Gillette razors / MON 10-7-24 / Fictional archaeologist with a fear of snakes, informally / Fixture at many a cash bar / Supersoft sweater material / The Gaels of the NCAA / What adequate ventilation provides / Sweeping camera movement / Something a loyal customer may redeem for a free drink / Like the slang "totally tubular" and "da bomb"

Monday, October 7, 2024

Constructor: Desirée Penner and Jeff Sinnock

Relative difficulty: Very easy (solved Downs-only)

THEME: TIME AND TIME AGAIN (39A: Repeatedly ... or what can precede both halves of the answers to 19-, 25-, 53- and 63-Across) — both halves of the theme answers can follow "time" in a familiar phrase:

Theme answers:
  • SLOT MACHINE ("time slot," "time machine") (19A: For which 7-7-7 might be a jackpot)
  • STAMP CARD ("time stamp," "time card") (25A: Something a loyal customer may redeem for a free drink)
  • OFF LIMITS ("time off," "time limits") (53A: Taboo)
  • PERIOD PIECE ("time period," "time piece") (63A: Historical drama, e.g.)
Word of the Day: LAMAR Jackson (16A: ___ Jackson, N.F.L. M.V.P. in 2019 and 2023) —

Lamar Demeatrice Jackson Jr. (born January 7, 1997) is an American professional football quarterback for the Baltimore Ravens of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football for the Louisville Cardinals, winning the Heisman Trophy in 2016, and was selected by the Ravens with the final pick (No. 32) in the first round of the 2018 NFL draft. Intended to serve as a backup in his rookie season, Jackson became the Ravens' starting quarterback after an injury to the incumbent Joe Flacco. He went on to clinch a division title with the team and became the youngest NFL quarterback to start a playoff game at age 21.

Known for his dual-threat play style, Jackson led the NFL in touchdown passes in 2019 while setting the single-season record in rushing yards for a quarterback.For his success, Jackson became the second unanimous NFL Most Valuable Player(MVP) and the fourth black quarterback to win the award. Jackson followed up his MVP campaign by becoming the first quarterback to have multiple seasons with 1,000 rushing yards and led the Ravens to a third consecutive playoff appearance. Following the 2022 season, he signed a five-year contract worth $260 million. In 2023, Jackson led the Ravens to the top seed in the American Football Conference (AFC) and was named NFL MVP for the second time, en route to the team's first AFC Championship game since 2012. (wikipedia)

• • •

Really enjoyed this one. It was one of those days where all the Downs-only magic was flowing my way. SLAMS ERICA CASHMERE right out of the gate, then double back to get PIVOT (after inferring the "P" in SPEC). Slight hesitation at STAMP CARD ("is that a thing? ... oh, right, yes, yes it is") and then up and through SLOTM-, which couldn't be anything but SLOT MACHINE ... so I was flying, whooshing, without even looking at a single Across clue. But with two themers down, I still couldn't tell what the theme was supposed to be, so I tumbled down into the center of the grid (ASTI AIM LIP ATM DUE), and then, from "-EANDTIM-" ... bam, right across the grid. 

What a rush to pick up a grid-spanner from just the middle chunk, and a bigger rush to have that grid-spanner clearly, concisely, and perfectly reveal the theme to me. Didn't need to read the clue on TIME AND TIME AGAIN to know exactly what it meant. I thought "OK, if that's the revealer, then there's going to be two ... times ... probably." And sure enough, I look up, and yup, that checks out (time slot, time machine; time stamp, time card). Something about the exhilaration of flying through the grid on just the Downs coupled with the clear and clever wordplay on the revealer phrase made this one a lot of fun to move through. And the remaining themers were still fun to get because, even knowing the gimmick, I still had to pick them up without their clues. Got to experience another no-look whoosh moment later in the solve when I threw down PERIOD PIECE off of just a tiny chunk of central material ("-IOD-"):

