Northern Florida county seat / WED 1-3-18 / Lead-in to cumulus / Longtime Boston Symphony maestro

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Constructor: Bruce Haight

Relative difficulty: Easy (I think ... I stopped in disappointment / disgust after the first themer, and then came back to it, so I don't have a valid solving time, but it felt fast)

THEME: some stupid ****ing food puns 

Theme answers:
  • 16A: "Don't worry about my cheesy chip"? ("IT'S NACHO PROBLEM")
  • 24A: "We should discuss your Qdoba order"? ("LET'S TACO BOUT IT")
  • 42A: "Should we settle this dispute over toppings outside"? ("YA WANNA PIZZA ME?") [YA????? man, that is weak]
  • 55A: "That Italian dessert truly boggles the mind"? ("I CANNOLI IMAGINE") 
Word of the Day: CATO the Elder (23A: "Elder" Roman statesman) —
Cato the Elder (/ˈkt/; Latin: Cato Major; 234 BC – 149 BC), born Marcus Porcius Cato and also known as Cato the Censor (Cato Censorius), Cato the Wise (Cato Sapiens), and Cato the Ancient (Cato Priscus), was a Roman senator and historian known for his conservatism and opposition to Hellenization. He was the first to write history in Latin. // He came from an ancient Plebeian family who were noted for their military service. Like his forefathers, Cato was devoted to agriculture when not serving in the army. Having attracted the attention of Lucius Valerius Flaccus, he was brought to Rome and began to follow the cursus honorum: he was successively military tribune (214 BC), quaestor (204 BC), aedile (199 BC), praetor (198 BC), junior consul (195 BC) together with Flaccus, and censor (184 BC). As praetor, he expelled usurers from Sardinia. As censor, he tried to preserve Rome's ancestral customs and combat "degenerate" Hellenistic influences. His epithet "Elder" distinguishes him from his equally famous great-grandson Cato the Younger, who opposed Julius Caesar. (wikipedia)
• • •

This is a genuine train wreck. Puns are one thing—they may not be my cup of tea, but if done well, they're certainly a legitimate form of crossword wordplay and a fine concept to hang a puzzle on. But these ... this ridiculous, motley assortment of nonsense ... I'm at a loss. The first pun is so tired, so dumb, so old, I actually lost the will to go on once I filled it in (and I filled it in with just IT'S NAC- in place). "That's nacho cheese!" hahahahaha we all laughed in 3rd grade, which for me was the late '70s. So I literally took a time-out—something I almost never do mid-solve—and came back after a few minutes of trying to regain my will to go on. The next themer almost made me walk away again. It stayed in the Mexican food arena, so that's good, I guess, but in the process it just invented a word like it was no big deal. BOUT? You can't have BOUT just sitting there on its own. NACHO = "not your"; PIZZA = "piece of"; CANNOLI = "can only"; TACO = "talk a-" ... what the hell is free-standing BOUT supposed to be. LET'S TACO BOUT IT sounds like you're challenging someone to a fight using only hurled tacos. TACO BOUT! And then somehow, in the bottom portion of the grid, the food puns go Italian. Why? Who knows? They just do. Unbelievable how dashed-off, dumb, and lazy this is. Again, to be clear, this is not about whether pun puzzles are good or bad—they're totally acceptable as a form. It's just that *this* particular version of the form is an abomination. Puns are lazy / nonsensical, theme assortment lacks any kind of reasonable coherence. Blech.

How is VARIABLY the answer for 8D: Hit or miss, say!? I don't see how you get to an adverb from that clue.** I also don't get how CHIMP is acceptable as an answer for 26D: Pioneer in space. I mean, I know that we sent a damn CHIMP to space, but ... just CHIMP? Is [Pioneer in space] also an acceptable clue for DOG? HUMAN? Was anyone on duty when this thing got edited / proofed? The fill on this one is largely unremarkable. Dull, but not abysmal. Can't believe INONE couldn't have been avoided. You can see how INANE would get you TAN crossing TANS, but ... I mean, that's a problem *you* created, and one that you could *uncreate* if you really wanted to. But I don't feel like anyone involved with the creation of this puzzle *really wanted* anything except to just crank another puzzle out and hope no one notices the shoddiness.

Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld

**someone looked it up and :(

Huh. OK.

[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and Facebook]


Whirred Whacks 12:05 AM  

Another gem from the amazing Bruce Haight. Clever theme.

I think Michael Sharp is jealous that Bruce has had so many puzzles published in the NYT in the past six months.

Attaboy Bruce! Keep ‘me coming.

Geo 12:08 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thomaso808 12:18 AM  

TACO BOUT = talk a-bout works for me. I love pun puzzles. Loved this one.

tbd88 12:21 AM  

My partner and I try to come up with the worst puns possible as it gives us some kind of perverse pleasure, so I enjoyed this a great deal even as I was groaning. Definitely easy for a Wednesday, though.

Dave Hogg 12:25 AM  

I did the Tuesday and Wednesday puzzles back to back, so OZAWA was fresh in my mind when I got there. Will he show up again tomorrow?

I usually enjoy pun puzzles, but those were terrible.

Tim Carey 12:27 AM  

Absolute Crap.

TomAz 12:30 AM  

This wasn't the best of puzzles, but it wasn't the dreck Rex makes it out to be. Yes, the themers were a bit strained in places, and the switch from Mexican to Italian food felt odd. But the review feels like an overreaction to me.

Liked: SALTY, TUB, RIDEUP, SIP, all because of their clues rather than their actual word-worthiness. Disliked LULU (more crosswordish than in-the-language -- does anyone actually use LULU in this sense? or in any sense?), GENEPOOL (is the clue really accurate? We inherit traits from our parents GENEs, right, but not the GENEPOOL at large), and VEEP (dunno who Selina Meyer is, don't watch much TV).

I found the TACO answer the most contrived of the themers. Which is a little odd, really, since it is the one that the constructor's notes say got this whole thing going.

Otherwise fill was ok, not bad really. the few proper names were not wholly unfamiliar.

Bruce Haight 12:48 AM  

Ouch - one of my many train rex on this review site.....I'm going to romaine calm's no big dill...there's always next thyme!

alexa shortbush 1:08 AM  

What's bothersome is having puzzles rejected because the theme isn't "tight" enough and then having to solve puzzles like this.

Appetizers, Mexican, Italian, dessert ?

mathgent 1:14 AM  

Wonderful puzzle. I loved all four of the pun themers.

Happy to see that Bruce Haight wasn't hurt by Rex's nonsense. I'm beginning to wonder about Jeff Chen's taste, too.

I was happy that the down fill wasn't too hard. I needed the letters to figure out the puns running across.

I can't remember any of Bruce Haight's puzzles being less than excellent. And he seems to love putting them together.

Paul Rippey 1:25 AM  

I try to predict what Rex is going to say after I finish. Got this one completely wrong. I enjoyed the puns, wasn’t bothered at all by the shift in origin of the dishes, and noted the clean fill and lack of crosswordese. Fun, easy, got some chuckles. Thanks Bruce Haight.

Phil 1:47 AM  

Isn't @LMS from northern midwest ...Minnesota?
Anyway there’s suppose to be quite a large hmong presence in that area. Kind of interesting that they’re an immigrant bloc yet do not have a country identification, like laotian vietnamese etc. Quite widespread in northern parts of thailand, myanmar, and LAOS, as well as china.

Maybe @LMS has had a chance to see their beautiful fabric they create.

Phil 1:50 AM  

Was the tub sailing rigged? Or is that abad clue?

chefwen 1:53 AM  

Place me into the loved it camp. Love puns and food is food, Mexican, Italian or whatever, it’s all good. All of the items mentioned have the tendency to OOZE, I’d tie that into the theme. Only trip up was sOarS before ZOOMS, took me a while to sort that out.

I usually cringe when I see a Bruce Haight puzzle, but I figured “it’s Wednesday, it can’t be that tough and it wasn’t, it was just a lot of fun”.

CDilly52 2:12 AM  

The tub was for the butcher, the baker and candlestick maker as they all go out to sea. “Rub-a-dub-dub three men in a tub, and who do you think they be...”

CDilly52 2:16 AM  

While the craftsmanship was a tad loose, the theme was legit, and the fill appropriate to mid-week it possibly a bit on the easy side. To each his own.

Melrose 4:22 AM  

To Phil:

Three men in a tub

I think that's the reference. Not sailing rigged, unless you choose to imagine it that way. Not a great clue.

Thomaso808 4:50 AM  

I only knew of the Hmong because of Clint Eastwood’s film Gran Torino. Tough to be a distinct ethnic group without a country to really call home.

TonySaratoga 5:19 AM  

Excellent repast.

Loren Muse Smith 5:41 AM  

Man oh man oh man. Bruce Haight + puns + Rex. His perfect storm for a bout of laughtose intolerance.

The theme is tighter to me than Rex feels. These are not just food puns like the ones in Bruce’s gracious comments here (when they go low, we go high) – “maybe next thyme, no big dill”… Each pun in the grid is a Mexican or Italian prepared dish.

The BOUT tirade - huh?

I agree with the majority of the commenters so far – this Tuesday was all that and dim sum… four Z’s, LOO dropping a LOAD, the clue for RIDE UP. (Would the Some Like it Hot star call that a Lemmon wedgie?)

Speaking of underwear riding up… I always liken people pointing out grammar “mistakes” on this blog to calling attention to someone’s panty line. Some people corrected Annabel for using like as a conjunction. Get with the times, people. Using like as a conjunction is so widespread now in English that it has settled in quite comfortably. (@Kevin – thanks for stepping in there to defend it.) Do you people still insist on I shall instead of I will? The word nice used to mean foolish, stupid, senseless. Our language is an ever-evolving, beautifully dynamic elastic magnificent wonder. (Oh, and spelling? Thanks, @QuasiMojo for clearing up the mystery to everyone that I was talking about the NYT when I spelled it Grey Lady. Nice.)

@phil phil – no – I’m not from Minnesota, but I’ve said that Ely, Minnesota is my favorite place on earth.

Bruce – I’m registering for the ACPT today. I hope. If the site’s up and running. Let’s do lunch. Maybe Indian. We can kick the meal off with a naan starter.

Aketi 5:44 AM  

Very punny.
I’m trying to envision which type of TACO would be a better weapon in a BOUT. Seems like the soft ones would be better for slapping and the crispy ones would be better for poking. Then again, maybe the BOUT would be more like a hot dog eating contest.

Lewis 6:06 AM  


@lms -- Great post, once again!

