Cigarette that's assembled by hand, informally / SAT 10-2-21 / Pearl Harbor her for whom a future U.S. aircraft carrier is scheduled to be named / Lawn game seen regularly on ESPN beginning in 2017

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Constructor: Wendy L. Brandes

Relative difficulty: Easy—even though I finished with an error :(

THEME: none 

Word of the Day: DORIS "Dorie" MILLER (20A: Pearl Harbor her for whom a future U.S. aircraft carrier is scheduled to be named) —

Doris "DorieMiller (October 12, 1919 – November 24, 1943) was a United States Navy cook third class who was killed in action during World War II. He was the first black American to be awarded the Navy Cross, the second highest decoration for valor in combat after the Medal of Honor.

Miller served aboard the battleship West Virginia, which was sunk by Japanese torpedo bombers during the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. During the attack, he helped several sailors who were wounded, and while manning an anti-aircraft machine gun for which he had no training, he shot down several Japanese planes. Miller's actions earned him the medal, and the resulting publicity for Miller in the black press made him an iconic emblem of the fight for civil rights for black Americans. In November 1943, Miller was killed while serving aboard the escort carrier Liscome Baywhen it was sunk by a Japanese submarine during the Battle of Makin in the Gilbert Islands.

The destroyer escort/Knox-class frigate USS Miller (reclassified as a frigate in June 1975), in service from 1973 to 1991, was named after him. On January 19, 2020, the Navy announced that a Gerald R. Ford-class nuclear powered aircraft carrierCVN-81, would be named after Miller. The ship is scheduled to be laid down in 2023 and launched in 2028. (wikipedia)

• • •

There may as well be only one answer in this puzzle, as far as my solving experience was concerned. The entire puzzle was easy, even when familiar answers (e.g. ROLLIE) were given really unfamiliar clues (e.g cigarettes, not baseball). Easy ... except for one answer. One proper noun I had never heard of. A long one. And I came close. I really did. But I muffed one of the crosses right from the beginning, and the resulting answer looked sufficiently namelike to me, and so, ultimately, failure. I finished, but I didn't get the little "you have successfully solved the puzzle" message, which is how I know something's wrong—all the squares filled in, but no message. So I start scanning the grid like mad and everything looks good, so then I'm like okay, focus, go to the answers that you are definitely not sure about and check their crosses. Checked the ROLLIE crosses, nothing. Checked the whole SO GLAD / LAD area, nothing. Well, probably nothing. I still don't really get the whole [Sprout] = LAD thing. Is that a name you'd call a young boy? "Sprout"? In what year, exactly, would you do that? Weird. Anyway, didn't see any way SO GLAD / LAD could be wrong. GREEN TAX feels made-up, but it also feels like a thing the NYTXW would embrace (what with its whole ECO- obsession), so I figured it was probably right (17A: Penalty for a polluter). Then, finally, I went to the elephant in the room, the biggie, the one answer I definitely did not know. And I said to that answer, I said, "OK, Miss TORI S. MILLER, if that is indeed your real name, let's see if your crosses all check out." Reader, they did not.

I assumed TORI S. MILLER was in the puzzle for reasons of inclusiveness, to highlight a war hero who was a woman and not (as one might expect) a man. And even after I realized, D'oh, it's DORIS, not TORI S., still I thought I was dealing with a woman. But no. Doris is a man. "Dorie," more commonly. I was right about the inclusiveness part, just wrong about the kind of inclusiveness that was in play (DORIS MILLER is Black; see "Word of the Day," above). Apparently there were other answers in this grid, but the whole name change / gender change DORIS MILLER extravaganza really made the rest of the puzzle kind of disappear. What in the world (!) was I thinking with that Café du MONTE nonsense!? (5D: Café du ___ (landmark shop in New Orleans's French Quarter) (MONDE)). It's not even proper French. Café du MONTE ... if MONTE Hall had a café, maybe, but even then it's probably de MONTE, not du MONTE, and wow I am still thinking about this somehow.

The rest of the grid felt a little on the blah side to me, though EXIT INTERVIEW and CORNHOLE definitely had something going for them. Something ENTO and ERTE and OBIES and ORT just gave the grid a bit of a musty smell. ONLY ONCE is an odd stand-alone phrase, and ON RICE feels awkward on two counts: first, it's another odd stand-alone phrase, and second, it seems like the wrong phrase. "Over rice" feels like the more in-the-language phrase, though maybe chili has its own specialized vocabulary, I don't know (42D: One way to serve chili). I was getting my cab from a WINE ROOM, but then the server in the WINE ROOM went and got it from the WINE RACK (56A: Place to get a cab). I don't think there was any other struggle or excitement. In summation, TORI S. MILLER, I know you're out there, and I salute you.

Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld

[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and Facebook]


Frantic Sloth 12:13 AM  

No complaints! Save for a few boneheaded moves here and there, it was relatively smooth sailing for the Saturdee. (What's that grating sound?) COULDNTRESIST. 😉

The fill was entertaining and fresh, the cluing was cleverly off my kilter and impressive - just enough pushback to keep it interesting.

Best part was I ended up in the Land of Aaaahs: CHECKED INTO an ECONOMIC WINERACK with my ROLLIE ALLIES and when everything SETTLES down, we may BESORE, but we will be happy!

Only the second NYTXW (and first solo) for this constructor and I've loved them both! Thank you, Ms. Brandes - and please continue!


P.S. @GILL (from yesterday) Stories from your life always play like a movie! Loved your fascinating SHOVEL READY tale and glad it worked out. Too bad about that Fire Marshall, though. What a tool.

Joaquin 12:29 AM  

DORIS MILLER was new to me but very much worth the price of admission. His extraordinary heroism is the stuff of legends. Too bad it will take almost 90 years for his name to become legendary.

Regarding COULDNT RESIST. I do the opposite - eat all the cookies but leave one so I don't look like a chazer.

jae 12:46 AM  

Easy. DORIS MILLER was a WOE (tORI S MILLER would have also been a WOE). My only erasures were stEPup before DEEPEN, turn before SOUR, and tvA before WPA, but aren’t all New Deal clues a three letter crap shoot?

Pretty smooth and solid but a tad short on sparkle. Liked it.

Anoa Bob 1:15 AM  

When I was growing up 33D CORN HOLE meant something very different than a bean bag toss game, something more along the lines of its urban dictionary definition. Wait a minute. Is this alternative meaning reflected in yet another themed weekend puzzle? TRYST ENTRANT STICKS DEEPEN CRINGE EXIT INTERVIEW BE SORE? Looks mighty suspicious to me.

okanaganer 1:36 AM  

Like Rex had MONTE for the cafe, I had ENDO for the interior prefix (it totally is!) So the polluter's penalty was a GREEN DA-... GREEN DAY? Like a time out-- a whole day where the company execs have to sit around and think about how to be more green? Like a hockey penalty? (Or maybe listen to Green Day, all day.) Fortunately I resolved that in the end. But it still might be a good idea for a polluter's penalty: make them sit in a box, side by side, all day! Yes I like it.