Confirmed that answer with PAN (64D: Sweeping camera movement), and from there, it was a fairly easy trip over to the SE corner and ... done. Ended on SRSLY, and yes, SRSLY, despite some less-than-great fill here and there, I liked this one a bunch. The "both halves"-type themes can often yield two-part themers that feel at least a little bit forced, but all four of today's offerings were rock solid—rock solid as standalone answers, and rock solid as two-part "time" followers. Since "time flow" is a thing (isn't it?), I had a moment where I thought AIRFLOW was a themer (29A: What adequate ventilation provides). But then I looked at the symmetrical answer (NY STATE), and couldn't make sense of "time NY" or "time state" (although that kind of sounds like a thing). Also (going back to AIRFLOW), though "air time" is a thing, "time air" is not. So no, those 7-letter Acrosses have nothing to do with the theme. Just the four themers today—clean and clear and thematically perfect.

Moments I could have done without: OBI crossing OBIE (not a dupe, but feels like a dupe); NY STATE (I live in it but it doesn't feel like a solid phrase to me—NYS is an abbr. I've seen, but NY STATE seems to be trying to have it both ways (abbr. and non), and it just feels off); and then, because I had to stop and work for FIERY, my attention was called to the crosses on that one, which are ... not good. Weird to write in FIERY and know it has to be right but really want it to be wrong because MII and ATRAS look so bad. They really want to be MOI and ATLAS ... but FIERY > FOELY, I'm afraid, so I just had to wince and move on. Those minor infelicities, however, did very little to dampen my overall enjoyment of this one. We also get a couple of decent long downs. CASHMERE ... so soft. And who doesn't love Paul GIAMATTI? I will confess I did not care for The Holdovers, but American Splendor is one of the best biopics I've ever seen (and I don't even like biopics!). GIAMATTI is a perfect Harvey Pekar. Perfect Pekar, I say! If you haven't seen it, treat yourself! 

See you next time.

Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld 

[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and Facebook]


jae 12:12 AM  

Easy-medium and just about right for a Monday, liked it or what @Rex said.

Croce Solvers - Croce’s Freestyle #948 was a medium Croce for me. A couple of the long downs were tricky. Good luck!

GILL I. 12:40 AM  

AVIS SLAMS the door and finds a MERE SPEC of CASH on ALS APNEA MACHINE. He was her AMOUR at one TIME and they were SRSLY into a FLOW during a SOIREE PERIOD.

AVIS will USE ALS ATM CARD. The CARD doesn't fit in the SLOT but she will TOIL until she WINS.....!!! "IM IN" she whispers. "IF I CAN get CASH from the SLOT, then it's my AIM to OFF ALS.

After some TIME, AVIS begins her TEPID CRIMES. ALS is a big EATER so she makes a FIERY SALSA mixed with TSPS of OILY GIAMATTI in his ASADA. She puts it in a PAN with MOCHA ALI and hopes his LIP will cause some ECOL.

His ARM feels TEPID...His LIP smells DANK and he's TEED OFF. "AREN'T you a PIECE of A STI" he yelled...."We DATED TIME AND TIME AGAIN and you want to OFF me????" he'd STATE! AVIS did run into a SNAG only because she had LIMITS on her STANCE on CRIMES and needed to go with the FLOW.

AVIS had plenty of EXES. She DATED LAMAR, STAN, ARNIE and INDY. Her SOIREES with them were a TEPID PIECE of AMOUR. ALS would always STATE AGAIN how he could TOIL on her BEHALF to get CASH from the ATM MACHINE if only she wouldn't OFF him. She agreed....

After getting her CASH and ALS ATM CARD she took OFF with that OILY TUNING dude, named STAN. They settled in NY STATE in the OBI OBIE AREA. They'd take a TERN using the SPAS and ABIDE the LIMITS of CRIME. The BBQ SHANKS and the OILY ASADA were LIP PAN SRSLY good. It got the STAMP of EATER WINS and both AVIS and STAN lived happily ever ATRAS.