I like DARN near RIPS, and the PEEP/VEEP cross. Would have liked some more clever cluing, as should be there on a Wednesday.

Rex, these theme answers are "an abomination" *to you*, but apparently by the comments so far, not to everyone, and they weren't to me. A good theme will engender people coming up with other possible theme answers or theme-answer-like spinoffs (see @ LMS), and it did with me, as well. (The following are too long for a puzzle, but I don't care.) To wit:

Plaint upon discovering a flat beer: THEBRUCHETTAFOAMED!
To someone leaving a party: YOUFOCCACIACARKEYS!

xyz 6:24 AM  

Unimpressive middle school nonsense. Trump-like quality.

BarbieBarbie 6:42 AM  

@LMS, sorry we disagree about our language, but no need for Unhip-Shaming, just as there was no need for Kevin’s snark yesterday, which was why I weighed in. Some things are commonly used in spoken English but still go Klank to a copy editor’s ear, and to mine when I read them, and if for example they’re included on a resume I’m reading, they can help paint a negative picture. Hope your students get that. Yep, maybe a blog post can be written as spoken language. Like the comments. So, okay on Like.

England, huh? They do odd things over there. Open their tins in the garden with a spanner, close it again with cellotape while the lorries pass as they wait for the lift. Use collective nouns as plurals (“the board are meeting today”). Weird people. We should all speak and write exactly like them, because they’re in England and we are 100% Anglo-worshipers here, or we will be when Bannon and Sessions are finished.

I liked this puzzle, thought it was easy but wasn’t crazy about TACO (you have to stretch to make it work) or TUB (no sail, as already pointed out). Solved it fast and just for the halibut. Orange we glad he didn’t say banana?

'merican in Paris 6:54 AM  

Still getting accustomed to the iPad version, so it took me 42 minutes. I'd rate today's GAME puzzle closer to a medium.

I like my puns to be groaners, so wasn't bothered by the themes. I assume that the second one is parsed either as LET'S TAC OBOUT IT, or LET'S TACO 'BOUT IT. Either way, it's meant to be groan-worthy.

Actually had to struggle with the far NW. First entered Jive, then JAZZ, then erased it. Took getting the themer and then realizing that the clue "pokey" could mean JAIL as well as "slow".

Thought the fill was pretty good, albeit at times they were clued in a rather straight-forward manner.

< rant > Regarding word use, grammar and punctuation, I don't recall ever correcting any of the commentators', but I've learned that even pointing out stuff in @Rex's write-up seems to get people upset. That said, I don't buy into the "anything goes, language is always changing so live with it" school of thought, which seems to me more aimed at placating the writer than looking after the interests of his or her readers, the constituency who I would have thought matters most. As with so much in life, there are trade-offs. So nobody cares about maintaining the distinction between "imply" and "infer" any longer? Sure, it makes things easier for the writer, but forces readers to spend more time figuring out which of the opposite meanings the writer intended. As a critic of a recent book on Putin wrote in a review for The Economist magazine recently, "Sloppy use robs terms of their meaning". And that robbery makes all of us, as readers, poorer. < /rant >

Anonymous 7:06 AM  

All of the foods have cheese.

Hungry Mother 7:08 AM  

I had lUV instead of GUV for a while; otherwise, no problem. Interesting theme. A little silliness doesn’t hurt.

Glimmerglass 7:12 AM  

I love puns, but LET’S TACO ‘BOUT IT would make even my late father blush.

kitshef 7:24 AM  

One of those days when I completely failed to anticipate Rex's reaction. Thought he'd complain about how easy it was and about DATE NUT and TOAT. Thought he'd be happy there were two Mexican and two Italian themers.

While I myself have ranted about YA recently in other contexts, it is absolutely OK in YA WANNNA PIZZA ME. 'You' would sound too formal there.

Funny how your tastes change. I used to drool over CANNOLI. Now, it's not worth the money nor the calories.

sidneyellenwade 7:25 AM  

I laughed out loud when I got the first themer. Groaned, too, but boy, was it fun. In general, loved the silliness. Lighten up, Rex.

BarbieBarbie 7:25 AM  

But surely, if the puns make this puzzle too hard to finish, you can solve it parsley?

'merican in Paris 7:30 AM  

By the way, are there any other current or former Floridians out there for whom OCALA wasn't immediately obvious in response to the clue for 14-A: "Northern Florida county seat"?

As somebody who lived at different times in both southern (Miami area) and northern (Tallahassee) Florida, folks (during my time at least) divided the state into at least three parts: southern (Lake Okeechobee and points south), northern (Jacksonville and westward along the panhandle), and central -- i.e., everything else. Some people considered the Keys to be a fourth distinct region. A nit, but to me OCALA is and always has been a Central Florida city.

Lewis 7:34 AM  

@merican -- Re OCALA, true that. (I'm a former Floridian.)

Loren Muse Smith 7:37 AM  

Ok. Let me get this straight. Some people, on a blog where people come together to discuss the puzzle and thoughts some entries evoke, decide to publicly pick* on a college student for using the word like as a conjunction. I defended her, and I’m doing the unhip shaming?

Copy editors, explain to me how changing a sentence like the following:

He sings like a wounded hippo wails.

to the “correct”

He sings as a wounded hippo wails.

clears things up. In fact, the “corrected” version is now not clear at all, even comically ambiguous. So, @’merican, if you’ll indulge me, this proper version “forces readers to spend more time figuring out which of the . . . meanings the writer intended."

I realize that I’m never going to convince purists how silly your rules are. Sure, you can show me a couple of examples where the “correcter” version’s meaning is clearer. But if you’re trying to convince me that reading something like She inferred that I’m overweight! is truly confusing to anyone, I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree.

My bigger fight is the public correcting of someone. To what end? To this end – to show everyone that you’re educated, you’re to be admired. I do the same thing - shamelessly, early, and often - but my showing off, as far as I can tell, does not involve innocent victims. And people publicly shaming other people's grammar are not innocent victims.

And yes, I split that infinitive up there.

Suddenly, I need a Winston.

kitshef 7:44 AM  

@BarbieBarbie - sellotape. 'cellotape' is used only on bowed instruments.

Spelling/grammar/usage - we all fall somewhere on the spectrum between pure descriptivism and pure prescriptivisim - we just draw the line in a different place. My biggest nit is when someone claims there is an error in grammar when they mean an error in usage. That and literally/figuratively, because the meaning is unclear. I mean, if you say "I was so scared I literally died", I know you are using literally to mean figuratively. But if you say "I was so scared I literally peed my pants", I have no idea if you are being literal or figurative. So ... literally, don't do it.

Birchbark 7:46 AM  


During the Vietnam War, the Hmong fought in LAOS on the US side. They disrupted the supply chain along the Ho Chi Mihn Trail, which went from China through Laos to North Vietnam. After the US withdrawal and the rise of a Communist government in Laos, things did not go well for them. Many families, including friends of mine, fled through the jungle to the Mekong River, where they crossed into Thailand on whatever would float. They lived in Thai refugee camps. A large number immigrated here and made homes in Central California, Denver, and St. Paul.

chefbea 7:57 AM  

Love puns and of course love food !!! Too many posts to read...will read them later

What in the world is Qdoba????

Love date nut bread!!!

JonB3 7:57 AM  

For “British term of address” went from SIR to MUM to LUV to GUV. Crikey!

Sioux Falls 8:04 AM  

Leave the gun. Take the CANNOLI

RJ 8:21 AM  

Puzzle was easy if not my cup of tea - so to speak. I'm not a fan of puns. Bothered most by "variably" - I kept thinking that it couldn't be a "y" at the end because how do you get there from the cluing?

Two Ponies 8:23 AM  

@ Bruce Haight,
You are a class act with a great sense of humor.

@ BarbieBarbie (6:42), Perhaps you got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and ought to go back there. You insulted Loren and certainly pissed me off. Your comments about England are so derisive and racist. Those are my people you are talking about and I am insulted.

Eric NC 8:26 AM  

Today’s blog more funny than the puzzle.

Ann 8:29 AM  

I’m a crossword novice, forced to start doing the crossword instead of reading too much news every morning. I really enjoyed this one. I was tickled when I got the theme for the long clues and enjoyed completing the puzzle once I’d figured them out. It must be difficult to be original when you make up a puzzle but it should help those who make up the puzzles to know that some of us are new to the game and not quite as picky as those who’ve been doing the puzzle for decades.

Non Somuchski 8:39 AM  

Someone please explain the difference between an adverb and adjective for that poor guy Dan.

Rex, medicate.

Chow, it's been fun.

John Child 8:44 AM  

Monday easy for me, so an upside down week so far. As someone on Wordplay asked, will Thursday solve itself? Har.

@mathgent - really? None “less that excellent”? De gustibus and all that...

Regardless, I echo what @Two Ponies said about class. Three cheers to Mr Haight for weighing in.

Wm. C. 8:45 AM  

Yep, I too put Ocala in Central Florida, just a bit north of Disney World. Interestingly, when you're there, you'd swear you were in Tennessee or Kentucky -- beautiful horse country!

Anonymous 8:45 AM  


"...but my showing off, as far as I can tell, does not involve innocent victims."

Was her name Tacky Jackie?

Marshoschref 8:48 AM  

I think Rex needs to find a different puzzle to blog about. He clearly despises the NYT - they are not up to his standards, he hates puns, he hates the dated fill, he hates the proper nouns, he hates the lack of creativity in the fill, on and on, we get it.

I enjoyed this puzzle a lot and I thought the puns were clever. I started the puzzle in bed this morning, and ran back to the puzzle from the shower happy because I figured out "You wanna pizza me". I can't ask for a better way to start the day than that.

Passing Shot 8:49 AM  

Mr. Haight — I can’t say I liked your puzzle much but you, sir, are a class act. Thanks.

ArtO 8:53 AM  

Puns are made to make you groan. If you think these are bad, you should hear my friend Alan's.

There is no doubt that @Rex just keeps losing it for reasons that go beyond reasonable criticism. Enough already! It's a new year. Some folks vow to be more kind, more forgiving or more tolerant. I guess not OFL.

Stephen Minehart 9:03 AM  

My ten-year-old daughter has a t-shirt with three of today's themers, accompanied by cute cartoon illustrations, so subsequently the puzzle played pretty fast for me. Sorry Rex, but I still chuckle every time she wears the shirt, and the puzzle like-wise made me smile. I don't really understand the rant about BOUT - the t-shirt from Target commits the same offense (though perhaps it shouldn't be held to the same standards as the NYT puzzle)

Sir Hillary 9:05 AM  

I'm not usually a huge fan of @Bruce Haight's puzzles, but I really enjoyed this one. Sure, ITSNACHOPROBLEM is an ooooold pun, but the others feel fresh. I strongly dislike cannoli as a food, but ICANNOLIIMAGINE is awesome!