Also had SPLIFF for the hand rolled cig, for a while. Hah.

14A is just bizarre. ONLY ONCE is a weird kinda green paint answer, with a suitably weird clue.

[SB: td(fri) 0. QB for 4 days in a row!]

chefwen 2:12 AM  

Fun to have the constructors first name the same as mine and go on to find my sweet mothers name DORIS in the same puzzle. Went on to read DORIS MILLERS Wiki page as I had never heard of him. Very interesting bio, well worth the read.

Had a slow start, typical on Saturday, got a little help from puzzle partner. Had to change 52A from doobie to ROLLIE. I like doobie better.

Loren Muse Smith 2:41 AM  

I read a while back some of Matt Gaffney’s pointers for solving, and he says do the fill-in-the-blanks first. I think it was Matt Gaffney. Anyhoo, MONDE was my very first entry, so no problem on DORIS. The rest was pretty easy, too. I think my only mistake was “turns” before SOURS.

The only ROLLIE I know is the one on my arm and I’m pourin’ Chandon and I roll the best weed ‘cause I got it goin’ on. (But) I’m a nice dude. With some nice dreams.

Loved the clue for CHECKED INTO.

BESORE looks like an old-school verb. I’m thinking Tennessee Walkers and the *%$# trainers who make damn sure those front feet don’t stay on the ground but for a second.

CORNHOLE – last summer we played in my sister’s backyard, and my nephew took the first toss. Threw it waaaaay up high and it came down with a really loud thud. I was beyond embarrassed for him, for being the only young, hip person playing only to be such a weenie at CORNHOLE. Turns out the joke was on me. He plays all that time at his frat at UGA and throwing it high like this prevents the bag from sliding off. He dominated all day by a mile. I quickly adopted this technique and haven’t looked back. (This Thanksgiving we’ll be in my sister’s back yard again, and we’re hiring a bubble soccer company to come in and orchestrate a brisk fall day of weirdness. I’ll say it again – as MAMMALS who’ve pretty much figured out how to get food and stay warm, we have a ton of spare time on our hands.) I’ve been obsessed with playing this and am excited to the point of being sick. With that experience under my belt, all I have left is to strap myself to a bungee at one of those mall trampolines, and my life will be complete. My only problem with that is not fear of getting hurt but rather fear that onlookers will feel sorry for me for any number of reasons: I’m a lunatic. I’m lonely. I suffer from some mental disturbance, and they’ll feel magnanimous in their acceptance of this poor old lady with an obvious screw loose. But as I exit, they’ll shepherd their kids away from my reach. I still have to work all this out.

“Goes gently to the bottom” – that cup of blueberries that you just dumped into the muffin batter. That you dusted with flour to prevent just this. That clue would also be a good Charmin slogan.

“Something you might watch with your parents. . . on a(n almost) first date.”. . . Raging Bull. Yeah. That was fun.

@Gill I from yesterday. . . man oh man what a story. I’m so glad that your art escaped the fire. I’ve seen your work, and it’s terrific. I’ve also seen You, and you need to go easy on that fire marshal – I bet he just COULDN’T RESIST, girl.

Anonymous 3:30 AM  

If I ever had chili and rice, it would have been in college. And it wouldn't have been over rice, it would have been all mixed in. And it wouldn't have been because I majored in cookery, it would have been because I majored in sea crabs. Those freshwater crabs aren't worth the price.

Hartley70 4:34 AM  

Wow, this charming little puzzle was out of place in the weekly line-up. I checked my solve times for the week in the archive and it belonged smack between Monday and Tuesday. Now that’s an easy Saturday!

Not that I’m seriously complaining because I liked this puzzle. I’m happy that DORISMILLER is being so honored, though I haven’t the slightest idea who she is. My 1960’s history textbooks were not particularly cognizant of American women’s contributions or heroism in WWII beyond the gals working alongside Rosie the Riveter. I haven’t been to NOLA, so I wasn’t familiar with MONDE. I would have expected a hefty penalty and fine, not a TAX on polluters, but make those buggers pay is my attitude. Actually why waste time? Just lock’em up too. ROLLIE was the first name of my sweet Geometry teacher. I haven’t heard the term elsewhere which is surprising since I went to college in the Sixties, folks. Everything else almost filled itself in faster than I could type on my phone. It made me feel smarter than I am.

Hartley70 5:19 AM  

@Gill I, yesterday. My house burned too, on my birthday in 1996. I got the call from a neighbor when I was driving my son and family dog home from a trip to the local allergist. The brilliant dog kept throwing himself against the kitchen door as we left, until I relented and let him in the car. If only he could have told us he smelled smoke. My daughter had misbehaved in class and her bottom was stuck in 7th grade detention, lucky girl. I didn’t tell my husband until he got off the train from Grand Central because I wanted him to survive the trip. It’s not a club one would want to join. We were in various rentals for over a year and someone stole 30 odd cast iron radiators in the middle of the night that were being sandblasted in the driveway to get rid of the soot before being reinstalled. It took several years for me to see the silver lining. Central air conditioning. Without the radiators, ductwork was the only solution and it could carry cold air as well as warm. I’m grateful every summer for those cursed radiator thieves.

OffTheGrid 6:20 AM  

A decent challenging Saturday with several clever clues. A couple of nits, however. There are 2 kind of ugly plurals, TEAS and SESAMES. The other involves Cost-effective/ECONOMIC, 53A. As I filled the squares I was thinking that it really should be ECONOMICal. I poked around and found this description.

economic/ economical
If you want an adjective related to the economy, economic is your word. If you want a word to describe something that saves money, like buying used textbooks, use economical.

Being cost-effective means saving money so answer should have been ECONOMICal. But it's still within the parameters of constructor's license as determined by editor.

Honda 6:47 AM  

The statue* of limitations has long run out so there is no problem with Accords,e.g./SEDANS but FYI, there was a station wagon model available in the US from 1989 to 1997.


Conrad 6:56 AM  
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Space Is Deep 7:16 AM  

Extremely easy Saturday. Chili with rice? Must be a regional thing. I’ve never heard of it. I’m from Nebraska. The big thing in our area is to have cinnamon rolls with chili.

Son Volt 7:29 AM  

Some nice stuff - but a lot of filler for a small word count grid. Backed into DORIS MILLER - but like @Snoop LMS I put MONDE right in so that made it easy. Wanted Hondas before SEDAN. I think we just saw TRYST? Liked the clues for the crossed EXIT INTERVIEW x WINE RACK.

The SW was burdened with the brutal OUT YELLS x BE SORE cross along with ANY, ERTE etc. Chili ON RICE? not for me. Rex lives in NY - he should know GREEN TAX quite well.

A little enjoyment here and there - but not a great Saturday. Stan’s Stumper is the real deal today.

