TUESDAY, Feb. 6, 2007 - Stella Daily and Bruce Venzke
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Solving time: 4:45
THEME: Breakfast - four theme entries (two horizontal and two vertical, nice) contain breakfast foods in non-breakfast contexts, e.g. 63A: Czar's treasure (Fabergé Egg)
Loved the theme, though I never saw it during the solving experience itself because I torched this puzzle. Super-solvers can scoff at that statement, but this is my first sub-five-minute Tuesday ever. I'm pretty sure I exclaimed "woo hoo!" upon hitting "Done!" and getting the "Thank you for playing" message, despite the fact that it was after 10pm and my wife was just starting to fall asleep in the next room. Did about 10 puzzles yesterday, 5 of them while "watching" my wife's karate practice last night, so I was well warmed up when I tackled this puzzle at just after 10pm.
All the theme answers are great. In addition to FABERGÉ EGG, you've got:
- 17A: Booze (happy juice) - never heard this expression, but I do like it. Is ZIMA (6A: Fruity alcoholic brand) a form of HAPPY JUICE?
- 11D: "Apollo 13" co-star (Kevin Bacon) - first theme answer
I got, and I thought the puzzle was going to have some "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" theme. Alas, no
- 27D: Comment to a goner ("You're toast") - that's the hottest one of all: colloquialicious
15A: Land of Esau's descendants (Edom) - oh am I terrible at things Biblical / Hebraic; even when I know them, I cannot spell them
25A: Hopalong Cassidy player William (Boyd) - One for the old folks; I would have gotten [Ellroy anti-hero Kemper]. HA ha, it turns out that the first "William Boyd" that Google recognizes is not this Hopalong guy, but a British author ... born in ACCRA, Ghana. There's a capital I won't soon forget (see last Tuesday's puzzle, Pllllleaaze; a memorable one, that)
24A: Chemistry Nobelist Otto (Hahn) - I know one Hahn, and her name is Hilary.
29D: Offshoot of the Winnebagos (Iowas)
35A: Offshoot of the Winnebago tribe (Otoe)
I really wish one of these Winnebago clues had had an answer related to RV-ing.
I only had one false entry in this grid: JEANS for JEEPS (18D: Wranglers, e.g.), and that is a total set-up if I ever saw one, because those are both great "J"-answers that fit perfectly. But the awesome "Q"-containing word PIQUED (28A: Sparked, as curiosity) took care of the problem, giving me the "P" I needed to turn JEANS to JEEPS. Other colorful fill includes GAUCHOS (58A: Some cowboys), SCHTICK (21A: Comic's gimmick - so many consonants in SCHTICK!) and
Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld
Thinking it was a left-over Monday!
I find there's often very little difference in difficulty level between Monday and Tuesday puzzles.
Do they holler "bingo" at the ACPT?
Given the contestants' interest in crossword puzzles, maybe instead of "Bing"-o they holler "Sir Rudolph of the Met"-O.
(For context see discussion of Sir Rudolph -- as a clue and as a person -- in last Tuesday's and last Wednesday's comments.)
One of the Anonymice
If people from Baltimore live in BALTO, then I sure as hell live in BINGO. Actually, I think there was a former (as in 19th c.) baseball team from here, and BINGOS were their NAME-Os.
As a Baltimore native, I much prefer B-More to Balto.
Easy puzzle. Again, though, I didn't see the theme.
One of my all-time favorite clues was 50A, "Professor 'iggins" (ENRI). Very clever.
I'm attempting to construct my first puzzle. In your honor, Rex, it will include MUSTACHIOED. Care to co-author?
So, Rex, are you proposing that at the ACPT they holler
"Rex's realm: Abbr.-O" instead of plain ol' "Bingo"?
One of the Anonymice
First person who shouts "Bingo!" at the ACPT might end up drawn and quartered by the rest of the people still solving—it tends to be fairly quiet. (You raise your hand to summon a judge to pick up your paper when you're done if you finish early.)
Rex will be a very modest mouse at the ACPT. So quiet, no one will realize he's there. Plus, having a totally different name (i.e. not "Rex") will keep me mostly invisible.
Time to solve tomorrow's puzzle.
I feel like a total idiot, but I don't get the clue "airs" leading to ISON. Could someone explain what ISON is?
Airs as in IS ON (TV or radio). I frequently have difficulty seeing word breaks in entries...
ah... It all makes sense now. I was totally not making the tv/radio connection and couldn't figure out where to put a word break if there was one. Thanks for the help.
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