And to boot, the constructor comes here and ups the ante even more. Fantastic!

As usual, the commentary here is half hilarious, half sad. Someone should archive this blog's contents for use in psychology education.

Hartley70 9:07 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Hermit Philosopher 9:11 AM  

No puzzle is EVER the dreck Rex makes it out to be.

The Hermit Philosopher 9:12 AM  

LOVE this!!

Mr. Benson 9:13 AM  

I thought it was just fine, but maybe the theme would have cohered better if it had stuck to one nationality and made up a whole meal from start to finish (e.g., an appetizer, a drink, a main course and a dessert). Not that I can think of any "cerveza" or "flan" puns, but maybe someone else can.

GILL I. 9:21 AM you glad I didn't carrot all what anyone said. I get eggcited bout imaginutive food puns.
I haven't read anybody yet since I have to run out for a sec but I did read @Rex. Yikes.
Wish there had been a Q somewhere... that really would have started the pangram war.
I enjoyed this, Bruce. I bet you'd be fun to have some lunch with.

Mohair Sam 9:22 AM  

If Rex had Will's job we'd have seen our last pun puzzle and our last Bruce Haight puzzle - two of my favorites. Chuckling here that Rex got himself wound up about the mix of Mexican and Italian foods - a takeout place opened near us last year offering both Tacos and Pizza on its menu. The place closed last month - but hey, there's your Italo-Mex restaurant Rex.

Too easy for a Wednesday, otherwise lots of fun. But then I'm a lover of hideous puns. ICANNOLIIMAGINE the favorite here. And "YA" before "you" always in the PIZZAME pun.

@LMS - Great write-up today, those puns left us laughing like hell. And a big "hear! hear!" on your comments on changing language - and your rousing defense of our buddy Anabell.

Read a newspaper series about ten years back about the interesting relationship between the HMONG people and the Old Order Mennonites in Lancaster County, PA. Many HMONG families settled in Lancaster after being sponsored from camps in Thailand decades back by the Mennonites. Their sewing skills it seems are at least equal to those of the Amish and Mennonites. Chances are that if you purchase a genuine Pennsylvania Dutch quilt today some of the stitching has been done by HMONG hands.

The Hermit Philosopher 9:25 AM  

Rex hates EVERYTHING Will Shortz has a hand in. It seems to be a personal vendetta.

As others have said, he needs to either (a) lighten up, (b) medicate, (c) stop this blog, or (d) all the above.

Anonymous 9:33 AM  

Qdoba, chain of Mexican restaurants

Jeff 9:35 AM  

This was my favorite Wednesday puzzle in a while. The puns were so groanworthily terrible (i.e. awesome). My kids also have shirts with 3 of the puns on them. The taco one is my favorite and the cartoon makes me chuckle every time. I also liked the fill and cluing in this one.

Anonymous 9:37 AM  

Went back and reread yesterday’s comments. It doesn’t seem to me that Annabel was being picked on. I wouldn’t be surprised if she were embarrassed by the passionate “defense” that was mounted.

Nancy 9:38 AM  

Awful puns, awful fill. Easy to the point of being insulting. One of the worst Wednesdays I've ever seen. Did I say awful?

Banya 9:49 AM  

This was delightful, you grumpy old man.

andy 9:51 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
mathgent 9:58 AM  

@John Child (8:44): De gustibus, indeed. A good example is the movie we saw last night, Maudie. Our local critic called it the worst movie of the year. Worse even than the latest Pirates of the Caribbean. We thought that it was one of the five best movies we've seen this year. Sally Hawkins was awesome.

Charles Flaster 10:02 AM  

Agree with top half of Rex but not the bottom half.
Started the solve from the bottom and got theme at CANNOLI which was my favorite.
Liked both clue and answer for SCHEMA.
Thanks BH

RAD2626 10:04 AM  

Well, getting back to the puzzle, I liked it but made hash of the final themer: GReW gave me ZOeyS for ZOOMS and LUV for GUV really threw me. Not Mr. Haight’s fault - all mine. Only proud moment was getting DATE NUT BREAD off just the D. Yum. No problem with Chimp clue; I was a J. Fred Muggs fan.

QuasiMojo 10:07 AM  

So @LMS would you let a student of yours writing a book report about "The Picture of Dorian GREY" go without gently pointing out to him or her that the title is spelled GRAY? I meant no harm. I was just trying to be helpful. Not snarky. It's hard sometimes to read the tone of your dry humor. I wasn't sure if you were doing it on purpose. Oh, and I agree with you about some of the comments yesterday regarding Annabel. Have a NICE day.

As for this puzzle, the less said the butter.

evil doug 10:08 AM  

Can spaghetti witness?

John 10:12 AM  

Easy, but not enjoyable.

pmdm 10:15 AM  

Like Jeff Chen, Mike Sharp and many others, I did not like the puns that much. But I do believe the puzzle passes muster.

'American in Paris: I think I've seen OCALA in many crosswords, which is why I, a person who is bad at proper nouns, knew the answer. I guess that's why Mr. Shortz let it pass. I very much agree with you about language. One should use the English language properly and bad usage ought to be pointed out. however ...

Loren Muse Smith: Your example is quite good. Language is changing (as William Safire always acknowledged) and at times what used to be OK an sound awful. What sounds better: "We smokers" or "Us smokers. [Am I showing my age?] Probably the grammatically incorrect version. Ain't that sad.

Marshoschref: If Mr Sharp replaced Mr. Shortz as editor, we probably would only have puzzles a couple of times a week because be would not judge enough puzzles publishable to fill up all the week's slots. (That's not a rant but a joke.)

Whirred Whacks: Funny comment perhaps too close to the truth.

Bruce the Constructor: You made me laugh at your punny comment. Jeff Chen was a little more gentle to you. What I say: keep the humor coming.

sanfranman59 10:18 AM  

This week's relative difficulty ratings. See yesterday's post for an explanation of my method. In a nutshell, the higher the ratio & percentage, the higher my solve time was relative to my norm for that day of the week.

(Day, Solve time, 26-wk Median, Ratio, %, Rating)

Mon 5:00 4:03 1.23 88.3% Challenging
Tue 4:29 5:35 0.80 9.5% Easy
Wed 5:45 5:57 0.97 49.6% Medium

Hartley70 10:23 AM  

I'm a proud LULU user although in my head I spell it LooLoo. I sometimes add a "bel" on the end (no slur intended to my favorite reviewer, Annabel) You can correct me, but I probably won't like you as much as I did before you opened your big trap.

DATENUT bread sent me off on another tangent. Where did it go? I haven't seen it since I was a kid. I mean that figuratively, not literally.

These were wacky puns and I am really, really bad at sounding them out. I spent a lot of time on TACO. I think I remember a puzzle early last year where you had to answer clues in Bugs Bunny or Elmer Fudd speak. It's entertaining and is proof that you don't have to excel at something to have fun in the process.

RooMonster 10:26 AM  

Hey All !
I thought Rex would like it a little bit, but that was before I saw who the constructor was. Rex usually rips Bruce's puzs. I'm just jealous he gets so any puzs published! What's your secret, Bruce?

I thought the puns were funny. Puns are groaners. Some like, some Haight! My only trouble was VARIABLY. Had VAReitLY, VARIetLY. Sure, those aren't words, but who cares? :-)

Speaking of words, I know I'm not the best speaker out there, pretty much forgot all the grammar usage that you're taught in school, but I like to think I speak properly enough. (Take apart that sentence!) Hey, to each their own. Some people either didn't get the same kind of a good education that others did, or just didn't pay enough attention in school. I had a friend once who spoke properly, had a decent job, but couldn't read. If he didn't tell me, I never would've known. Just sayin.

Rex was so upset at the puz, he didn't mention the closed off NW and SE corners. Only nit for me. Gotta be one somewhere!


evil doug 10:27 AM  

I don't mind 'like' as a conjunction. I can't stand it as a vocalized pause, a la 'er', 'um', 'y'know'....

I'm married to a retired English teacher, so I have to be on my toes. We do most of our correcting aimed at the TV set. Misuse of 'less' and 'fewer' is our fave target--and easy pickins among the talking head morons.

I try to be tolerant of those who struggle with grammar. I have less use for those who know better but get lazy with language. And I worry about, for example, job seekers who may have the unfortunate luck to interview with a grammar hard-ass....

And we don't correct anyone in public-- except, of course, our 36-year-old daughter, who always rewards us with an eye-roll....

Anonymous 10:27 AM  

Eggsactly! Mr. Haight has class, rex has egg on his face.

Anonymous 10:29 AM  

Rex is to Will as Trump is to Obama.

Anonymous 10:29 AM  

I think @LMS is going to be more fixated on panties that RIDEUP. She seems to have a thing for underwear.

Anonymous 10:34 AM  

@LMS, I'm inferring that you're kind of a bitch.

True Grits 10:34 AM  

What a train wreck. The themers weren't in alphabetical order, nothing rhymed, there was no Greek food included, and the menu choices were nutritionally abusive. And this is supposed to be the "World's Greatest Crossword Puzzle'?

GILL I. 10:36 AM  

Wow...The comments are fun today.
@BarbieBarbie....Loren...unhip shaming? You picked the wrong person to bitch slap. Loren doesn't need anybody to defender her, but I'm going to. You're fairly new here while @Loren has been posting for quite some time. If you followed her at all these pass years, you'd know she is the champion of the underdog. Anyone that has been shamed by poor grammar (your standards) on this blog, usually gets the eyebrow raising, poor English defense diatribe and, well, you get the gist..
English was not my first language and I was kicked up the arse (publicly) as a young un. Still get it but it doesn't hurt me anymore. @Loren is the champion of "What's now in the language" and I, for one, agree. It evolves. Remember ain't? Iv'e said it before, I wish I had had @Loren for a teacher.
@Bruce. Thanks for showing up. You DO have a sense of humor and I'd like lunch. Lettuce pray?
@Stuart...No on C. Where would all the fun grammar nazis go?
Here today, gone tomato.

Anonymous 10:39 AM  

Anyone else find it ironic that @LMS is accusing others of showing of for its own sake? What a wanker.

kitshef 10:42 AM  

Great post, @True Grits.

