SUNDAY, Jan. 21, 2007 - Patrick Berry
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Solving time: a lazy half hour (on paper, in bed)
THEME: "Kareem of the Crop" - familiar phrases that contain words beginning with R-blends (e.g. Pr-, Dr-, Br-, etc.) have those words changed to non-R-blend homynyms, creating odd phrases, which are then clued, e.g. 24A: James Stockdale as running mate? (Perot choice) - so Pro-Choice becomes PEROT CHOICE
[updated 5:15pm]
So nice to have an easy puzzle to meander my way through after suffering through Hard and Hardest on Friday and Saturday. I did not grasp the real complexity of today's theme until well after I had completed the puzzle - as I was doing it, I just thought the theme answers were clever little puns. I was hoping, from the puzzle title, that the theme was going to have something to do with puns on basketball players' names or sports stars who take Muslim names or something, but alas, no. Just the R-blend silliness.
Speaking of basketball players' names (how's that for a segue?), we went to another performance of our local Philharmonic last night and had the genuine privilege of seeing Wu Man play Tan Dun's Pipa Concerto. Tan Dun is best known for writing the score to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (for which he won an Oscar) and for writing and conducting (!) the recent Metropolitan Opera premiere of The First Emperor, starring Placido Domingo. How do basketball stars fit into any of this, you ask? Well, here is an excerpt from the program notes on the Pipa Concerto. After explaining that the Pipa Concerto constitutes a reworking of material from Tan's 1994 Ghost Opera, the program continues:
The Concerto is a thorough reconsideration of the earlier work. It had called upon the string players to perform also on gongs and water bowls and the pipa player to play also on the bowed gong, tam-tam, Tibetan bells, and paper. At various times they also vocalized lines from Shakespeare or a Chinese folk song. It is an overtly theatrical piece of chamber music in five movements.
The Concerto, on the other hand, is cast in four movements (in a slow-fast-slow-fast pattern), playing only their own instruments, though occasionally stamping a foot or shouting "Yao.”
26A (THEME): Terse account of what happened at the Raptor Petting Zoo? (Falcon caressed)
Ah, 80's TV. Not what immediately came to mind. First thought: "uh ... school field-trip turned bloodbath?" I was thinking Jurassic Park raptors, not your less lethal (to human beings) avian raptors. This NW corner fell pretty quickly despite a couple of missteps: I had WALKMAN for DISCMAN (4D: Sony introduction of 1984) - a stupid mistake, though 1984 seems Awfully early for a DISCMAN - and I had nothing for REDISTILL (19A: Raise the proof?) until it was practically on top of me: RED IS what now?
14D: City on the Seine (Le Havre)
Very proud of myself, getting this off of the "V" alone. Helped that HAVRE was on my mind, having been an answer in a recent puzzle which then became one of the two or three most Googled clues in the history of this website: I won't write it out verbatim here (for fear of drawing Googlers here and not the proper puzzle) but it involved a college town in Montana of that name. Wicked obscure. This answer runs through SEVE (31A: Golfer Ballesteros), which is one of the few sports clues that I know my mom would have gotten. She had something of a crush on Senor Ballesteros back in the day (the day being the 80's). Yes, she was quite a fan of SEVE, and Tom Selleck, but thankfully not, as far as I know, Claude AKINS (39D: Claude who starred in TV's "Lobo").
OK, I have to run to go shopping with my wife. I'll finish this up in the early afternoon.
[I'm back - updating blog]
Wow, four hours at the mall is like 348 hours anywhere else. Drudgery. Luckily, Sandy found what she needed, so it was worth it. We also went grocery shopping. You can see that I am sapped of energy as I am telling your information and yet have nothing snappy to say about it. Back to puzzle.
41A (THEME): Girl who wears hair clips in nonstandard ways? (barrette maverick) - Of all the theme answers, this took me the longest, by far, to get. Got BARRETTE quickly, but not fully understanding the theme, I couldn't figure out how BARRETTE could be a pun on anything.
48A: Like a crow or lark (oscine)
The only word in the puzzle that I had never heard of. That's pretty good for a Sunday, when normally there are a handful of words / phrases that throw me. Sandy didn't know this one either, and she's something of a bird person, so I deem this bit of knowledge pretty obscure. Not as good a word as PORCINE, but it's nice in its own way.