And that's the truth. Hi @Gary!

okanaganer 1:13 AM  

Also solving down clues only, not quite as speedy as Rex; filled in the last answer and was puzzled not to get the Happy Pencil. Turns out my darts player (29 down) had a good ARM instead of AIM! Easily found and I'm counting it as a success.

I saw TIME AND TIME AGAIN and got the theme, but then wasn't too sure because STAMP CARD is not a thing I've ever heard. But that aside, just fine for a Monday theme. Also, Rex, TIME AIR was so a thing!... Google it... well yes, it was a Canadian airline that flew where I lived 30 years ago, but probably not NYT worthy.

Hands up for not being happy with FIERY because of MII and ATRAS but then holding my nose and moving on.

Conrad 5:25 AM  

I must (respectfully) disagree with OFL: I liked having OBI cross OBIE. It gave me a bit of a chuckle.

Bob Mills 6:16 AM  

Easy, yes. Only one doubtful cross for me...what is a STAMPCARD, and why is 'da bomb considered DATED?

T. Newman & D. Phillips (Ph.D.s) 6:41 AM  

Extremely picky hardly-worth-mentioning teeny-tiny nit: All of the combos words formed with TIME are real things except for TIME MACHINE, which is a purely fictional thing.

SouthsideJohnny 6:53 AM  

I briefly paused at STAMP CARD, checked the crosses and let it go as it sounded plausible. Noticed the OBI crossing OBIE - I hope the editors don’t make a habit of that type of thing (they just seem so susceptible to peculiar fetishes over there at the NYT).

I noticed we have ENOS today. I’m a one-trick pony when it comes to biblical references (ESAU) - if it ain’t (AREN’T?) him, I have to default to crosses.

kitshef 7:11 AM  

Hardest Monday ever. Would have been the hardest Tuesday ever, if it had run on Tuesday.

Is STAMP CARD a thing? Even with STAxxCARD in place, I had no plausible guess there and needed the other crosses. And then had to double-check all the crosses as it seemed so unlikely.

Michael 7:22 AM  

Thought this was surprisingly awkward full of sports names (16A LAMAR, 51A IONA among others) and odd bits like 68A ATRAS and then just terrible grammar such as 67A ARENT. Didn't enjoy.

pabloinnh 7:40 AM  

Hand up for the dubious STAMPCARD themer but otherwise no problems at all. Thought this was a solid Monday with good themers and an apt revealer.

Is an ASCOT a scarf? I've always thought of it more as a necktie alternative. I'd prefer the "first chimp in space " clue for ENOS, but that's just me. And I couldn' t tell you a single NSYNC song, but it certainly is a handy string of letters for constructors.

Very nice Monday indeed, DP and JS. Didn't Provoke much thought but Just Seemed right for a Monday, and thanks for all the fun.

Note to Mr. Fagliano-I'm asking for a slight moratorium on first names beginning with J, as I'm running out of descriptors. I say this as someone having a wife and two sons whose names all begin with J, so no prejudice intended. Thank you.

Anonymous 7:40 AM  

After enduring so many dull Monday puzzles, what a treat to have a fast easy puzzle with great answers! I'd enjoy seeing this one again with tougher clues - it would hold up well. Don't know this team, but you're off and running! SRSLY

Adam Smith 8:18 AM  

Doing the downs only means not being bothered by the abomination that is STAMP CARD. Even stores that stamp cards call them PUNCH CARDs. NYSTATE is also awful (especially for a Monday fill, when NEW YORK fits the clue). Did like the theme overall, and enjoyed some of the clues/fill more than usual for a Monday (the DATED slang one in particular).

Anonymous 8:31 AM  

Is that the first time Lamar has made the puzzle? Delighted to see it today after yesterday’s fantastic game.