Anonymous 10:42 AM  

@gill, one of the many ass-kissers on this site. Good way to get a disease.

sanfranman59 10:51 AM  

I sure wish there were a way to get Blogger to not show me all the Anonymous comments out here. While some post thoughtful and/or humorous comments, most are snarky trolls trying to raise hackles. Thank goodness most folks out here know not to feed them. What possible enjoyment can one get from such behavior? Yeesh.

Whatsername 11:10 AM  

Isn't the whole idea of the Wednesday puzzle to make us think a little and smile a little? I'd say mission accomplished.

Lewis 11:34 AM  

@truegrits -- Good one!

Anonymous 11:40 AM  

Someone’s got her knickers in a twist this morning. RIDE UP indeed!

Masked and Anonymous 11:42 AM  

"LET'S TACO 'BOUT IT" was a sign that the Haightman saw elsewhere, that inspired him to do this puz.
I guess 'BOUT is kinda slangy, but then, so's YAWANNA. Theme gets a passin grade, from m&e. I understand that food puns ain't rocket science, but shoot … YOGURTWHATYAPAYFOR. (around 10 cents or so, by my calculation.)

fave long-balls: VARIABL(E/Y). FABFOUR. GENEPOOL. JAZZ/JAIL start-up. VEEP/PEEP finish-up.
staff weeject pick: GUV. fave ow de speration: INONE. Lotsa ways to fix the lil INONE area, while addin extra life-generatin U's…

32. Like chickens with no peckers
36. King Tsk relative??
40. Egg wannabe
27. Ryan's daughter
28. "Two extra U's! Yay m&e!"
29. French Mensa's head?

Thanx for the Pfun, Mr. Haight. Look at it this way: U made @RP stop and smell the ruses! [Holy matzoballs, Haightman!]

Masked & Anonym007(or 9, just sayin')Us


Brett 11:44 AM  

Puns are truly the Haight of humor.

Brett 11:49 AM  

@Anonymous 7:06

As do the puns ;)

jb129 11:50 AM  


Anonymous 11:52 AM  

Rex calls the theme answers a "motley assortment of nonsense."

That about covers this one for me. I'm now with those who feel NYT crosswords have gone off the deep end.

Masked and Anonymous 11:54 AM  

Oooops… For completeness's sake...
41. The ___ican

2 cents, please.


boomer54 11:59 AM  

RE: Grammar and Usage ...
Listen to interviewees on radio and tv and notice how frequently the response to questions is inVARIABLY ..." SO ..."

old timer 12:00 PM  

I agree with OFL. This was an awful puzzle. I gave up finally and left "luv" were it seems GUV is. The English haven't used "guv" or "governor" for a long time and when they did use it its primary meaning was one's father. "Luv" is still common though.

OFL usually hates Haight . Except for last time out, when he praised the puzzle.

Anonymous 12:11 PM  

I infer that a lot of commenters here remember the days when you listened to music on a radio. And you had a favorite station. And once in awhile you'd tune in another and see if you liked it. If you didn't like it, you probably didn't rave about how awful the station was and what an idiot the DJ was; you just tuned to another station you DID like. Even then they'd sometimes play a song you didn't like, but you just waited through that one without blowing your lid. Ya dig, man? (knock yourselves out over the writing errors) by the way, if you're still reading, Mr. Haight, how do you pronounce your last name? and I liked your puzzle

G. Weissman 12:13 PM  

I disagree. This puzzle is crap.

Mohair Sam 12:16 PM  

@True Grit - Great stuff.

@Bruce Haight- Thanks for dropping by. Good to see thin skin is not a problem. Always enjoy your work, keep 'em flying.

G. Weissman 12:19 PM  

What a dumb, painful puzzle to solve. Aside from the asinine puns, and CHIMP, the reliance on crap like OCALA and OZAWA is tiresome in the extreme.

G. Weissman 12:24 PM  

Wow, a series of goofy puns really CAN substitute for a thoughtful engagement with criticism.

Blackeyedsusan 12:35 PM  

Always love your posts but loved this one even more. Thanks for the joy.

alexa shortbush 12:38 PM  

cheese gives me gas.

Malsdemare 12:39 PM  

Ooh, this was fun! Yup, I groaned and moaned, but it was all to the good. Of course, I had to kick myself for having GaZA for GIZA (a case of completing an answer from the visual G and Z), but I smiled at the clue for RIDEUP and slapped myself on the back that I actually knew VEEP. I was slowed down a bit at first because I thought all the themers would be Mexican food and couldn't think of anything Mexican that started with PI. I was very relieved when I saw PIZZA; loved ICANNOLIIMAGINE.

I agree with Loren AND Barbie. I'm a socioliguist by education and career, copy editor in retirement, and nodded in agreement with barbie about that CE reflex upon seeing rule violations. Editors are rule-bound; we don't get paid if we approach grammar, spelling, and usage as evolving.. My publisher subscribes to the Oxford/serial comma, and The Grey Lady (Loren, I have to look up the grey/gray distinction any time Iuse it) doesn't. So I hiccup every time a series shows up without the squiggle. However, that is my problem, and I try not to inflict it on others (except my kids and grands, Hi! ED). I know I make mistakes, here and elsewhere, and would prefer that others assume I'd have corrected the error had I proofed just one more time.

But language is a living, breathing entity, and I rather enjoy watching its evolution. However, I'm unlikely to incorporate those changes into my formal writing — and my publisher surely isn't going to allow me to applaud treating infer/imply as synonymous — until the larger community formalizes usage. And that takes time, though it does happen. My publisher's style guide changes continually, and there's a reason that the Chicago Manual of Style is in its 16th? 17th edition. The problem arises when folks use the casual, non-standard language in places that critics might find it. I'm thinking of Facebook and Twitter, where many former students post a LOT. I cringe at some of the truly egregious errors they blithely make, knowing as I do that prospective employers will read their dreck and be put off by it.

Mr. Haight, you are a brave and noble man to appear here after such a drubbing by Rex. I loved your puns, in both the puzzle and your post.

Masked and Anonymous 12:45 PM  


yo, @sanfranman59! As my old tennis coach used to say: "Turn around, dude … It's great to see you're back!" Always enjoy yer stats, and "Challenging+Easy+Medium" sounds spot-on, for this week's whelps, so far. U do excellent work. Thanx!

I got this rebus-ish feelin in my bones, for the upcomin ThursPuz …

And meanwhile, C.C. did the WSJ puz today. day-um. Does she just do em all the time, for a livin?

This here NYTPuz's got a lot of Z's, today (5). Yet on the other hand, a lotta folks liked it, too. [har]

But … this puz definitely had m&e at JAZZ. Made m&e stop, in mid-real-early solve, to admire what a brave opener that was, until I realized what a closed-tight-assed NWcorner it was scrabble-twerked into. Anyhoo … primo first impression, IM&AO. Lost valuable nanoseconds becuz of aforesaid contemplation. And more when I saw the first themer, the constructor's name, and the @RPmeister all alignin, in a vision of multiple unstoppable planet-killin meteors. Hid under the coffee table.

M&A the third
"An eel frattata wind never blows any good"

GILL I. 12:52 PM  

There's a huge difference between making a comment on a blog and submitting a curriculum vitae. The bigger issue, and sometime wrong, is the usage of "in the language."
Rule-bound can be pompous as well as off-putting.

travis 12:53 PM  

My local mexican restaurant is called Lets Taco Bout It. It made me groan when it opened, but it has sort of grown on me. They have a thumb wrestling thing on the salt and pepper shakers[you put your thumb in where it rests on the shakers and thumb wrestle] as well as mexican wrestling posters so Bout may be intended as a double reference to About/Bout as in a fight.

JC66 1:00 PM  

@True Grits

Good one.

@Bruce H

I thought the puzzle was good and your response to@RP better. Count me in on the lunch, too...if only to meet the women. ;-)

Teedmn 1:14 PM  

I thought @Rex's take off on TACO BOUT as a Mexican food fight was kind of fun, but dude, the rest of the themers are pointing right at your hyperbolic riffs. I can see saying IT'S NACHO PROBLEM, I CANNOLI IMAGINE or YA WANNA PIZZA ME as a reply to any number of @Rex's over-the-top review points today. Thanks, Bruce Haight, for your grace under fire - most of us appreciate your constructing skills.

With 40D having been in yesterday's puzzle, you might think I would have had no problem with it but I initially put in OkAWA so trying to parse YAWANNAPIZkAME was causing some head-scratching as to where the words even split.

This was lots of fun, a nice Wednesday pun-fest.

Cato Rosenbaum 1:54 PM  

Stuart Showalter hates EVERYTHING Rez has a hand in. It seems to be a personal vendetta.

As others have said, he needs to either (a) lighten up, (b) medicate, (c) stop commenting on this blog, or (d) all the above.

'merican in Paris 2:02 PM  

Lettuce give thanks for this puzzle. After yesterday's off-shoot discussion about the celery of constructors, this one was a sight for sorrel eyes. Rather than squash the impulse to pun, we should cultivate it. I rest my queso.

semioticus (shelbyl) 2:13 PM  

I love puns. There are days when I'm in a great mood and I would appreciate even the shittiest pun. But, there are also days when bad puns really bother me. Today was one of those days.

Thinking about it, my problem wasn't with the puns necessarily but the overall feeling of... laziness. YAWANNAPIZZAME calls for a harsher clue, not "should we settle this dispute..." imho. And YAWANNA looks bad. Also didn't like the cannoli clue.

Calling CHIMP "a pioneer" was weird. OCALA, OZAWA, TOAT, GUV were answers that I didn't care for really. The puzzle felt haphazardly put together overall, I guess. I really don't know how to better explain it. I'm prejudiced against puzzles that contain a ton of short answers, and 3-4 letter answers made up 65.7% of this one. Yuck.

I mean, it seems that some commenters loved it -but then also it feels like some people love the puzzle even more if Rex really hated it- so I guess it had an appeal. Not to me. But at least some clues were funny (SALTY for example)

GRADE: C, 2.55 stars.

apuzzler 2:23 PM  

Liked it.

Joe Bleaux 2:35 PM  

What does a nosy pepper do?

Hartley70 3:04 PM  

I'm in for the lunch with Bruce Haight. Where and when? We might have to rent a hall he's so charming.

gloriosky 3:05 PM  

And “cute” used to mean “ugly, but endearing.”

John Hoffman 3:08 PM  

I thoroughly enjoyed this puzzle. I thought a bit easy for a Wednesday.

TCProf 3:11 PM  

Been down on Rex's negativity, but this one did suck.