SouthsideJohnny 7:32 AM  

While solving, I characterized this one as fair and straightforward - especially for a Saturday, which is probably why Rex and I suspect many of the regulars here will find it on the easy side. Enjoyed the clues to CHECKED INTO and WINE RACK. Agree that the Chili clue does seem a little “forced” as “with rice” or “over rice” would seem to come more readily to mind, but definitely acceptable.

I’ll wager that the presence of Monet’s Garden will stir fond memories in some of our more Euro-centric solvers. I initially thought it was a stretch to call a Green Tax a “penalty” if it is actually a tax levied on all similarly situated companies - the same way an assessment paid for trash collection would not really be considered a “penalty”. However, I guess a levy or fee (aka tax) on a legal, but undesirable activity could be termed a penalty - so all seems to be in order.

Coniuratos 7:43 AM  

Judging from the comments, I had an unfair advantage - DORIS MILLER is one of those names that everybody in the Navy learns. A black cook/steward in a segregated service who, when needed, took over an antiaircraft gun and defended his ship and shipmates. It's a good story, just a shame Cuba Gooding Jr. and the terrible movie that was Pearl Harbor were the ones to tell it on film. Anyway, since that was a gimme, it opened up the north pretty well for me, even if I somehow got stuck for a minute at AS AL_AYS.

The Scarlet Rag 7:53 AM  

Well, you are still confused and calling Doris a woman in your Word of the Day! May wish to correct Her to Hero.

bocamp 7:56 AM  

Thx Wendy, for an awesome Sat. puz! :)


Made my way thru this one with only moderate resistance, e.g., GREEN TAX, EXIT INTERVIEW, MONDE, DORIS.

Very enjoyable solve. Liked it a lot.

Got an early jump on this week's NYT cryptic (an 'Out of Left Field' creation by Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto). Recently bought their book, "Word Salad: a guide to solving and composing cryptics"; it's already paying off on this puz.

@okanaganer (1:36 AM) 👍 for 0 yd

yd 0

Peace ~ Compassion ~ Tolerance ~ Kindness to all 🕊

Z 8:02 AM  

It was the OBIES clue that I just couldn’t wrap my head around even post solve. It wasn’t until this morning that the “props as in slang for compliment” penny dropped.

The WPA clue I wanted. One album and one EP isn’t going to make you crossfamous, unfortunately.

ROLLIE? Definitely a WOE. The clue is the #1 definition at Urban Dictionary, but “slang for a Rolex watch” is a close second (more upvotes but also more down votes, so it’s net is slightly lower). Not a term we ever used. I was amused to discover that Wikihow has us covered. That dollar bill method looks familiar.

@OffTheGrid - I’ve no problem with TEAS. We have a local shop that sells a variety of TEAS, each coming with very specific steeping instructions. Also, it’s a fairly common practice in restaurants to offer a variety of TEAS to people who want hot TEA. Not like when I was a boy where you got a Lipton tea bag, or maybe a Rose’s. I’m right with you, though, on SESAMES. I’m sure it is justifiable as a plural but the the eyebrow twitched.

@Stephanie late yesterday - Cows don’t actually say “moo” either. “Low” is onomatopoeia to my ear. Onomatopoeic words in other languages are often fascinating, too. Speaking of, “low” feels more British than American to me. Don’t know if that’s true, but it feels that way.

@Teedmn - 🤣😂🤣 - The very definition of “living rent free in their heads.”

David Grenier 8:05 AM  

I'm surprised people found this easy. This was the hardest puzzle I've done in months. Not sure why. Probably because Ive never heard of Doris Miller, I kept seeing `___ d'etre` as `____ d`tete`, couldn't for the life of me get GREEN TAX and still think that's not a thing, had WINE CASK instead of WINE RACK, SKEWED instead of ASLANT, had ENTO instead of ENDO, got CRAB but have never in my 47 years on the planet heard the phrase SEA CRAB and also think it's not a thing, and completely forgot James CAAN was in The Godfather (a film I'm supposed to love but saw once in college and have no feelings about).

Ugh, not the puzzles fault (except seriously f**k SEA CRAB), just a really off day for me.

pabloinnh 8:19 AM  

Found this one mostly easy and definitely enjoyable. Snag at the top, I knew MONDE,but I never can distinguish among ENTO, ENDO, and ECTO, so the T for EXIT was about the last thing that showed up. Also took too long to see ONLYONCE, as one of my personal greatest insights into life's mysteries is " You can only do something for the first time once.". Well, it's something anyway.

I have built a CORNHOLE set and can play reasonably well, but I'm of a generation that still finds the name off-putting (hi Anoa Bob). When I went out to play with my sons, both grownups, I would just say, do you want to play The Game? Residue of modesty from childhood.

ROLLIE just doesn't look like it should be pronounced with a long O.

I know "RAISON d'etre" but "RAISON d'etat" is news to me. It seems more and more that our country's RAISON d'etat is l'argent. C'est domage.

And a shout out to beloved old friend ORT. Thought you had gone to our Home for Retired Crosswordese. Nice to see you're still around.

Very nice Satruday, WB. Wonderful Balance of smooth and crunchy, and thanks for all the fun.

Patricia Hughes 8:22 AM  

Cuba S. Gooding played Doris Miller in the movie Pearl Harbor. The short scene epitomized what my father said about WWII service: We did what we had to do when we had to do it. I did not realize that Miller did not survive the war. Overall good puzzle even if she-crab was stuck in my head and did not work.

Tom T 8:24 AM  

Had a dear friend years ago who, in a cab headed into NOLA from the airport, asked the driver about Cafe du MONDE and their famous doughy concoctions. Attempting to come up with the proper French pronunciation, my friend asked, "How do you pronounce it ... beg-nays ... bin-yays"? The response from the front seat: "I just call 'em 'little French donuts'?"

My fastest Saturday ever. Got into it early in the NE, flowed clockwise for the most part, and finished with GREENTAX.

Shirley F 8:37 AM  

Regarding the ADAM Driver objections and replies: If you are a fan of quirky but thoughtful movies without explosions, superheroes, car chases, etc., i highly recommend "Paterson," which starred Adam Driver as a bus driver-poet and was directed by Jim Jarmusch. Won't spoil it but the scene stealer is his wife's dog. (I had to look up her name, but the actress who plays his wife is terrific, her names is Golshifteh Farahami -- aren't you glad THAT wasn't the answer in the X-Word?!). The movie subtly asks the question, What determines who is a true creative artist?

John H 8:40 AM  

@Anoa Bob, yes. I couldn't believe my ears the first time I heard the phrase "corn hole" used on TV. [Cringe]

amyyanni 8:44 AM  

Had peas (most runners keep bags of frozen peas as they make great ice packs) for TEAS for too long. Didn't get an EXIT INTERVIEW when I retired because Covid, not that the state would have cared. Enjoyed learning about Dorie Miller. Good puzzle; alitt@Hartley70 and @Gill, sorry you had to experience house fires. The radiators are a great story.

Trey 8:44 AM  

Flew through the top half (like record time for me) then hit the wall of the lower half. Erasures were ENdO, honda, OBoES (don't ask my logic there), and aRTE (poor memory for names from the art world, I guess).