RooMonster 8:36 AM  

Hey All !
Puz is 16 wide. Constructors needed to get Revealer to fit. More puz for your money. Also, slightly more time spent on puz. Someone here did the math once, some kind of % more puz, I don't remember.

Pretty good puz. I think the Revealer clue needed to be written differently. Normally, with the "preceding" words theme, you only get the one word, ala it'd be just TIME AGAIN (which isn't a thing, but work with me). Not sure how it should be redone, I'll leave that to the smarter people here. 😁

TIME AND TIME AGAIN reminds me of ...
My book! "Changing Times" by Darrin Vail. Get your copy today!

Anyway, nice MonPuz. Easy, lightish gunk.

Happy Monday! (If that exists...)

Three F's

Nancy 9:14 AM  

Is a puzzle that finds a word that goes with both sides of a two-word phrase twice as good as one that goes with only one side of a two-word phrase?

No. I'd say it's at least four times as good. It's certainly at least four times as hard for a constructor to come up with.

This puzzle takes a TEPID puzzle-type that I have always found dull as dishwater and elevates it to something eminently respectable. And while it wasn't an especially exciting puzzle to solve, I tip my hat to its smoothness and even more to its density of theme answers. Nice job.

Anonymous 10:10 AM  

OBI crossing OBIE should be a jailable offense

Gary Jugert 10:19 AM  

Una y otra vez.

Pleasant zippy morning. Too many propers.

A few years back we traveled for couple of weeks in Scotland and had perfect weather every day except for the three hours we visited IONA, and as vacations go, I mainly remember the miseries more than the joys, and I loved every minute of trudging up to see the old Abbey in raincoats.

I've never loved the TV show Friends, but the episode where they're moving a couch and Ross is yelling PIVOT is my favorite scene and we may have said that word a thousand times during this recent move.

I wonder what family dinners were like with ENOS. "Let me tell you the story again of how yer grandma got us kicked out of paradise."

Propers: 11 (on a Monday?)
Places: 2
Products: 7
Partials: 7
Foreignisms: 2
Gary's Grid Gunk Gauge: 29 of 81 (36%)

Funnyisms: 0 😫

Tee-Hee: DANK, dude.


1 Game of chance to determine if you get the Camry or get stuck with the Kia.
2 Tosses zealous massage parlor rubbee into jail.
3 What you use to strangle a snorer.


My Fascinating Crossword Uniclue Keepsake from Last Year: Got my email, did you? Sent it three minutes ago, I did. You've responded not. Wait, I will. TYPE-A YODASPEAK.


Anonymous 10:28 AM  

I just did a google search and determined the last time @weezie posted to this blog was on Oct 29, 2023. Before that, she commented daily. Anyone know if she's okay?

egsforbreakfast 10:38 AM  

They say that Guy Fieri is a FIERY guy.

I'm currently working on a PERIODPIECE wherein IMIN a dream where IONA SLOTMACHINE. The working title is OILY Days.

Easy and fun. Thanks Desirée Penner and Jeff Sinnock.

JT 10:44 AM  

I agree! Came here to say just that.

Anonymous 11:07 AM  

What's a stamp card?

Anonymous 11:30 AM  

Only one comment on this one—should have clued "MII" as "Bygone Nintendo avatar" (or something similar) to get rid of the Roman numerals, which are a scourge on modern society and should be relegated to the dustbin of antiquity.

jb129 11:31 AM  

Very easy Monday which I solved as a themeless. Came here to see the theme.
Thanks to you both, Desiree & Jeff :)

jberg 11:39 AM  

I can't help but admire the sheer gall of crossing OBI with OBIE. Probably many have thought of it, but not dared to go there. Cluing MII as 1,002 took some nerve as well. And ERICA, the anagram of I care. SRSLY?

The theme is very nice: using both words in the theme answers, and letting the revealer itself tell you how it should be applied, rather than spelling it out in the clues. Too bad they spelled it out in the clues anyway--could have just said "... or what to add to the answers at..." That takes the edge of, but maybe is needed to make it Monday easy.