Blue Stater 3:51 PM  

Of course there's no one home at the NYT Xwords, Rex. Hasn't been for years. We deserve better.

alexa shortbush 4:12 PM  

Grammar is the message that is important not the style in which it was sent.

If you get the poster's point, then that is all that matters.

Nancy 4:19 PM  

Oh, dear. Have I inadvertently excluded myself from the upcoming group lunch with Bruce Haight because I didn't like this puzzle? If only I'd known ahead of time. But, Bruce, I'm sure there were plenty of your other puzzles I have really liked, and if I had a memory like everyone else, I'd remember what they were. I agree with everyone here who says you have class and humor for showing up on the blog, and I would love to join the lunch that my pals @GILL, @HARTLEY and @JC66 are planning to have with you. Besides -- I saw your profile photo -- and think you are absolutely ADORBS. And who knows if I might need cataract surgery someday?

@kitshef and @'merican in Paris -- Amen, amen!!! "Like" vs "as" is one thing. "Infer" vs. "imply" is a whole nother kettle of fish and they must never be confused. I will stand on the barricades until the cows come home to defend the distinction. THEY ARE TWO ENTIRELY DIFFERENT WORDS THAT MEAN THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF EACH OTHER. We can't let this slide; we just can't. And bless you, @kitshef, for your very funny send-up of the "literally"/"figuratively" confusion. (It only goes in one direction, btw. No one says "figuratively" when they mean "literally." But millions of people do the opposite -- often, as you point out, with quite comical results.

Robert A. Simon 4:21 PM  

I solve on my computer. So it and I were across the street at a neighborhood coffee shop this morning at one of those long community tables. When I finished, I said, not quite under my breath, "What a crappy puzzle!"

The guy sitting across from me smiled and said, "The Times, right?"

Anonymous 4:31 PM  

Guv is still in use @ oldtimer, An affectionate but subservient address to your boss or other superior.

Z 4:39 PM  

@unknown9:03a.m. - No more searing indictment of these puns was written today.

@sanfranman59 - Good to see you back. It's been too long.

@Wm C. and @Lewis - I translated the clue into "five letter crosswordese town in Florida" so no problem with putting in OCALA. Similar to "Five letter ese suburb in Minnesota" (Edina), "four letter town when the constructor is sick of 'ores'" (Orem), and "five letter ese in Maine" (Orono). Sometimes knowing too much or reading too closely slows down the solve.

What @Evil Doug said, "And we don't correct anyone in public," should be taped to all of our computer screens near the "publish" button. Yeah, Yeah, I will correct anyone who avers a "fact" that isn't a fact, but we'd all get along better if we focused on "understanding" instead of "correctness" in grammar. If the reader knows what the writer means then the usage is correct. What's truly troubling and worrisome is when the writer doesn't know what they mean.

@M&A - I think I'm hurt ("This here NYTPuz's got a lot of Z's, today (5). Yet on the other hand, a lotta folks liked it, too. [har])*

@mathgent - The Shape of Water is outstanding. It has a certain graphic novel quality to it that we loved. I thought the Richard Strickland character was maybe a wee bit too obviously drawn, but all the better for the visceral joy when he gets his. @everyone else - you should go see it.


Anonymous 4:49 PM  

Anonymous, you're aiming at the wrong target with these comments. You know the commercial lyric 'nobody doesn't like Sara Lee'. Think of that lyric the next time you step up to make obnoxious comments about LMS.

KRMunson 4:57 PM  

Today’s puzz was silly and fun. I got no problem with that.

Rusty Penguin 5:09 PM  

Really disliked this puzzle and I love bad puns.

GILL I. 5:14 PM  

OK...Who's bringing the wine. Pinot, please. @JC66...Scotch.

Malsdemare 5:23 PM  

@Gill and all. I'll happily bring copious amounts of wine. Much preferable to bringing anything people might want to eat. Count me in for the BH lunch!

mathgent 5:25 PM  

@Z (4:39): Your comment about The Shape of Water agrees with my opinion exactly. Also, I also "translate" a clue in my head when doing a puzzle. Like "A seven-letter word with an r in it that has something to do with the internet." So I'm not bothered when the clue isn't strictly correct.

JC66 5:57 PM  

@GILL Thanks for remembering.

Pet Monkey 6:26 PM  

9:38 Awful puzzle.

Later, that same day:
Ooh, there's a hen party?
Can I come? Ooh, can I come?
I didn't really mean it,
honest, I didn't.

What has been said can never be unsaid.

Anonymous 6:54 PM  

hot garbage, and the fact that it's not nearly unanimously thought of as such is why we continue to be served this drivel. once again, failed by populism

Joe Dipinto 8:25 PM  

"Would you like some ham or egg?" "Uh, no, I'm good."

Anonymous 8:27 PM  

@Nancy - me terrifically amused by the idea of people misusing figuratively as described! Figuratively!

Anonymous 8:32 PM  

@seasick - blessed are the peacemakers.

Anonymous 9:40 PM  

I didn't mind it this one. Groany puns remind me of my late dad.

Hartley70 9:45 PM  


Bruce Haight 9:47 PM  

@Loren......lunch with a naan starter- hilarious. Count me in!

Anonymous 10:46 PM  

Corny but funny puns! Enjoyed it, Bruce.

Jeff Lewis 12:13 AM  

So much fun. Thanks Bruce.

+wordphan 1:42 AM  

Taco? Tabouli? Where’s my Atlas!
Dreck, indeed! I wanted to stop and take my dog for a walk; it’s 30 degrees here. Heat wave compared to some places.

Joan Weisblatt 1:12 PM  


BrucieK 2:26 PM  


Unknown 2:26 PM  

And Bruce’s brother lives 1/2 hour from Ocala. He should know better... :)

iamjess 4:56 PM  

@phil and @Birchbark: Anchorage AK would not be the first place that comes to mind when thinking about refugee resettlement, but we are always on the list. We also have a significant Hmong population.

I...I love puns. But these were too groaner-y even for me. But a quick and easy Wednesday puzzle for my lunch break. (I'm a day behind because of the holiday.)


Why are you so mean and unhappy?

Unknown 3:52 PM  

I’m so excited! Thanks to Dr. Azeez for bringing back my Ex-husband and brought great joy to me today! is certainly the best spell caster online, if you need your Ex lover back fast! And his result is 100% guarantee….

After 12years of marriage, me and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. I tried to be strong just for the kids but I could not control the pain that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because I was really in love with my husband. Every day and night I think of him and always wish he would come back to me, I was really upset and I needed help, so I searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Azeez can help get ex back fast. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and I did it then he did a (Love spell) for me. 18 hours later, my husband really called me and told me that he miss me and the kids so much, So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day, with lots of love and joy, and he apologized for his mistake, and for the pains he caused me and the kids. Then from that day, our Marriage was now stronger than how it was before, all thanks to Dr Azeez he is so powerful and I decided to share my story on the internet that Dr Azeez real and powerful spell caster who I will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are here and you need your Ex back or your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now.
Here’s his contact: Email him at:
You can also call him or add him on what’s-app: +2348160153829

Unknown 12:49 AM  

I"m Teresa Caacbay from USA..This is my testimony on how my ex lover come back home..i want to say a very big thanks and appreciation to chief priest Dr. OCUSODO for bringing back my lover who left me for almost 2 year,i feel like my life is completely over, so one day as i was browsing searching on the internet for recommend spell caster who will help me to bring my lover back,Finally i met a writing how so many testimony talking about how Dr OCUSODO help to restore relationship back,so i decided to give it a try so i contacted the spell caster called Dr.OCUSODO and explain my problems to him,and he cast spell love spell luckily within the 48 hours my lover really called me and started apologizing for all he had caused me.and be begging me to accept him back and will are live happily marriage, I am the happiest woman on earth today because Dr OCUSODO has done a wonderful deeds in my life and i will continue to share this testimony, i pray God almighty give you the strength and wisdom to help more people having similar problem like mine, contact him. OR

or add him up on whats-app +2349067457724.

US 1:47 PM  

I never use to believe in spell casting until i met Dr Moonlight a powerful spell caster who helped me to be a happy person again. My name is Rose James and i reside in USA. After 4 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids. I felt like my life was about to end and i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a Great spell caster called Dr Moonlight which i met online on one fateful day when I was browsing through the internet, i came across a lot of testimonies about this particular Great spell caster how he has helped so many people. he has helped people to bring back their Ex lover, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer and other sickness, and so on. I also came across a testimony, it was about a woman called Anita, she testified about how his spell made her to be pregnant after so many years of bareness and at the end of her testimony she dropped Dr Moonlights email address. After reading all these, i decided to give it a try and i contacted him and explained my problem to him and he assured me that in less than 48 hours, my husband will call me and beg for forgiveness but i thought it will not work. When he had finished casting the spell, the next day my husband called me and he was begging for forgiveness just as Dr Moonlight said. This is not brain washing and after the spell has been cast, i realized that my husband love me like never before and the spell caster opened him up to know how much i love him and how much love we need to share. We are even happier now than before. Dr Moonlight is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and a genuine spell caster to solve all your problems contact Dr Moonlight now on He will help you solve all your problems. Once again thank you Dr Moonlight for your good deeds.

Unknown 3:23 AM  

My name is GRY ALOUS, i am from USA, i want to share my wonderful
testimony on how i got back my ex-lover of my life back,i want to tell
the people in the world there is a real and genuine spell caster
online and is powerful, His name is DR OBEN, He helped me recently to
reunite my relationship with my wife who dumped me, When i
contacted DR OBEN, he cast a love spell for me and my Wife who
said she doesn't have anything to do with me again called me and
started begging me.To anyone who is reading this article and needs any
help DR OBEN can also offer any types of help like Reuniting of
marriage and relationship, Curing of all types of Diseases, Court
Cases, Pregnancy Spell, Spiritual protection and lot's more.thank once
again wonderful man for helping me to bring my ex lover back to
me,thank you,thank you again and again DR OBEN, You can contact him
Via this email: or whatsApp +2348052087409

1) If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3) You want to be promoted in your office.
(4) You want women/men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child.
(6) You want to be rich.
(7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.