Overall time was good for a Saturday. Really liked the clues for BANDAID, TEAS and WINERACK. Liked the puzzle, but a few too many abbreviations were a slight negative (MRI, WPA, NCIS, GMOS)

amyyanni 8:49 AM  

Ack, comment went off incomplete without my ok! Wanted to write that a little easy on Saturday is fine now and again.
Off to an Art Festival downtown. Saw them setting up yesterday when I was at the library. Should be good. Am a bit starved for social events (of course taking along my mask). Have a fine Saturday, everyone.

Unknown 8:51 AM  

@ Loren Muse Smith Add a little bit more flour to your batter, and the blueberries won't drop! You're welcome.

This puzzle reminded me of how easy the Saturday puzzles have become over the past 20 years or so. Which saddens me. Another sign of the dumbing down of America.

OTOH, I liked learning about someone new. And the puzzle had very very few 3 letter answers, and the fill was pretty fresh. ERTE may be a little dated, but that was about it. And not a whole lot of names, although DORISMILLER did control a huge swath of the NE. A nice way to start Saturday.

puzzlehoarder 8:56 AM  

While my time was average for a Saturday the puzzle felt easier. The abundance of phrases gave it blandness which can make a puzzle seem easier. Two of those phrases, GONEPAST and OUTYELLS are rather green paint.

yd pg-3

TheMadDruid 9:14 AM  

Wonderful reasoning.

Anonymous 9:14 AM  

In Hawaii, the chili/rice combo is common. But it's "chili rice." Not on, or over, or anything else.

bocamp 9:20 AM  

@jae (12:46 AM) wrote:

"… aren’t all New Deal clues a three letter crap shoot?"

Agreed! lol

I know 'TVA', 'CCC' & sometimes 'WPA'.

"The Works Progress Administration (WPA; renamed in 1939 as the Work Projects Administration) was an American New Deal agency, employing millions of job-seekers (mostly men who were not formally educated) to carry out public works projects,[1] including the construction of public buildings and roads. It was established on May 6, 1935, by presidential order, as a key part of the Second New Deal." (Wikepedia)

Dad joined the CCC in the early '40s, eventuating in his move from Nebraska to Oregon.

@Space Is Deep (7:16 AM)

CHILI on rice is new to me, too.

@Patricia Hughes (8:22 AM)

Thx for the heads-up re: DORIS (Dorie) MILLER and the movie Pearl Harbor (2001).

"… one of the celebrated American sailors who fought the surprise Japanese attack on the US Naval Base was from the Central Texas town of Waco."

War historians will have to pardon the pop culture training wheels, but many people may know DORIS MILLER best from Cuba Gooding Jr.'s portrayal of the Pearl Harbor hero in the 2001 film about the attack." (KUT 90.5 Austin)

td 0 (record time)

Peace ~ Compassion ~ Tolerance ~ Kindness to all 🕊

Carola 9:25 AM  

I enjoyed the wealth of "Have-to-think-about-that-one" cluing and the fun of the meanings snapping into place. Favorite: OUTYELLS. Glad to learn about DORIS MILLER.
Do-overs: ENdO, WINE shop, and an attempt at SLugge[r] for the heavy-hitting SLEDGE, before I ran out of room.

@pabloinnh 8:19 - I appreciated your nod to ORT. I learned the word lo those many decades ago at my crossword-loving Dad's knee; it was in his lexicon of words you had to know to solve the NYT Sunday puzzle. Another tip had to do with "sward" v "swale."

Son Volt 9:26 AM  

@Z 8:02a - good stuff. I did like the limited amount of music they put out but other than Leisz - not really a fan of their previous bands. I would think that both Nickel Creek and Toad are popular enough to be crossworthy?

Z 9:30 AM  

Googling “chili ON RICE” (without the quote mark limiters) and the first hit is a Food Network recipe. The second is a Taste of Home recipe for chili with RICE. The next is a Guy Fieri recipe for “chili RICE.” Then Land O’Lakes has a black bean chili (to annoy all the Texans) ON RICE, then chili RICE, then a chili and RICE, … Apparently enough variation that we need a Top 9 Ways to Eat Chili List. I’m plebeian, preferring a bowl with sharp cheddar and diced onion on top, with a good corn bread. As a result the whole ON RICE thing was just Saturday obfuscation to me.

mmorgan 9:35 AM  

I’m actually drinking a cup of Cafe du MONDE coffee right this very moment. Love it. I buys cans of it at a local Asian grocery store, of all places.

This was the kind of puzzle where the answers didn’t come immediately, but when they did come, I kept feeling, Oh, that’s easy.

Off to refill my cup!

johnk 9:47 AM  

Here, here!

Wanderlust 9:48 AM  

This was a great puzzle just for having Doris Miller as a featured answer. I knew of him, bit couldn’t remember his name - but I did remember that he had a first name more commonly given to girls. What a hero.

My only slowdown was in the SW, where I had the C and quickly filled in “crocquet” (misspelled, I know, but looked right at the time). That’s surprising given that we play cornhole all the time at parties at our house. Our version has an added feature — Annabelle, our mutt who patrols the space between the boards trying to snag the bean bags in the air. She just thinks the beanbag is another item we throw for her to chase. Forces us all to lob them high, LMS — I never knew it was a winning strategy!


Texas Momma 9:54 AM  

@Tom T.

Pronounced Bane Yays. Cab driver must not have been a native or was just messing with your friend because no native ever calls them little French donuts. We go to Cafe du Monde or Morning Call for coffee and beignets.

Frantic Sloth 9:56 AM  

@okanaganer 136am GREEN DAy was in my head seemingly forever (with you on ENdO!), which was maddening. One of those boneheaded moves of mine. 🙄

@Coniuratos 743am If I've ever seen Pearl Harbor (I probably have), I've flushed it from my memory. My first sighting of Dorie Miller on film was in Tora! Tora! Tora!. A much better movie, but if you blinked, you missed him. 😕

@pabloinnh 819am Re: "You can only do something for the first time once." Unfortunately, these days, I can never be certain whether I am doing something for the first time. And if I ever forget the word "thing", I'M TOAST.

@Ω 930 And how will it be served at ZPaT? If it's even on the menu...maybe SEA CHILI?

mathgent 9:57 AM  

Not as hard as some of the recent Saturdays but a lot more fun. Also learned some things, like RAISON d'etat. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

I just checked out "props." It seems to be short for "proper respect." I wasn't able to learn when it was coined. I first heard it ten years or so ago.

Props to Ms. Brandes for keeping her threes in single digits.

RooMonster 10:11 AM  

Hey All !
Toughie here. For ONLY ONCE uttered "Really? TIS true, but c'mon" once I figured it out. Couldn't see EXIT INTERVIEW as those two words. Wanted EXIT_NTER VIEW, then went with an E to get EXIT eNTER VIEW, thinking it an odd phrase.