I guess the constructors and I have different ideas of fanciness. An ASCOT is a relatively simple scarf, compared to six feet of silk from Hermes or the like; and what distinguishes a SOIREE is that it takes place in the evening, even if it is very simple. You might say it's a fancy thing to call a party, though.

Now off to read you all.

A 11:45 AM  

I’m not usually a “downs-only” fan, but it sounds like today might have been a good day for it, as my experience was fine but slightly more TEPID than OFL’s, with all his rushes and whooshing. Ok, I’ll have what he’s having!

My first thought for the “redeem for a drink” clue was Screw CAp but it was too short. Do they still have those drink tops that are printed on the inside with “you’re a winner!” or “try again?” Anyway, STAMP CARD is familiar enough - I use them at Golden Temple in Birmingham when I’m in town. I usually have more than one at a time because I keep forgetting to take them with me. But the clerks just add up the STAMPS and when I get to the proper total I get a discount.

Before I saw how long it was, I thought the revealer was TIME AND AGAIN, which is the more familiar phrase for me.

I had a malapop spanning two days, with my very wrong AVIS sneaker brand from yesterday (I meant AVIa but that was also wrong) turning up today as the rental car agency.

Not much in the way of semordnilaps today, although AIRFLOW reversed forms two real words, WOLF RIA. They don’t make any sense together, but I’ll take it as a WIN.

@Roo, thanks for the birthday felicitations! It’s also Yo Yo Ma’s birthday today - what a versatile musician. Here he is with Edgar Meyer and Mark O’Connor in Second Time Around.

jberg 11:48 AM  

When you go to, say, Cafe Nero, you can get a card with little pictures of a cup printed on it. Every time you buy a cup of coffee, they will stamp one of the cups; once all of them have been stamped, you can hand in the card for a free cup.

Sailor 11:53 AM  

I'm a little surprised at the number of complaints about STAMP CARD this morning. Just another example of regional variations, I guess, or else some people only make coffee at home. In my experience stamp cards are ubiquitous. I've got half a dozen in my wallet (yes, mostly coffee shops). Google STAMP CARD and you'll get about a zillion images. The only punch card I have is a plastic one, for oil changes at my local independent auto shop.

jberg 11:59 AM  

I just spent five minutes trying to find a picture of OBI-wan wearing an OBI, and found one that sort of works (a modern Disney version; Alec Guinness seems mostly to have worn shawls). But then I realized neither was an OBIE. Maybe if someone got an OBIE for playing Butterfly in her eponymous opera, but I'm not gonna search any more.

Rex's play-by-play account almost makes me want to try the down-clues-only experience.


Anonymous 12:02 PM  

GIAMATTI was indeed Pekar. I know. I lived American Splendor. I even knew Harvey's parents.

jberg 12:03 PM  

@ Linda-- just saw your comment from Saturday. Thanks for the correction! As you can tell, I never watch the show, and got BIALIK entirely from crosses. Still, I should have checked, or used gender-neutral language!

Anonymous 12:35 PM  

Stamp card. Like when you go to a coffee place - other than Starbucks - they might offer that. 9 stamps and the 10 th coffee is free…

Anonymous 12:46 PM  

Because da bomb has been in use for literally decades.

Anonymous 12:47 PM  

Except that it's pronounced closer to "fee-eddy"

Anonymous 12:49 PM  

@a Thank you for posting "Second Time Around" magical, I'm hooked. Loved Appalachian Waltz!