Unknown 9:08 PM  

I"m Teresa Caacbay from USA..This is my testimony on how my ex lover come back home..i want to say a very big thanks and appreciation to chief priest Dr. OCUSODO for bringing back my lover who left me for almost 2 year,i feel like my life is completely over, so one day as i was browsing searching on the internet for recommend spell caster who will help me to bring my lover back,Finally i met a writing how so many testimony talking about how Dr OCUSODO help to restore relationship back,so i decided to give it a try so i contacted the spell caster called Dr.OCUSODO and explain my problems to him,and he cast spell love spell luckily within the 48 hours my lover really called me and started apologizing for all he had caused me.and be begging me to accept him back and will are live happily marriage, I am the happiest woman on earth today because Dr OCUSODO has done a wonderful deeds in my life and i will continue to share this testimony, i pray God almighty give you the strength and wisdom to help more people having similar problem like mine, contact him. OR

or add him up on whats-app +2349067457724.

Unknown 12:05 PM  

My name is Steven Linda from Scotland, i want to testify about a great spell caster that help me cast a spell that bring my husband back to me without any delay. I broke up with him with just little misunderstanding hoping we will get back shortly,but things was growing worse until i contacted Dr.Manbela who help me with his historical powers to bring him back, i have never believed in a spell caster until i come across him, it will be of great sin if i should go out from here without dropping the contact of this great spell caster, in case you need the help of this great spell caster you can contact him through his email: once you contact him all your problems will be over ,once again i say very big thanks to you sir for helping me to recover my husband back, and please sir keep your good work because people need your help and in their lives ,once more thank you Dr Manbela

Have a good day.

contact him via; or through his whatsapp number+2348112060023

Barbara Macelli 4:26 AM  

My husband was cheating on me and he left me ten weeks ago. He initially left for his mistress of eight years. i lost him till i was able to contact Dr Happy for help, He was a great helper, he saved my marriage from shame and the embarrassment, He restored my marriage just as he promised, my husband does not cheat on me anymore, who wants to save his/her relationship should contact or call/text me on (270) 693-5854.

Peggy Lora 11:20 PM  

OMG!!! I am so proud and happy to be out here sharing your work Dr. Zaba. I just can't believe this now my ex Husband is really back to me on his knees presenting a ruby rose begging me to take him back and he was feeling regretful and sorry for leaving me and for causing me pains after the divorce which occurred last year. And this whole miracle happened after I ordered an urgent 24hours Dr. Zaba powerful spell which he cast on me and my husband. Sir, I am the happiest woman today in this whole wide world. Dr. Zaba you really did it.Yes. Its a miracle and everlasting pleasure and cheerfulness for me and my family today... I am so happy now and I don't know how much to convey my thankfulness and appreciation to you sir. And to the whole world, contact him if you need urgent help now because it's guaranteed that he will help you. email him Zaba24hoursspell@yahoo.con or you Whats-App +2347087462033

Anonymous 7:35 PM  

I Was Diagnosed With Herpes 8 Year Ago I lived In Pain, With The Knowledge That I Wasn't Going To Ever Be Well Again I Contacted So Many Herbal Doctors And Also Visited Hospitals All In Vain My Condition Never Got Better I Was Determined To Get Cured, So One Day As I Was Browsing True The Internet I Saw A Past About This Particular Woman (Wilshere Stancy) Posted On How Dr Iyoha Saved Her From The Virus With Herbal Medicine I Decided To Contact Dr Iyoha On His Email Address: We Spoke On The Issue I Told Him All That I Went Through And He Told Me Not To Worry That Everything Will Be Fine Again So He Prepared The Medicine And Sent It To Me And Told Me On How To Use It,After 2 Weeks Of Usage I Went To See Doctor For Test ,Then The Result Was Negative,Am The Happiest Woman On Earth Today..Thanks To Dr Iyoha God Bless You, You Can Also Reach Him With This Details;


Call +1 (407) 337-9869

Blood Cancer
If you want your ex back.
if you always have bad dreams.
You want to be promoted in your office.
You want women/men to run after you.
If you want a child.
You want to be rich.
You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
If you need financial assistance.

Anonymous 7:36 PM  

I Was Diagnosed With Herpes 8 Year Ago I lived In Pain, With The Knowledge That I Wasn't Going To Ever Be Well Again I Contacted So Many Herbal Doctors And Also Visited Hospitals All In Vain My Condition Never Got Better I Was Determined To Get Cured, So One Day As I Was Browsing True The Internet I Saw A Past About This Particular Woman (Wilshere Stancy) Posted On How Dr Iyoha Saved Her From The Virus With Herbal Medicine I Decided To Contact Dr Iyoha On His Email Address: We Spoke On The Issue I Told Him All That I Went Through And He Told Me Not To Worry That Everything Will Be Fine Again So He Prepared The Medicine And Sent It To Me And Told Me On How To Use It,After 2 Weeks Of Usage I Went To See Doctor For Test ,Then The Result Was Negative,Am The Happiest Woman On Earth Today..Thanks To Dr Iyoha God Bless You, You Can Also Reach Him With This Details;


Call +1 (407) 337-9869

Blood Cancer
If you want your ex back.
if you always have bad dreams.
You want to be promoted in your office.
You want women/men to run after you.
If you want a child.
You want to be rich.
You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
If you need financial assistance.

Jessica 3:38 PM  

My name is Jessica Edwards i want to thank Dr Odiagbe a very powerful spell caster who help me to bring my husband back to me, few month ago i have a serious problem with my husband, to the extend that he left the house, and he started dating another woman and he stayed with the woman, i tried all i can to bring him back, but all my effort was useless until till the day my friend came to my house and i told her every thing that had happened between me and my husband, then she told me of a powerful spell caster who help her when she was in the same problem i am, then i contact Dr Odiagbe and told him every think and he told me not to worry my self again that my husband will come back to me after he has cast a spell on him, i thought it was a joke, after he had finish casting the spell, he told me that he had just finish casting the spell, to my greatest surprise within that 3days, my husband really came back begging me to forgive him, if you need his help you can contact him with his email address ( )or his whatsapp +2349054353335 he is willing to help any body that need his help.

thefogman 10:22 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.
thefogman 10:29 AM  

Average for a Wednesday. I fell for a few misdirects (had lUV before GUV and soaRS before ZOOMS). The theme was DARN cheesy and the cluing rather clunky in spots. ICEE Rex RIPS into the constructor. ALAS, I must agree.

Shine your shoes guvnah?

spacecraft 10:55 AM  

I'm dismayed at the glut of spellcaster crap. Please, folks, this is a crossword blog, frequented by intelligent people: i.e. ones who know there's no such thing as "spellcasting" that has any effect. WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE!

Now to the puzzle. I join many others in commending Mr. Haight for taking the "Haight" road in response to the Rexrant. The bloggers were split pretty evenly--or should I say they responded VARIABLY to today's offering. Puns don't make me groan the way they do for some--but they don't delight me either. The theme was fine; south of the border north of the border, and my beloved Italian below.

There were some tricky things going on in the clues, which pushed this to a medium difficulty. INONE is painful, but at least it fits a clever clue. ITRIED to come up with a DOD...oh, there's one: LAURA--if I can have Dern instead of the clued one. Par.

Diana, LIW 11:32 AM  

My name is Lady Di.

My crossword editor was cheating on me with a BOUT of puns. Since I like puns, this made me happy. You know why? I like wordplay.

Haven't read BH's response to OFL yet - must. go. there. NOW.

Lady Di, Spelling Bee Caster

Diana, LIW 11:41 AM  

Mr. Haight's response was pithy and perfect. Somebody, please go out and buy OFL a dictionary and a joke book.

Did anyone else here grow up with joke books? My aunt and I used to laugh ourselves silly over the puns and riddles. Like @Rondo's Sven and Ole jokes.

OK - we were already silly before reading the jokes...

Diana, Lady-in-Waiting for the spellcasters to leave...but not before they show me all the squares with vehicles

Burma Shave 12:19 PM  


I’ll RIDEUP on AROD when ICEE ITT suits me TOAT,


Tom M. 2:35 PM  

Very clever and pfunny.

Found the food part of the themers a bit of a challlenge to sort out.

Dumb mistake: Had CANNOLa instead of CANNOLI, having confused GIZA and GAZA.

rondo 3:29 PM  

So the puns were dumb. If those were the tip of the iceberg, lettuce say, then we’d have big probs. But those were the whole iceberg, lettuce agree, and humor takes a different path for different folks and perhaps the yolk’s on you. Eggs act lee. No possible way to get lutefisk in there? Two w/os at the ends of words having first entered SCHEMe and VARIABLe; easily fixed.

Note to happy couple JLO and AROD: 40+ years ago there was a rondo. YA kinda borrowed off my SCHEMA.

I CANNOLI find a yeah baby if I cacciatore Amos or Spelling. Or hows about 60s singer LULU?

My puniness is just as dumb, but ITRIED.

thefogman 5:03 PM  

I once asked for CANNOLI at a Italian restaurant specializing in Northern Italian cuisine. I got the stink eye from the waiter. It was as if to say: YAWANNAPIZZAME? "CANNOLI are from Sicily," he said. "We don't do that here. What are you a wise guy?" With that, I apologized profusely and changed my order to tiramisu.

akpeds 6:04 PM  

Battling viruses here in syndication-ville.
Thanks for a fun puzzle, distracted me from all my coughing and sneezing.

Unknown 2:15 PM  

I read some testimonies about a love spell caster by Dr. OCUSODO on how he has helped lots of people in bringing back their ex lovers within 48hours, Sincerely I was just thinking if that was real and if this man could really help bring back my lover whom I love so much. I decided to contact him because I love my boyfriend very much and we have been apart for a couple of months I really missed him so much, I have tried all other means to get him back but couldn't contacted Dr. OCUSODO and he told me that my ex will come back to me in the next 48 hours,Dr. OCUSODO released him up to know how much i loved and wanted him. And opened his eyes to picture how much we have share together. My ex is now back to me again.As I`m writing this testimony right now I`m the most happiest girl on earth and me and my boyfriend is living a happy life and our love is now stronger than how it were even before our break up.All thanks goes to Dr. OCUSODO for the excessive work that he has done for me by helping me to get back with my ex boyfriend. I would like to drop Dr. OCUSODO mail address and hope you see this testimony and contact him if you have a lover that you really want back so badly, His mail: or

whats-app Or call number::: +2349067457724

james2267 9:26 PM  

Hello! everyone out here,I am James William from Portland Oregon United state.It has been my desire to help people out with their problems no matter how little my contribution may be.

As regards to the promise i made to BABA ARUOSA if he could help me get back my girlfriend,i'm using this means to fulfill my promise and also let everybody know there's solution to your problem no matter how difficult you think it is okay.

I loved a girl for more than 2 years and she told me she was going to marry me.But she would change her mind and tell me she didn't love me anymore and was seeing a guy,which i found out.I begged her to accept me and also tried every means possible to make her know i can't live without her because i really love her but she would pay deaf ears to me.

