Last Year: Boopshedoopeewoop church in Flibbertigibbet, Djibouti. TAJ RAMALAMADINGDONG.
@Whatsername 8:19 AM
"... on the seventh day of the cruciverbal cycle..." when virgins are sacrificed to the god of bad fill OOXTEPLERON.
So how else are minds changed?
Really sailed through to my surprise, but axle before axis hed me up..but one I redid that, the traffic jam opened, and voila! One of the faster Saturdays.
the mind you don't have yet is the mind to seek.
Nicely crafted SatPuz.
Biggest challenge was negotiatin the crossin SASHA/HIRAGANA/(SEMITONE&AINTIAWOMAN)/BIGNONOS/MINIMOON complex.
staff weeject pick: SUS. Always like things with U's in em, even when they are BIG or small NO-kNOwS. Really rootin for a future puz with a TRUMP/TURD crossin in it, f'rinstance.
fave stuff included: DIAMONDS clue. AINTIAWOMAN to celebrate Black History Month. CLASSMATE clue. ODDSANDENDS. GODUTCH.
Dang, MORMONS ... who knew? Reminded m&e of a schlock flick we watched last nite: "The Sect".
Thanx for gangin up on us, Ms. Park darlin & Mr. Musa dude. IMAFAN.
Masked & Anonymo5Us
p.s. Runtpuz assembly line is broke down, for a spell. Sorry, both of you.
@Nancy, you said it! (an expression probably as old as GO DUTCH). I agree all the way, and thank you for putting it all so eloquently.
@Anonymous 8:03, my first thought was also "lobotomy?" but CAPRIS prevented me from writing it in.
Do-overs: katAGANA, it's DONE. No idea: HIRAGANA. Favorite spots: WAXING MOON, BOATER, WIDE OPEN.
I hear ya. I get a chuckle at how often “bra” slows up!
@dragoo - could that be abbreviated HDSQ?
@M and A 12:16 PM
Uuuum, hello. Fix the Runtz!
Ridiculously easy except the NW corner, where I spent almost all of my solve time. Confidently put in the absolute gimme NYE for 27-across (“Setting for the Times Square ball drop: Abbr.”) and then struggled to reconcile the crosses and couldn’t. Finally changed it to EST and everything fell into place. Change that 27-across clue to eliminate the brutal misdirection and this is a pretty fine Wednesday or Thursday. That 27-across clue seems like a desperate attempt to justify running this on a Saturday.
I've said it before and will say it again. Saturdays are often easier than Fridays. In fact, I still need to finish yesterday's puzzle. It really helped that GO DUTCH went right in, and AINT I A WOMAN. A few good misdirects: Wanted gym before SPA, and figured the source for OPIUM was probably poppy, also five letters.
And I do think my CLASSMATE answer seemed a little sketchy or SUS. But all in all, an excellent puzzle with fine and often amusing clues.
I lived and worked in Japan for two years back in the 80s so my AND VOILA moment was 12D HIRAGANA. Dropped that in off of just the G from 26A EGO. I never learned that or the mystifying kanji, the Chinese pictographic characters, but I did learn the third writing system katakana because it is used for words borrowed from other languages, especially English.
It does this phonetically. I still remember once waiting for my train and looking at signs around the station. One placed over some double doors read in katakana エレベーター ("eh ray bay tah"). I was thinking what the hello that could be when it hit me---"elevator"!! Yay me! The only McDonalds I ever saw in Japan (in Okinawa) was "mah coo noh dah roo noh". Fun stuff.
Although my dander remains calm and serene (hi @Roo), I always notice when a grid leans heavily on the plural of convenience (POC) as happens today. Starts right away when PANORAMA, CAPRI, PARENT and STUDY need help filling their slots. There's also a two for one POC when DIAMOND and LOUPE both get boosted by sharing a single final S.
Of special note is 43D ASSESS. In the lower right column or bottom row it can enable up to four crossing POCs (here only three for AURA, HIT PIECE and SEA STAR). The king in this regard is ASSESSES, a POC* itself that can enable up to five crossing POCs.
*The POC is strictly a crossword term , not a grammatical one.
So why did I have KAZAN for so long (Lumet)? I started out whooshing through this - then got too over-confident (as in cocky) & found myself stopping my whoosh & making all kind of stupid mistakes - CLASSMATE & I would never have guessed or known HIRAGANA. "Elia Kazan - you screwed me up today!"
Great Saturday, thank you both.
And always good to see sweet Ida Mae :)
As a Canadian we learned the tone/semitone terms but fortunately avoided the crochet/quaver language of the Brits
Dare I share that I did ACID once & I'm still here to tell the tale , although I won't 🙄
What the hell are LOUPES??
A fool doth never change his mind
And who can think it strange?
The reasons' clear --
For fools, my friends, have ne'er a mind to change!
I generally finish all NYT crosswords but I’m never quite sure if it was simply easy or it was difficult and I was hitting on all my synapses. Until I log onto Rex. Since this was a Saturday I was hoping for the latter and a heightened sense of accomplishment. Oh well.
"Sus" is short for "suspicious", and has nothing to do with what I believe to be the originally English coinage "to suss out something", meaning to figure out. Just because the words look similar doesn't necessarily mean they are related.
Me too!
Yes, a good puzzle but very quick at 12.5 minutes. I did not recognize the Sojourner Truth speech, and even when I had it correctly filled in from crosses I misread it as "ANITIA WOMAN" which was just huh??