Had my SatDNF early, because once I hit Check Puzzle to ferret out my wrongness, Bam!, automatic DNF. Stuck in a few spots.

Anyone else have dOobie for ROLLIE first? HS in the 80's. All the "cool" kids who smoked pot called them that. ramPup-DEEPEN, is it MONET or MaNET?, ufoS-GMOS, file-SHIV, hondaS-SEDANS (thinking how slick was I not falling for the law misdirection!), think that's it.

Who else called The STICKS as being in bum-fuck Egypt? Hope y'all don't BE SORE or CRINGE over that!

No F's (I CRINGE over that!)

Whatsername 10:12 AM  

Wendy L Brandes, I CHECKED INTO your dandy Saturday puzzle and enjoyed it immensely. COULDN’T RESIST the many delightful clues like those for SEDANS, OBIES, CHEESE, and EXIT INTERVIEW among my favorites. Thank you so much ma’am.

It was an honor to make the acquaintance of Doris Miller, the definition of a true American hero. In addition to the high honors awarded to him, he was the heavyweight boxing champion on the Battleship West Virginia and was featured on the 1943 Navy recruiting poster "Above and beyond the call of duty.” His dedication and sacrifice are humbling and I will be eternally grateful for his service.

I didn’t know what a ROLLIE cigarette was but I sure remember Mr. Rollie Fingers who originally signed on with the Athletics way back when they were still in Kansas City. It hurt when they left and went to California but the Royals more than made up for it.

I’ve had breakfast but now I want a TRYST with a toasted SESAME bagel and honey walnut cream cheese at Panera. That is, if I can get PAST the disgusting image of watching chili SETTLE ON RICE which I don’t even want to try ONCE. Bleh.

Words have multiple meanings you know 10:16 AM  

I can't help but laughing at people having discussions about their CORHNOLE experiences in polite company. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Z 10:34 AM  

@Frantic Sloth - Not to be wry, but I’m thinking we will have our daily chili served in a rye bread bowl, but also offer daily chili specials. Mondays have to be our one of a kind Oreo Chili. Tuezzdays will be the same recipe, but served in bowls made from the wood of a madrona tree. Wednesday obviously has to be our camel chili recipe. For rebus Thursday we have to have something unexpected, so I’m thinking a nice gazpacho chili is just the thing (but the head chef is open to suggestions). Friday needs to be slightly challenging but without any silly themes, so definitely a traditional Texas chili. Saturday needs to be challenging, so our Friday chili only several times hotter, topped with habanero peppers and pepperjack. Sunday Brunch calls for our world famous SEA CRAB chili.

Nancy 10:37 AM  

Marvelous, and for me, very hard. And all of the difficulty was in the clever and well-conceived clues and not in a lot of proper names -- a very good thing. Except for DORIS MILLER, who I'd never heard of. "There's a woman who's a Pearl Harbor hero," I thought? "How come I don't know her?" Turns out she's a man, but, hey, you can't win them all. And I suppose I should have known him. Must read the blog and find out how many of you did.

I wracked my brain to figure out "how a first date is experienced"? What a "quick fix" was? What a "heavy hitter" was (HAMMER didn't work). And especially the "canned lines"? Is EXIT INTERVIEW clever and unexpected or what? It's my favorite answer. Or maybe my favorite answer is CHECKED INTO, as clued. There's so much here that's nifty.

So this becomes the 3rd puzzle this week that could have earned a POW from me. I happen to prefer trickily themed puzzles like Wed and Thurs, but for anyone who prefers a themeless puzzle, this one's a real beauty. As far as difficulty, I found it the hardest of the week -- also a very good thing. I really worked to solve it.

Eldreth 10:38 AM  

As someone who rolled my own cigarettes for years I have a quarrel with “rollie” as slang for a roll your own. Never in 40 years of rolling my own cigarettes did I ever hear anyone call them called “rollies.” “Roll your owns” - yes. “Roll ups”, check. “Twist ups” - yep. “Rollies” - nope, never, no how, no way, uh uh.

bocamp 10:40 AM  

@Coniuratos (7:43 AM)

My apologies for not noticing you had mentioned the movie, 'Pearl Harbor'. I previous thanked @Patricia Hughes (8:22 AM) for the reference. So, thx to you both! :)

Thx, also to @Frantic for the 'Tora! Tora! Tora!' mention. :)

Will cue both movies for watching later (may wait until Dec. 7).

@Whatsername (10:12 AM)

Thx for the additional info on DORIS MILLER. :)

Peace ~ Compassion ~ Tolerance ~ Kindness to all 🕊

Eldreth 10:43 AM  

Rollies? Be serious. Roll your owns, roll ups, twist ups, doobies or doobs (for weed) - yep. Rollies? Never in 40 years of rolling my own cigarettes have I heard them called rollies. I think the constructor made it up.

JD 10:49 AM  

Out 11th grade history teacher said that Republicans in the ‘30s referred to the WPA We Poke Around, a disparagement for the foot-dragging unemployed in the program. To paraphrase Lucille Bluth, who doesn’t love the Republicans.

Aslant is a stretch for Biased isn’t it, “Of course the Republicans were Aslant against everything Roosevelt did!” Gotta admit the court packing thing was a bad idea though, Biden hasn’t mentioned it again. Sorry, I Couldn’t Resist. My distain crosses the aisle back and forth.

1,2,3D were a tough start, so I roamed around for a while. Canned Lines? was the toughest because I don’t think people who are “canned” are usually invited to do exit interviews, “Say Lois, we’re interested in your work experience here at Cornhole. Why are you leaving?” “You fired me.”

An easier Sat than usual but no complaints about that. I did like the cluing.

Chili Lover 10:52 AM  

@TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsOmega 10:34

Maybe to mix it up on Thursday you could go with Frog Leg Chili - I think it’s very popular in Paris Bistros. I believe they give it a special name like Cassoulet or something like that. Has beans in it so will help piss off Texas too.

Shirley F 10:53 AM  

@LorenMuseSmith - Keep the blueberries out of the batter and drop them onto the filled muffin tins (or bread pan). Alternately, you can half-fill the muffin tins, mix the blueberries into the rest of the batter and finish filling the tins.

That said, perhaps the batter is a bit too thin?

Frantic Sloth 10:58 AM  

@Ω 1034am Given your innate fondness for anagrams, I'm surprised Thursday doesn't spotlight LICHI Gazpacho. Perhaps the chef will be open to the suggestion as you said. I wouldn't touch the rest of the menu. (You can consider that a compliment, or you know, the opposite.) 😘

bagelboy 10:59 AM  

The Honda Accord Wagon is long gone (per above), but there was a Coupe version until 2017, so many still on the road. So I'd make the call that the clue as written is a poor choice for SEDAN.

andrew 10:59 AM  

For some reason, had movies on my mind:

Canned lines, once I had interview, was filminterview (cans of reels, I thought).
Screams over became Screams “over” - which is what the director says the scene is when he yells “cut”, hence cutyells!