We were working in the same company and each time i see her,i wish all this weren't happening.This pain continued till a friend of mine led me to BABA ARUOSA whom he told me was very extremely powerful and has helped with a problem.

Soon as i contacted him,i knew he was the exact answer to my solution because i felt his powers from his carefully selected words and calmness.I explain all that happened to me and he told me what to do.I did as i was instructed and never doubted him.To my greatest surprise what i felt was almost impossible within the twinkle of an eyes was over.

She called me pleading for my forgiveness for how she has treated me and that she loves me so much and will never cheat on me again and will marry me.And from that moment till now all we've been experiencing is happiness in our relationship.We'll be getting married

I would advice anyone with problem to contact him via email : for his help.

Anonymous 11:19 AM  

My Name is Elizabeth Williams , From USA I wish to share my testimonies with the World about what Dr. OCUSODO has just done for me ,This great man brought my lost Ex husband to me with his great spell within 24 hours. I was married to my husband, we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to give him a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email ( OR ( then you won’t believe this when I contacted this man on my problem he prepared and cast a very strong spell for me and bring my lost husband back within 24hrs, and after a month I missed my monthly period and went for a test and the result showed that i was pregnant. i am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great Dr. OCUSODO for what you have done for me.Contact him, if you are out there passing through any of this problems or predicaments in your life. also contact him whats-app Or call number::: +2349067457724.

Anonymous 3:12 PM  

Dr.Sacre is a great man,this doctor help me to bring back my lover Jenny Williams who brokeup with me 2year ago and today he is back to me so if you need is help contact him on email or call +2349031695243

Mr Alex Bumpus

Unknown 3:50 AM  

After being in relationship with markiss for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. I CAN NEVER STOP TALKING ABOUT HIM, HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS: CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEM

moore kathleen j 12:49 PM  

Name: moore kathleen
Location: Brooklyn New York
D.O.B: 12/12/1984


Good day to you all , i want to share a brief testimony on how Great Dr Sambo helped me re-unite my long gone relationship . I thought I have lost it all until I saw a post about this great spell caster called Dr Sambo , I contacted him and told him about my story “few years ago , my husband and I were deeply in love I thought life was that easy , because I was with the man of my dream , until his secretary took him from me , he stopped loving me ,we separated because of the incidence , I couldn't take it any-more , I count live with him know he has someone else out there , but I still loved him . until few week back I contacted Great Dr Sambo who helped me bring back my long gone husband , he apologized to me and each day that passes he love me more . if you are out there , because I know a lot of people are experiencing difficulties in their marriage or any form of relationship , just contact Dr Sambo and he will definitely help you as he has done for me here are his details .
Email Add: or

dnellay 7:49 AM  


Anonymous 9:40 PM  

I was in total despair when I found Dr. Todd. My life was going terrible and I didn't know if I was coming or going. I had just gone through a rough divorce, wasn't making enough money to sustain me and my children, and my 17 year old son had just gone to jail for the first time. When I talked to him, I immediately found a sense of peace. He was very honest with me and I could feel that. He also told me that everything would be okay. After my work began, things began to change. My bills were all caught up, the relationship I was in became much stronger, I was never FLAT broke, and my son was released from jail earlier than we expected!! I also completely got over the failed marriage and began to move on. And, received a better position at my job which will cause an $800 per month increase!! I felt completely comfortable with the work that was being done because I was always encouraged by Dr. Todd. is the BEST!!!!

Anonymous 5:01 AM  

i have been in relationship with my boyfriend for 2 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Dr Azuka, so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr Azuka, and i advice if you need his help too, you can email him on his direct or contact him on whats App him +2348132777335

Joy ofeimu 4:55 PM  

Dr Jack, Here is my testimony from a Heart Warming indebted Client (Joy Ofeimu from United states)

I will try to make this short as possible. In July I found out that my husband of almost 17yrs was having an affair and he actually brought this woman to my home. I was devastated to say the least. I met my husband 18yrs ago and he swept me off my feet and we got married 11 months after we met. We had a great marriage (I thought) we have two beautiful boys. In 2015 we moved 800 miles away to a very small town due to his job. I quit my high paying job at a company that I had worked at for 14yrs to move away from my family and job/career to be a stay at home mom. Then here we are 2 and 1/2 years later going through a divorce and no job. I felt schizophrenic going through all of these emotions from acceptance, to denial, to how can this be and back again. I tried all the best effort i could to get him back from this woman whom he was having an affair with, and make him see how much i love to be with him. but he insisted he never wanted to be with me anymore. Its was almost 4 months since he started living with this other woman, then i decided to use Dr. Jack spells for help because i had no other choice and i felt everything was lost to me. I had the most wonderful and happy marriage after using his spell in just 48 hours, and that was how my marital life was fixed back to its right track. If you are one of the people who is in a loveless and unhappy marriage that cannot be salvaged (and you can only determine that by being very honest with yourself), believe me...there is light at the end of this tunnel. Here is his Email: or

Call him +2348138289852

Unknown 10:13 AM  

How I Got My Ex Husband Back....With the help of (DR.PATRICK)

I lost my husband to another woman 2 weeks ago after 27 years of marriage . We had a lovely marriage but he started a relationship with a co worker who chased after him . He is living away near his work and her and refuses to talk to me or to come home . I am devastated and am finding it hard to cope . I wish I did not love him and that I could move on but I can't . I don't know how to stop feeling like this I wish I didn't as its eating me away and I m starting to feel ill. I have degraded myself begging him to come home all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr PATRICK can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. two days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr PATRICK. If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. if you have any problem contact him, I give you 100% guarantee that he will help you, This is his details,Email him at: or you can also call him on +2347052303148


My Name is EMRY KHALAN, AM from United states.. i am here to share my testimony on how i conceived my baby. i have been married to my husband for 5 years without no issue.i have Been going to the doctors but still nothing.The doctor said that me and my husband are fine and I don't know where else to turn to.Until one day my co-worker introduce me to this great spell caster who helped her to get back her lost husband back with love spell and also made her pregnant, So I decided to contact this spell caster Dr.Uzoya on his email after interaction with him he instructed me on what to do, after then i should have sex with my husband or any man I love in this world, And i did so,within the next one months i went for a check up and my doctor confirmed that i am 1 month pregnant of two babies.and assist in saving my marriage and also bring joy and happiness to my family.I want to use this medium to tell other women out there who is having pregnancy issues not to wait for years like i did. Because the solution of your problem is right there with Dr. Uzoya so email him so that he can help you. I am so also need help to get pregnant or need your ex back please email him; you can also call him on his cell phone number +1(301) 909 8775

Theresa williams 6:53 AM  

Hello, I am Theresa Williams After being in relationship with Anderson for years, he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to my friend and she suggested that I should rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I mailed the spell caster, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4 pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem. email: {} you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or any other Case.

1) Love Spells
2) Lost Love Spells
3) Divorce Spells
4) Marriage Spells
5) Binding Spell.
6) Breakup Spells
7) Banish a past Lover
8.) You want to be promoted in your office/ Lottery spell
9) want to satisfy your lover
Contact this great man if you are having any problem for a lasting solution
through {}

Anonymous 8:44 AM  

I have been in relationship with my boyfriend for 2 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Dr Ogudugu, so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr Ogudugu, and i advice if you need his help too, you can email him on his direct email address or for easy communication contact him on whatsApp him +2348139793075

Linda Mark 1:55 AM  

My Name is Linda Mark from USA/TEXAS Dr.SUKU Herbal Medicine is a good remedy for Herpes Virus , I was a carrier of Herpes and I saw a testimony on how Dr.SUKU cure Herpes Virus, I decided to contact him, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. After he finish he sent me the herbs which i took for 2 week before going for a check up and getting there i could not believe that i was confirm Herpes Negative after the test,Today i am so happy because i'm free from herpes disease with the help of Dr.SUKU Thank God now everything is fine, I'm cured by Dr.SUKU herbal medicine, I'm very thankful to God for making it possible you can reach him on his email i strongly recommend him to any one out here looking for a cure or Text/Call cell number +1(325) 701-3934

Lizzy 7:27 PM  

How i get my divoce husband back again with the good help of Dr. Odinani Owelle powerful love spell...My name is Lizzy Frank. When i read a testimony online on how Dr.Odinani Owelle the great and most powerful spell caster help to bring back Divorce husband or wife EX LOVER. I was wondering how can this be true, Because many has failed me in the past without any result from them. I just let the post pass by and move on the forum. To my notice under again, Some person posted and said tested and trusted spell caster. After reading through the mail it was this same man Dr. Owelle she was talking about. So i have no other option than to really check up how he works.I was totally devastated when my beloved husband left me. It was like my entire world vanishing into sorrow and pain. I know it sounds weird but out of all the spell casters I contacted, he was the only one to give me that impression of being so true and trustful. More than his words,He brought my husband back and he made all my wishes come true. He is now loyal, pays attention to me, he offers me flowers every Sunday, and we often go out at the cinema and the restaurant. my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. I will be forever thankful for turning my life from hell to heaven! i believe who need help should get to him for help. May God continue to use you to save broken relationship. To every one with marital problem, divorce issues, lost lover or any relationship related issues, you can contact Dr. Odinanai Owelle the ultimate spell caster via email address: .Whatsappnumber +1573 206-9284..

Unknown 11:18 PM  

How to get your ex back fast!

I was hurt and heart broken when a very big problem occurred in my marriage seven months ago, between me and my husband . so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce. he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he didn't love me anymore. So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and he confirmed it that he has made his decision,and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband .So i explained every thing to him,so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for him too. So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the Email address of the spell caster whom he visited. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address he gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day. What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me, and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who didn't call me for the past 7 months, gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back. So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster. So, i will advice you out there if you have any kind of problem, Please i will advice you to contact Pristbacasim, i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you solve your problems.. Email him at:

Unknown 12:26 AM  

Urgent effective love Spell caster to help you bring back ex lover & save you marriage fast, is certainly the best spell caster online and his result is 100% guarantee!.. a whole lot of people are still suffering from all manner of issues of life. What is that particular thing that bothers you? Sometimes, the problem is not the problem but the problem is the inability to identify those who have the solution. I am Jessica Jack from Edinburgh United Kingdom and I like to introduce you to Dr Purity a man who is come to rescue humanity from all issues of life. Ever since the day I had an encounter with him, that was the day my problem got terminated. When wisdom is blinking, it becomes a word for the wise. I would encourage you to relate whatsoever problem you are facing with Dr Purity and be rest assured that with God all things would work together for your good. You can contact Dr Purity via email: I congratulate you as you do so, indeed you are the next can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2348070980389.