Hands up for AXLE before AXIS. Others have pointed out the clue is a bit incorrect for the technical difference between revolution and rotation, but then this is a crossword, not a science textbook.
Other typeovers: SHERPAS before NEPALIS, and TORIIS before TWINES for "Coils" (I know it's actually TORI but that didn't fit). Also FAST before AS IS for "How a home might be sold in a seller's market", which caused another amusing typeover: looking at F-R-S for "bodily emanations", I put in FARTS because, well...
HIRAGANA was a gimme, as I took Japanese once. (Katakana makes for a kind of obscure KeaLoa.) @Anoa Bob: your remembering of the Japanese kana for "McDonald's" should be "mah coo doh nah roo doh". I know because I posted exactly that, here, about 10 years ago!
Well AIN'T I JUST A WOMAN....One taking deep breaths hither and yon. Is this correct? Is that correct? Yes and no because (sigh) it's Saturday and I always need a thinking cap.
So I said to myself.....Is it really an ACID TRIP? Why yes, indeed it tis. Then I get stuck. How do you spell BANDIT? I always thought it had a D in the rear end. SASHA? EGAD, I had to cheat on you. I also had to cheat on ANNE of wherever and then NELLA? EGAD, the names got me again. I never know them. Except LUMET, even though I have no idea what 12 Angry Men could possibly be angry at.
MINI MOON....I knew ye. Does a herd sound like a Baas, a Mass or MOOS? I guessed correctly because I know all about MORMONS and OPIUM, AND VOILA, I was done in that section.
To the bottom I sailed but I wasn't all that sure. How to spell NEPALIS instead of Sherpas. Is it really SEA STARS and not Star Fish. I guess so.
So I finished with name cheats and I didn't find it exactly easy peasy ut I really loved the workout and I felt smart. I shall now read everyone and see what this Mensa group did. (Not hard to guess).....
Dang! Sumimasen. It was nearly 40 years ago so I'll use that as my excuse.
A loupe is a magnifying eyepiece. Jewelers (and other professions that do a lot of small-detail work) use them frequently.
Actually don’t mean to be nit-picky but with Rex’s real name being what it is I thought i should ring in that F can be considered E sharp in some keys and there are double sharps too (##). So the piano layout doesn’t necessarily govern the scales. I’m going by long ago memory so google the deets if wanted
A tip on how you might have avoided the "brutal misdirection" of 27A: I can't remember whether I did or didn't have CAPRIS written in when I got to 27 Across -- but I did know that any kind of "pants" would almost certainly end in an "S". Jeans. Shorts. Trousers. Bermudas. Cutoffs. Whatever. Which gave me "?S?" for the Times Square ball drop setting. And "setting" has been used many, many times in the NYTXW to convey a "time" setting. Making EST a gimme for me.
What the 12 Angry Men are angry at: They're a jury, @GILL, and they're mostly angry at each other.
I'm surprised at how many people here -- people old enough to have seen this movie when it came out -- are unfamiliar with it. It was a pretty important and well-regarded film at the time. However, I did have the chance to watch it again at some point in the last 5 years or so. Sad to say, I didn't think it held up well at all. I found it dated, stagey, and preachy.
Ram before Rat.
Halfstep before Halftone before Semitone.
But otherwise, finished this 10 minutes faster than my average.
Sometimes not thinking of a word can be a great help. If you thought of nee and Nepali first it would have been a lot easier. I had a cross in both cases so your choices didn’t come to mind, fortunately.
Southside Johnny
This is a Saturday after all, though an easy one. So LAOS is not a generally recognized answer at all. Almost no one is expected to know it from the clue. It is crosswordese Four letter foreign country. One letter on a cross was enough for me.
Many of us do like these types of tricks. Shortz has to satisfy a wide range of people. And he is not lying at all.
I think it’s a question of the word script.
I haven’t heard Kanji called a script. The clue is not saying that HIRAGANA is the main Japanese writing system but the more important of 2 scripts. Syllable based writing system created by the Japanese and used to fit a writing system created for an utterly different language (Chinese) into something usable.
EGAD most definitely started as a curse. G and d are from GOD and it was considered blasphemous to use the word itself in non religious contexts.
About sus
Don’t know about suss but sus is definitely of English origin. It goes back to the’70’s when English police started arresting people “on suspicion” as a formal category. Naturally it was shortened to sus and then went way beyond its original setting
Words often go for from their original meaning.
Late as usual
Agree it is easy.
One good move I made wa to treat axis/axle as a kea/loa and leave the last 2 blank units crosses Apparently even Rex was tripped up by that.
I enjoyed the puzzle even though it was easy.
After 2 full years and I guess over 100 attempts this was my first Saturday completion so thanks Kate and Rafael for making it an “easy” one. Roger in Sydney.
I was at a wedding in October and when I asked the groom about a honeymoon, he said they had time only for a "minimoon" (in quotation marks because the program kept correcting it to "minimum."
This was my second-fastest Saturday ever... despite solving it on my phone instead of a computer.
Honestly— how could they run this on a Saturday.
I saw E to F as a fuel gauge so fiddled around with variations of "fill 'er up"
I was waiting for someone to finally say that! I thought it had to be February Fools Day
Yes, way too easy for a Saturday. More like a Tuesday, although this octogenarian mi shed sis and Sasha. Otherwise , very pleasant in places as Rex points out. Loved the Sojourner Truth quote.
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