50A: Half of a longtime country duo (Naomi Judd)
I had NAO-, and instead of thinking "well, there's only one word in my entire vocabulary that could be" (NAOMI), I thought "Something's wrong." So I left it and came back to it, eventually solving it from the other end. The Judds kind of freak me out - something in the way they look, especially together.
77A: Alternative to Rover (Rex)
Never get tired of seeing this baby in the grid. Don't care that the only time my name makes it into the grid is by way of reference to a dog. Still feels good. Might have to nominate REX for the Pantheon next year. Other potential candidates for next year that make an appearance in today's grid include ESAI (49A: Morales of "NYPD Blue") (he demands a recount for this year), ECLAT (43D: Ceremonial splendor) (which here intersects Pantheon member 52A: Impetuous quality (Elan)), TSE TSE (42D: Fly from Africa), ERIN (40A: "_____ go braugh"), and ESTOPS (5D: Impedes legally), inter ALIA (7D: Inter _____).
My best mistake (as opposed to my biggest) came at the bottom of the puzzle. I spent many seconds pondering how DANKE could be an appropriate response to 102A: Jive, e.g. If you think someone's full of it, you ... say Thank You ... in German ... to that person? Something had to be wrong, but all of the crosses checked, except - it turns out you don't spell ERIC Heiden's name with a "K" (88D: Olympians Liddell and Heiden).
Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorld
I had the opposite response to Berry's Sunday effort. I just hate Patrick Berry's puzzles. They aren't particularly hard intellectually, but the trickery and pop-cult levels are so high that they detract seriously from the enjoyment of doing them. Examples; MISC for "Other: Abbr."; DIANE LANE?!?!?; BY JOVE for "Here's a pleasant surprise!" I wish Berry would find another line of work.
Sorry for the intrusion; I'm just trying to see if I can make my identity work.
Anastasia, Cleopatra, Ingrid Bergman, Ida Lupino, Diane Lane, Marlene Dietrich, Elinor Wylie, Emma Bovary, Edie Sedgwick, Norah O'Donnell, Naomi Judd, Sweetie, what's not to like, toads and a frog?
Rather enjoyed this theme. Thankful it wasn't about sports, or I'd have been a goner. SOULTERRAIN fell into place fairly easily, so I was onto the theme, but I had to read DERIDEAPRICOTS forever before it made sense (as it were). Not a leisurely half-hour puzzle for me, but much easier than yesterday. Rex, no comment about your name being included in it? They certainly could have clued it better, though.
Pieces don't have tuning built into them. It's not uncommon for orchestras to re-tune between movements of a long or taxing piece.
This wasn't between movements, and it IS "built in": here is the quotation from the program notes:
"This second movement is a wild race of plucked chords, in complicated rhythms, against which individual lines again suggest song elements. The violent energy fades away in a short passage of mass improvisation, following which the solo pipa sings a slow lamenting strain, to end on A.
This is the surprising cue for the concertmaster to stand and signal the string orchestra to tune again to the pipa’s note (a long section of plucking is sure to put many of the strings at least slightly out of tune). Tan has blended this characteristic western gesture into the closing moment of the second movement."
Thus, Andrew, your first sentence would appear to be wrong. Or the program notes guy is out of his mind, which would not be a first.
PS I like Patrick Berry puzzles, for the record. Or I appear to. Can't say as I've noticed a particular Berry style. Yet.
But what on earth is "idest" for "lead-in to further explanation?" (10 down) I spent a lot of time with "I just"
ID EST = Latin. We abbreviate it "i.e." which we use (as you know) to introduce "further explanation" in a sentence.
Hope that was marginally clear
No Fair! "Perot Choice"? How the heck is a Canadian supposed to know who James Stockdale is? For that most Americans remember him?
Yes, most Americans of a certain age do. Well, no. Let me rephrase - most semi-informed Americans. Which is probably not most Americans. Certainly, the Vast majority of those doing the NYT puzzle remember him for sure. He is commemorated in toy form: The "Mr. Plow" Homer Simpson toy comes with a "Stockdale for VEEP" T-shirt.
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