M and A 1:02 PM  

hmmm. Well, first of all, a very well-crafted MonPuz. thUmbUp.
M&A likes different puzthemes the most, but this theme mcguffin has, ironically, been done TIMEANDTIMEAGAIN. thUmbdown.
sooo ... good solvequest, but yawned a bit, when the revealer hit m&e.

staff weeject pick: MII. Random Roman numeral! Been a while. Also, moo-cow eazy-E MonPuz clue winner, for its {1,002, in Roman numerals}.

some fave stuff: TIMEMACHINE [schlocky]. STAMPCARD [Ow de Speration high point]. BEHALF. 16x15 puzgrid. ARENT clue.

Thanx for takin the TIME to gang up on us, Ms. Penner darlin & Mr. Sinnock dude.

Masked & Anonymo3Us

inspired by a recent NYTimes puz clue:

SharonAK 1:51 PM  

I enjoyed seeing obi crossing obie. I remember comments here from others who have enjoyed similar crossings. So it's surprising, and a bit puzzling, to see the chorus of objections this morning,

Anoa Bob 2:31 PM  

Yeah, clue ENOS as "Ambient music composer and family" if you ask me.

kitshef 2:58 PM  

Thanks. Now I just have to fine out what "Cafe" Nero means. More seriously, it sounds like what we call 'round these parts a rewards card or a loyalty card.

Gary Jugert 3:27 PM  

@SouthsideJohnny 6:53 AM
An homage to @Anoa Bob 2:31 PM
1 Digital denials: E-NOS.
2 When repeated the two following EM: EN-OS.
3. A subjective unit of loudness for an average listener equal to the loudness of a 1000-hertz sound that has an intensity 40 decibels above the listener's own threshold of hearing, only backward: ENOS

Anonymous 4:01 PM  

Don't bet on him in the playoffs.

dgd 6:44 PM  

Kitshef Stamp card I have heard that as well as rewards card. I think the latter is what businesses usually called them and people in general used both terms in R.I.
however, it all seems electronic these days. So the cards are a little dated.

Anonymous 6:47 PM  

Aren’t = terrible grammar?!
It has been part of English for a millennium at least. Crosswords represent common speech, not a dissertation. It is most definitely not incorrect grammar.

dgd 7:08 PM  

Stamp card is a thing. It may be regional, but this blog shows it’s widespread. Nothing wrong with that theme answer. Just because you haven’t heard it, doesn’t mean it is not a thing!

Anonymous 7:29 PM  

Ain't means "isn't" so much more often than it means "aren't," I think is the grammar complaint here.

Teedmn 11:01 PM  

@Gary Jugart, you made me laugh again. “I wonder what family dinners were like with ENOS. "Let me tell you the story again of how yer grandma got us kicked out of paradise." “. Hilarious!

The puzzle was well made, the reveal interesting and the theme answers were good (though I did waste some time thinking, “AIR time, but really, FLOW time is a thing?” Never mind.)

Thanks, Desirée and Jeff.

Terra Schaller 1:35 AM  

Not a rock but a thing... Damn it was all

A 11:37 AM  

Hi Anon@10:28, thanks for pointing that out. I searched several dates at random and found three of @weezie's posts that might provide clues. This was from October 27 or 28, 2023:
“Anyway, also wanted to say sorry I haven’t been around much lately! The last few weeks have been brutal, between the war in Israel and Gaza, the shooting in Lewiston, ME, a truly absurd number of challenges in my personal life, and way too much work on my plate. End of year is always wild for fundraisers. Know that when I’m not commenting, I do try to swing by to at least read the post when I can! Anyway, I hope folks are hanging in there in these maddening and overwhelming times. 💕”

Feb 23, 2023
“My grandpa passed away a few days ago. Because I’m disabled and immunocompromised, I was actively dissuaded from risking a flight….”

June 30?, 2023
“By the way, if you’ve ever wondered about where I work and if there were ways to support it, today’s a great day, since to wrap up Pride Month every gift we get of any size or duration will get matched with $150. No pressure and please only give if you’re able, but we support some incredible orgs working on everything from reproductive freedom to trans liberation to climate justice to racial justice:

To donate:
To learn more:”

Let us know if you find out more.

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