Enough clue misdirects and room for miscues that could be corrected to make this a fun Saturday.

Plus leaning about a historic figure is a bonus - well done Ms. Brandes!

Nancy 11:08 AM  

@GILL -- Sorry I failed to comment on your sad, but colorful and (as always) well-written post yesterday on the house fire that burned down everything but your art. Thanks heavens for that! @Hartley and others sent me back to read it just now: yesterday I was otherwise engaged -- at what seems to be the most expensive dentist on the Eastern seaboard. He was assessing (with an extremely high-tech machine) how deep the crack in my #30 tooth extends and whether it can be repaired with an onlay or requires a crown. And whether he can use oral sedation or will need to use an IV. Some anesthesia will definitely be needed since I have a huge gag reflex and that's the only way any dentist can work on me for extended periods. I've been told to have someone there to pick me up a full three hours after my appointment!!! Now all I have to do is find that person.

I then came home (walked 2--2 1/2 miles each way) to contemplate all the things I'd have to give up to pay this humongous bill. The 36' yacht, obviously. The round-the-world trip. Any wine more expensive than $5/bottle. With any luck, I can hang onto my apartment, though.

(Just hope, everyone, that Biden get through Congress his plan for Medicare to cover dental, along with hearing and vision. Because the cost of dentistry is completely out of control.)

Anyway, that's why I didn't comment on your very interesting post yesterday, @GILL. I also enjoyed @Hartley's similar post today -- though I already knew the entire story straight from the horse's mouth.

Frantic Sloth 11:17 AM  

@JD 1049am I know it's just me, but for no valid reason, I want "Say, Lois..." to become the next (opposite of) "Bye, Felicia."

Speaking of ROLLIES, ***Dating Myself Alert*** does anyone remember the Laredo? My sister had one for a couple weeks...lost its shine rather quickly. Naturally, I was fascinated by it. 🙄

Birchbark 11:18 AM  

Cafe du MONDE -- Their coffee is made with chicory, and they serve powdered sugar on a bed of beignets. All good, but to my palate, mostly for the atmosphere.

DORIS MILLER -- I wondered if it was the guy who ran to the gun in Tora! Tora! Tora!, and sure enough it was. Yes, it was a very short clip. But a surprising one, and I somehow remembered it from 50 years ago.

Here is the link:

BE SORE, my beating heart -- Do you know what's more awkward than CRINGE? CRIphE. It happens when you think 37A ("intensify") is ramP up, and 40A ("subjects of 'Seeds of Science') is hMOS.

Joseph Michael 11:22 AM  

Great puzzle weekend so far. The solve for me today was just the right amount of challenge and I learned about DORIS MILLER along the way. Nothing to BE SORE about here.

Had COULDN’T HELP IT before COULDN’T RESIST and that added to the mystery of 15D which was one of my final entries. Liked the play on “canned.” Had been wavering between the sardines kind of canned and the rote-response kind of canned. So it was a satisfying aha to discover that it was neither.

Not familiar with the term ROLLIE. The only hand-rolled cigs I know are JOINTS.

Great clues for WINE RACK, SKIER, and TONE. Also liked the reminder that a first date can be experienced ONLY ONCE.

Meanwhile there’s TRYST again looking for Romeo and Juliet.

Z 11:23 AM  

@Chili Lover - I like the way you think.
@Frantic Sloth - We tried an anagram chili but it always ended up tasting like parc durt.

@JD - Politicizing the court is a bad idea, but since it has been politicized not acting accordingly is stupid. I see two easy ways to undo the damage done by Mitch. Add four or reduce by two. Since the last two are the least legitimate members of the court removing their positions makes a lot of sense. OTOH, SCOTUS was set at 9 members in 1869 when there were fewer than 40 million Americans. Seems like we’re long past the time when it should have grown.

Anonymous 11:36 AM  

OH!! @Anoa Bob/1:15!! I've had the same reaction, esp. the first time I heard the term outside the genre that wasn't obviously smut. first heard it, without definition, from The Wife's brother who was then a defense attorney in DC, who announced (reason not remembered) "they're be a lot of cornholing in jail tonight!" it only took a microsecond to get the point, so to speak.

had ROLLup, and stuck with it. not in small part due to Pappy, who, being always broke, mostly had to make his ciggiepops his ownself. I forget the brand name, but he had a 'machine' consisting of a frame, semi-circular plate, a rubber coated piece of cloth fixed to the frame on either side of the plate, and a rotating fixture that moved through the rubberized cloth over the plate. put the paper and tobacco in the open trough on one side, push the fixture over the plate to the other side, and the ciggiepop falls out the bottom of the cloth. you had to replace the cloth every now and again, when the residual paper edge-glue gummed the works.

Whatsername 11:47 AM  

If you want to laugh until tears roll down your cheeks just read this story of the Texas Chili Cookoff. It’s been around a long time but definitely worth revisiting. And definitely NOT Suitable For Work. You’ve been warned.

Anonymous 11:50 AM  

set at 9 members in 1869 when there were fewer than 40 million Americans. Seems like we’re long past the time when it should have grown.

well... the House has been fixed (so to speak) for some decades. let's see...1913. adding for Hawaii and Alaska, of course don't count as 'expansion'. hasn't made any difference: gerrymandering and the urban/rural problem have kept the Right Wingnuts in control. SCOTUS isn't designed to be like the House, but like the Senate. it would be interesting for someone (humble self waaay too lazy) to figure out the urban rural split in 1913 and change (increase/decrease) the count of the court to match. that is: 1910 urban 46% 1990 urban 75% so it would make sense to toss out justices from/appointed by shitkicker states and pols to match today's urban dominance.

Wanderlust 11:52 AM  

We need a whole new system. Term limits, rotations, something to keep us from being subjected to the most important matters of our lives being determined by who dies during whose administration. That part should be bipartisan. But also to keep us from being subjected to Mitch’s dirty tricks. That part isn’t.

mathgent 11:59 AM  

My favorite posts this morning.

Frantic Sloth (12:13)
Anoa Bob (1:15)
pabloinnh (8:18)
Tom T (8:24)
Texas Mama (9:54)

Hartley70 12:09 PM  

As to DORISMILLER, mea culpa is all I can say. I solved and posted in the dark middle of the night. Sometimes I’m astounded by my own ignorance, but it certainly was a trickier answer than I realized!

Beezer 12:21 PM  

@JD, I got EXITINTERVIEW through crosses but like you I thought, um no, that they are done with resignations and even retirements to get candid feedback on company practices.

@Bagelboy, I THINK people now think in terms of two door or four door sedans but I know what you mean with the coupe thing.

Like @Z being temporarily stymied with props and OBIES, I spent way too much time thinking of something like MeTV watching Andy Griffith with ones parents and post solve had the “don’t take that TONE with me” eureka.

I also confess I had Alaskan king SALMON(s), thought *surely not* but didn’t take it out until I got the B for SEACRABS.