Anonymous 2:28 AM  

After being in relationship for 5 years now,my wife broke up
with me all was in
vain, I wanted she back so much because of the love I have for she, I
begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I
explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should
rather contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring
him back but I am the type that never believed in spell, I had no
choice than to try it, I emailed the spell caster, and he told me there
was no problem that everything will be okay before seven days, that my
ex will return to me before seven days, he cast the spell and
surprisingly in the six day, it was around 5 pm. My ex called me, I
was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was
so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to
him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to she, that
was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have
made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I
would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only
real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and
who is different from all the other once out there.So friends my advise is if
you have such problem you can email him on (
or you can whatsapp him with this number or contact him on whatsapp or viber (+2348167554235) Sir i am indeed grateful
for the help, i will forever recommend my friends to you.

sandra 5:35 PM  

My name is Sandra Kean from United States, I want to quickly tell the world that there is a real on line spell caster that is powerful and genuine, His name is DR General , He helped me recently to reunite my relationship wih my husband who left me, When i contacted DR General he cast a love spell for me and my husband who said he doesn't have anything to do with me again called me and started begging me. he is back now with so much love and careing. today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the powers to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. To anyone who is reading this article and needs any help, DR. General can also offer any types of help like Reuniting of marriage and relationship, Curing of all types of Diseases, Court Cases, Pregnancy Spell, Spiritual protection and lot's more. You can contact him Via this email or call him +2348154724101.

Anonymous 9:08 AM  

I am Mrs Michele Josam from USA promise to share this testimony all over
the world once my husband return back home and today with all due respect i
want to thank DR ORAL for bringing joy and happiness to my relationship and
my family. I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is
real and genuine. I never believed in any of these things until i loosed my
husband I required help until i found DR ORAL email a great spell caster, And he cast a love spell
for me, and he assured , me that I will get my husband back in just 24
hours time after the spell has been cast, in 24 hours later, my phone rang,
and so surprisingly, it was my husband who has not called me for past a
years now, and made an apology for the heart break, and told me that he is
ready to be my back bone till the rest of his life with me. DR ORAL
released him up to know how much i loved and wanted him. And opened his
eyes to picture how much we have share together. As I’m writing this
testimony right now I’m the most happiest girl on earth and me and my
Husband is living a happy life and our love is now stronger than how it
were even before our break up. So that’s why I promised to share my
testimony all over the universe. All thanks goes to DR ORAL for the
excessive work that he has done for me. Below is the email address in
situation you are undergoing a heart break, and I assure you that as he has
done mine for me, he will definitely help you too email him on, or contact him on is +2349031111198

Anonymous 7:30 AM  

i know this message would sound a little bit bizarre..but i have to share that gladdens my heart has moved me in posting this all over the internet... i was frustrated and lost my husband jake to an unpleasant lady from Denmark..i was so worried and upset to my head..2months gone,i knew something was up husband had to travel and leave me all alone in the house with my 6months old Ryan boy..our son... i was so devastated.i had nothing to do.. i was lost..and in my time of crisis, i prayed to God and he answered my prayers..please let me tell you how..... i met a man on my way back from work on Tuesday 22march 2018,which i told my problems and promised to help.. i mean he kept on asking me what the problem was and why i looked pale... i knew i was suffering but i never knew it came to the point of people staring right at me and ask what the problem was...

I took his complimentary card just so i needed to talk to someone...i totally was going crazy and was beginnng to loose hope on getting my husband back ...until one faithful day i was in the shower,and then i had a knock on the door....and there right there was my husband standing on the door post on his knees begging for once everyone i forgave him, and i hugged him like i never have...

Then i went straight to my cell and called the man i met whom i told my problems to..i never knew he was a medical practitioner,who had the gift of bringing your ex,your husband,your wife,name it,who just for no reason decided to leave you for another partner...i know exactly how that feels back to you.....he told me he had things worked out just right after i told him about my problems..i was shocked and at the same time filled with joy..i did show my gratitude and am grateful to God and for dr.retty for finding his was into my life to help me..

This message is simply for ladies out there..don't ever go crazy when something like this happens..and from what i have discovered,it is what is happening in the world right now.i really really feel sorry for those women who do not want to leave other women's husband.well,what can i say..God is our strength...

You too can get your ex back..i actually got to him through this
i had to publish this for anyone who needs help.. you do .. we all do ..


Anonymous 5:21 PM  

Getting back together with your ex-lover is sometimes very challenging and I failed it many times after my husband left me and we were separated. But after I read about Dr. Oranitutu. []. I decided to get in contact with him and when he replied my mail, I discovered it was so easy for me to get my husband back within 24 hours with love spell for free. That's how I got my husband back for free after 2 years of separation. You can also contact him at or call +2348103710768. He can also help you out if you are having any kind of spiritual afflictions or suffering from spiritually inflicted sicknesses.

kellsanna 2:30 AM  

My name is Kelis anna. Out of respect for you and your spells I must make this testimony know to all. I've been to other spell casters without seeing any result,all they want was after my money. I just wished I came to you earlier,i got the best from you. My ex husband was gone for a year and I went everywhere and other spell casters for help but no result until my friend introduce me to Dr. Bello. After the Love Spell was done, I finally got a calls from him.His spells worked wonders and my husband is back with full of love. It was like a miracle! He suddenly came back with flowers saying that i should for give him,i was truly flabbergasted and shocked when my husband kneel down begging for forgiveness and for me to accept him back..I'm really short of words and joyful,you are a God sent to me and my entire family.. And now i am a joyful woman once again.Thank you so much Dr. Bello. To everyone who is looking for a real spell caster contact Dr.Bello or you call him +1 (917) 979-6387

Anonymous 3:24 AM  


contact Priest Adu Tel +4915216891210 on his SPIRITUAL TEMPLE! he will help you with his spiritual powers on any problem you are having he has helped me before even in a case worst than yours. just contact him and see what he will do for your good. wish you good luck..

Anonymous 6:25 AM  

I am very happy today with my family. My name is rose sarah living in USA, My husband left me for a good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back since then. i have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that darted me to Dr.Jude a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are living happily together today, That man is great, you can contact him via email… Now i will advice any serious persons that found themselves in this kind of problem to contact him now a fast solution without steress.. He always hello, now i call him my him now he is always online email ( or contact him on his whatsapp mobile line +2348034062173

Anonymous 6:27 AM  

I am very happy today with my family. My name is rose sarah living in USA, My husband left me for a good 3 years now, and i love him so much, i have been looking for a way to get him back since then. i have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that darted me to Dr.Jude a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 2 weeks. Me and my husband are living happily together today, That man is great, you can contact him via email… Now i will advice any serious persons that found themselves in this kind of problem to contact him now a fast solution without steress.. He always hello, now i call him my him now he is always online email ( or contact him on his whatsapp mobile line +2348034062173

Unknown 11:38 AM  

My name is TYLER VICTORIA, I am overjoyed because my prayers have finally been answered,i have always wished to have my ex husband back,because i wanted my family to be happy again, until i met DR PETER who solved my problems for me, and i am sharing this testimony because i believe they are people out there who need solutions to problems like this. When my ex husband left me I was very much devastated and i always wanted back and it got to a period I no longer wanted him back again. After 7 years, my first son was 12 years old, he came home from school and said he was missing his father and all the love he showed when he was around him. The feeling rushed through me like an emotional straining and I had a huge urge to have him back. What happened to us that we separated was what i couldn't think of what started the fight. I contacted DR PETER online after reading about him of how he has been helping other people with their problems and i contacted his email at and i was able to speak with him. I am happy and very overjoyed that after 7 years, all i wanted was to be reunited with my family and make my life whole again. Thank God for this great and real spell caster DR PETER. and i want everyone who have same problem as i had to contact this great man at or you can add him up on his whatsapp via 08125435799 and share your testimony with the world.
And he can also help solve other problems like
(1) money spell
(2) love spell
(3) divorce spell
(4) get pregnant
(5) get your scammed money back
(6) lottery spell
And many others contact this great man today and get your
Problems solved 100% assured and guaranteed.

Unknown 5:51 AM  

This is my story, a true life story on how I survived an abusive husband(s). Please read and share.

Leaving an abusive marriage was life threatening, I was scared of the post-divorce lifestyle. I felt starting afresh with another man seems impossible at my age because my husband(s) always downplays my emotions making me feel like a worthless woman. Yes, I was married thrice.

I was betrayed by a friend, cheated upon by husband(s), beaten, jailed but I never gave up, I chose to ride or die with my current 5-year-old marriage because of love, our children and our shared finance. Though I love my husband to a fault and believed I can change his mindset through spiritual means before we go our separate ways.

After domestic abuse and emotional conflicts comes spiritual father, Dr. Wakina with redemption and restoration via with the spell that ended my abusive circle. I also escaped social pressure.

I wasn’t wrong afterall sticking to my husband and changing our lifestyle through spiritual doctors. Believe me, we’re living our dream lifestyle for over 5-months with much love and respect for each other.

Barbara Campbell 11:45 AM  

I never believed in Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster called DR DEGBONO.. The man i wanted to marry left me 3 months to our wedding ceremony and my life was upside down.he was with me for 4 years and i really love him so much..he left me for another woman with no reasons..when i called him, he never picked up my calls and he don't want to see me around him…so,when i told the man what happened. he helped me to do some readings,and after the readings he made me to realize that the other woman has done some spells over my Husband and that is the reason why he left me..he told me he will help me to cast a spell to bring him back. At first i was skeptical but i just gave it a try…In 4 days, My Husband called me himself and came to me apologizing..I cant believe he can ever come back to me again but now i am happy he's back and we are married now and we live as a happy family..Am posting this to the forum if anyone needs the help of this man.Can contact him through this email address : or or his number +13017987711

Unknown 10:20 PM  

God bless Dr. ozman for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HIV since 2010 and I was taking my medications, I wasn’t satisfied i needed to get the HIV. out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HIV i saw a comment about Dr. ozman, how he cured HIV with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 8 days later i was cured from HIV,thank you Dr ozman ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SIR contact him whatsapp number +2349061515609
1 cancer cure
2 HPV cure
3 ringing ear
4 herpes cure
5 fabriod
6 HPV cure
7 diabetes cure
8 Get your ex back
9 Hepatitis B
10 Pregnancy herbal medicine

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