Z 12:23 PM  

@Anon 11:50 - I’ve seen the argument made that the fixed sized of the House magnifies the power of monied interests. For example, if we had 1 representative per 100,000 instead of 1 per 750,000 it would just be flat out more expensive to buy congress. Second, how close do people feel towards their mayor as opposed to their governor? Representing fewer people makes a Rep more accountable to the people they do represent. The House was formed to be the voice of the people and it’s just not possible at the current size. I do believe that this also contributes to our collective distrust of Congress. OTOH, How would a House of 3,000 members even work? I do imagine we would no longer have a two-party system, which has it pluses and minuses.

@Wanderlust - All we need is for Congress to exercise the check on the Court’s influence that the Constitution gives it; the power to set the size of the court. The only Justice required by the Constitution is the Chief Justice. All the other positions exist only if Congress says they do.

/all politics from me for the day

Newboy 12:34 PM  

Joining the crowd in awe and appreciation of Doris. I know little about Pearl even though my father was a survivor—like most, he would not recount the horrific experiences of that morning and the ensuing days. His reluctance is probably a major reason I’ve taken a pass on the films noted by previous posters.

Enjoyed the gentle solve and only found amazement when googling “fresh water crabs” to find that “ Around 1,300 species of freshwater crabs are distributed throughout the tropics and subtropics, divided among eight families. They show direct development and maternal care of a small number of offspring, in contrast to marine crabs, which release thousands of planktonic larvae.” (Wikipedia, of course) so much we don’t know we don’t know! And that’s before we have CHECKED INTO the SCUSA and discordant political issues.

Thanks Wendy (& your mentoring crew) for sticking with a grid development that educates as well as delights. Looking forward to seeing your efforts in future challenges.

JD 12:35 PM  

@Frantic, I had to look up Bye Felicia. Har! It'll come in handy.

@Ω, I agree that something has to be done but could the add/subtract thing could go on forever? Though I lean more toward @Wanderlust, both sides are too invested in the dysfunction and their own political survival to do anything about it.

Doc John 12:35 PM  

And here I felt sure that Rex would have this clip or something similar as part of today's write-up! (Even though he says "good" instead of "great.")

Bax'N'Nex 12:46 PM  

I have tinnitus in my left ear…living rent free too.

GILL I. 12:53 PM  

Well, I'm late again to this mornings soiree - stayed up late last night with the drinky poo crowd.
Anyway, as usual, all the things I might've said have been so well expressed (ahem) by everybody else.
I'll add a few of mine, though:
When I finish a Saturday puzzle without help, I do a little fandango tango. I did one last night and 57A had my name all over it.
What @Anoa Bob 1:15 said about CORN HOLE. Ouch. the first time it appeared here, I immediately went and looked it up and got the Urban definition.
What @okanaganer 1:36 said about SPLIFF. The very first time I had a ROLLIE (Never hear of that term) I had just arrived in the USofA. I think I was about 22 or so and my brother and his friends took me to Coney Island. I tried out all the hot dogs I hadn't eaten in Espana and a lot of candy. Then we rode the Ferris wheel but before that, some weed was pulled out and inhale I did...mightily I might add. All I did was laugh. I laughed too hard because I wet my pants. Try walking around with a corn dog hanging out of your mouth and a wet derrière'. I didn't smoke again for many years after.
What most of you said about seeing Chili ON RICE. I don't really like chili - just look at the story @Whatsername 11:47 posted on Texas Chili Cookoff. I like some hot food but good gravy, you put it in my chili and you can imagine the nether exploding. Sorry, I COULDN'T RESIST>

@Frantic, @Loren, @Nancy...Thanks for at least reading my late night screed. I tend to reminisce and ramble on when I see a word or two...It's fun!
@Hartley 5:19. Yikes, girl.....At least I hadn't developed long term memories with the house. Didn't you just lose your barn to a hurricane?

Masked and Anonymous 12:58 PM  

Lotsa almost-raised-by-wolves clues in this rodeo. Liked.
Some of the faves:

* {Floor support} = AYE. Ergo, staff weeject pick.
* {Some bags in boxes} = TEAS.
* {Props for some plays?} = OBIES.
* {What's the big deal?} = CARDS. Totally raised-by-wolves, IM&AO.
* {Canned lines?} = EXITINTERVIEW.
* {Something you might want to watch with your parents} = TONE.
* {Place to get a cab} = WINERACK.

Thanx, Ms. Brandes darlin. Good job. And thanx for that introduction to the commendable Doris Miller.
Masked & AnonymoUUs

for them that wants a little squirt of theme on their Saturday:

Anonymous 1:06 PM  


it comes down to how the question is answered: is SCOTUS there to keep things The Way They Were, or The Way They Are? certainly, the Right Wing stolen elections have tilted the Court violently to Party Like It's 1859.

the urban/rural problem has existed from the very beginning; over the centuries the shitkickers have extended their unjustified power since then. that we've made any progress at all is a miracle.

PhotoAde 1:33 PM  

Felt more like a Friday than Saturday for me, or maybe just happened to be in sync with the cluing. I only looked sideways at TEAS. Although TEAS as a word is legit, it doesn't quite work in the context of the clue. While it is possible that a bag of tea can consist of a blend of more than one varietal of tea (i.e. TEAS), I've never heard it referred to as anything other than as a tea bag or teabag. "Would you please pass me one of those TEAS bags?" Nope, never, this cannot be allowed.

Time to refill my cofees cup.

chance2travel 1:38 PM  

My DNF was one square to the right of Rex's. I've heard of ENdO and iNtra, but once I had ENT- crossing D-RIS, I put in the letter a, giving me ENDa across DaRIS.

I liked Rex's detailed description of combing through every answer after not getting the happy sound. That describes most of my Saturdays and quite a few Friday's as well.

Anyone else try ShmeaRS for 1A? Fortunately I've been to Nawlin's, so Cafe Du MONDE got me out of that mess.

Laissez les bons temps rouler!

PhotoAde 1:39 PM  

So glad to learn about Doris Miller, but I smiled when I remembered this golden nugget:

foxaroni 1:45 PM  

Showing my age: "Cigarette that's assembled by hand, informally" was filled in immediately with "REEFER." Have never heard the term "rollie."

It's been my understanding that rice or macaroni in chili is anathema to chili purists.

Ditto on CRINGEing @ a game called "cornhole."

Thank you, Wendy, for a very enjoyable puzzle. (I finished it completely with no help or errors, so the puzzle has to be good, right?)

Whatsername 1:51 PM  

@GILL (12:53) Your post made me laugh almost as hard as the chili cookoff joke. I had that very unfortunate experience not many years ago. I had a terrible cold and suffered a fit of uncontrollable coughing while standing in line at the drugstore waiting for a prescription. I tried to step away from people but it was really the most helpless feeling. I can only imagine if it happened today in the world of Covid, people would go running for the exits. Anyway, thank God I had worn dark colored pants that day and hadn’t eaten chili for lunch.

bocamp 2:08 PM  

@PhotoAde (1:39 PM)


Peace ~ Compassion ~ Tolerance ~ Kindness to all 🕊

Tom T 2:16 PM  

Texas Momma, lived in LA from '85 to '96, with lots of visits to Cafe du Monde. Don't know what motivated the cab driver's response; just always remember the exchange with a chuckle.

Pensionman 2:27 PM  

Please explain 50 down clue.

Z 2:34 PM  

Regarding CORNHOLE - The surprising thing isn’t that a game popular with young men and often played at bars got the name CORNHOLE. What’s surprising is that the good people at ESPN and the NYTX are so parochial and naive as to not know the origin of the name they are plastering across their airwaves and in their puzzle. When USAU started showing games on ESPN there were several name kerfuffles. Ghetto Blaster became MixTape. Truck Stop Glory Hole became just Truck Stop. And my personal favorite because nobody outside Pennsylvania had a clue was Heva Hava, a Pennsylvania Dutch term for a person who is a bull semen collector (or something like that). But CORNHOLE makes ESPN and now the NYTX. Personally I think we are excessively puritanical about all things not missionary style so the whole thing just makes me chuckle. 🤣😈🤣😈🤣

@PhotoAde - When the kind wait staff brings the box of tea bags to the table to allow me to choose I am being shown a variety of TEAS. That’s how I understood the clue.

@Birchbark - they serve powdered sugar on a bed of beignets - It has always seemed to me that “beignets” is a hoity toity Elephant Ear like we used to get at the County Fair. Sure, a little ball instead of flat fried dough, but at their core both are just fried dough doused in powdered sugar.

Z 2:37 PM  

@Pensionman: “Watch your TONE with me young lady or you can just forget going to the dance Friday night.”

Hack mechanic 2:39 PM  

Yup, it's roll ups. Killed that SW corner for me.

Anonymous 2:48 PM  

It's been my understanding that rice or macaroni in chili is anathema to chili purists.

add to that list: hamburger (which is not, you may understand, whole beef) and tomato of any kind or form. the stuff which does include such is referred to as "hamburger soup", and not in a joyous way.

The Swedish Chef 2:50 PM  

at their core both are just fried dough doused in powdered sugar.

BAM! your a blasphemer.

Hartley70 3:17 PM  

@Gill I, we sure did. But like the house, the barn is rebuilt now and it was much less traumatic. We’d like to keep our plagues on that 21 year cycle. That way we’re likely to miss the next!

Anonymous 3:56 PM  

How do I access the NYT cryptic puzzle? I've done a Google search and searched within the NYT app. I find lots of Wordplay reviews of cryptic puzzles but not the puzzle itself. (I'm a digital subscriber to NYT and NYT Crosswords, Android phone, if that makes a difference.)

Monty Boy 3:58 PM  

I liked this one a lot. I knew about Doris Miller from books on Pearl Harbor.

Gordon Prange, "At Dawn We Slept" - Lieutenant Commander Dior C. Johnson hurried up with a big, well, built black mess attendant, Doris Miller. He had been the ship's heavyweight boxing champion and Johnson thought he was just the man to help lift the captain [of battleship West Virginia] out of danger. ... Johnson saw Miller, who was not supposed to handle anything deadlier than a swab, manning a machine gun, "blazing away as though he had fired one all his life." As he did so, his usually impassive face bore the deadly smile

Quite the hero.

Monty Boy 4:01 PM  

One other comment: Doris was not an unusual name at that time. In my small town in Montana I recall two men named Doris. Both had a nickname, like Dorie or Tex (he was from Texas).

Birchbark 4:29 PM  

@Omega-man (2:34), @Swedish Chef (2:50) -- Be at peace, and remember the words of Lao TSE:

Powdered sugar falls
Equally well on beignets
and elephant ears.

okanaganer 4:45 PM  

@anonymous 3:56pm: The acrostic is a bit hard to find; just save this bookmark:

rjkennedy98 5:13 PM  

I was able to work my way through this one slowly and steadily (bottom to top as usual). I always enjoy a puzzle that pushes me without being unfair or impossible to get. I could see it being too easy for the best solvers here.

My break through was dropping in CORN HOLE into the SW corner. I have no idea what ROLLIEs people need to be smoking to actually watch people play that game on TV, but then again, I don't get a lot of whats on TV.

Like half the people here, I put down ENDO instead of ENTO, and needed to get GREEN TAX to fix that. I also put in TVA instead of WPA (those 3 letter New Deal programs are always a crap shoot). But other than that, hardly any erasures.

ON RICE fill seemed like an Erik Agard-inspired hipster crossword answer.

Legume 5:15 PM  

@Monty Boy:

and (ones commonly thought to be girly)
D'Arcy - my grandfather and uncle
Beverly - a few money gospel preachers
Leslie - Nielson et al, although it seems -ie for boys, -y for girls

Z 5:25 PM  

@Birchbark - Shouldn’t that last line be and an elephant ear to make it an haiku.
@Swedish Chef - 😈😈🤷🏽‍♂️😈😈

Art 5:40 PM  

I live in Texas. Nobody, and I mean nobody, serves or eats chili on rice.

joebloggs 5:49 PM  

I’m in the Navy and we NEVER refer to Dorie Miller as Doris. NEVER! Can’t begin to express how annoying I found that.

Birchbark 6:15 PM  

5-7-5, as I was schooled.

Z 6:37 PM  

@Birchbark - 🤦🏻‍♂️. I was making “elephant” 2 syllables.

Birchbark 6:49 PM  

@Ø (6:37) -- Ah, the Holland elision. I had read about it, but never witnessed until now.

JC66 7:06 PM  


I think you'll LOVE tomorrow's puzzle. 😂

Z 8:46 PM  

@JC66 - As @Teedmn said, I am Legion. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

kitshef 9:21 PM  

Awful, awful, awful clue for CARDS pretty much ruined this.

thefogman 12:19 PM  

I COULDNTRESIST mentioning this is Wendy Brandes’s second NYT crossword. You can debut ONLYONCE, but this was a solid encore. Bravo Wendy!

Anonymous 1:10 PM  

I like how "cornhole" crosses "be sore." LOL!

Burma Shave 1:12 PM  


I CHECKEDINTO what she MEANT for us:
it was CORNHOLE for a TRYST!


Anonymous 1:29 PM  

If it has beans, ground beef and tomatoes it's not chili. Sorry, Northerners.

Diana, LIW 2:51 PM  

Yeah. You know. One-letter dnf. Fine with me.

Diana, Lady-in-Waiting fro Crosswords

spacecraft 3:16 PM  

Pretty smooth. I had no idea, like 99.9% of the rest of us, who DORISMILLER was, but no objections to calling a (presumed) female "hero." Okay, so sorry, MILLER family, he was a guy. My last letter was also that D, finishing MONDE, which, in the name of a French bistro, looked just fine.

Nice open grid with lots of long answers, what you want on a Saturday. Loved COULDNTRESIST. For a solo debut, this was good. Birdie.

thomas 7:20 PM  
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