Monday, April 14, 2008

Why Support This Site?

1. Because it's a valuable part of your day (or week, or month, or however often you read it)
2. Because it's here for you, every morning, by 9am EDT, whether you like it or not
3. Because when the space aliens invade, crossword commentary will be our only line of defense

Yours, gratefully,
Rex Parker


  1. Anonymous10:54 PM

    After Obama wins, I'll send you all my extra money. Love your blog & your sensibilities. Hang in there; you have many fans.

    Thursday Girl

  2. Like many others, I guess, I discovered this blog a few months ago while googling an elusive term. Now I feel obligated to pay for each fix to feed my new addiction.

  3. For many years I just "blindly" did the puzzle without going into the kitchen so to speak to see how it was made. Your blog has opened up a world previously unknown to me. My puzzle life, and to some extent my other life is that much richer for it. Kudos.

  4. I read 2 and sometimes 3 blogs: yours, Jimh and The Gothic. The first one I found was yours when I was searching for a Doonesbury character. I've been doing the Times puzzles for about 40 years and never took time do do anything other than solve them. The cross references and subtle relationships to themes that I never even thought of before I find very enlightening, and they add a whole new dimension to my appreciation of the puzzles and their construction. I'm sure it takes far more time to analyze the puzzles, (especially Monday through Thursday) than it does to solve them.

  5. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I've always loved doing the Sunday NY Times crossword puzzle, but it's hard to wait a whole week to see how I did (or find the ones I just couldn't get). A while back, when googling for an answer, I happened upon your website. And ever since then, I've enjoyed doing the puzzles so much more knowing I can take a quick "peek" when I am stuck (or when I want to know the origin of one of the answers). So thank you for providing this information for all of us who want to learn a quick lesson without having to read an entire encyclopedia!

  6. Anonymous11:48 AM

    if its here everyday by 9 am how come Wed. 7/30 is not up and its 11:30?

  7. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Ah -- It's 9AM 7/31 and no post! Well, perhaps you should delete the EDT in #2. Alas, trips to New Zealand (and puzzle solving contests) can wreck havoc on one's schedule. Does it really matter? Of course not. (I'm a different anonymous that (s)he who complained about 7/30.)

    Seriously, in the comments pages that are not attached to a puzzle (this comments page and FAQ comments page), it might make sense to add the date posted to the time of post.

  8. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Ah -- It's 9AM 7/31 and no post! Well, perhaps you should delete the EDT in #2. Alas, trips to New Zealand (and puzzle solving contests) can wreck havoc on one's schedule. Does it really matter? Of course not. (I'm a different anonymous that (s)he who complained about 7/30.)

    Seriously, in the comments pages that are not attached to a puzzle (this comments page and FAQ comments page), it might make sense to add the date posted to the time of post.

  9. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Why is everybody griping about a late post for a Wednesday (7/31) puzzle ? Nobody does them .... they're just too easy. Now if it was a late post for Fryday (sic) or Saturday, that's a different story.

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    well today is 8/14/08 a thursday at 10:50 am and still no post for the syndicated, why not?

  11. Syndicated write-up was posted ... five weeks ago. If I forget to update the link, you can just scroll down to the "Blog Archive" and get the write-up you want w/ pinpoint accuracy. It's Easy.


  12. Anonymous11:32 PM

    rex, sorry i cant seem to access the comment thread for last sunday's puzzle (8/24) - so i cant tell if someone else told you that Bide-a-Wee is a kitchy name that motels (or summer cabins - or etc.) used to be called, back in say the 40's or 50's. this is a generational thing! my "gimmes" (including this one) are different from yours! (i'm 69). I Love Love Love yr blog and just sent you a little $$. -sara in oakland, ca

  13. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Just got the "thank you card" for the donation and it's one of the coolest ones I've ever received. Best wishes.

  14. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Rex woks hard and does a damn fine job. The least we can do is buy him some coffee.

  15. Anonymous2:15 PM

    How much money have you received?

  16. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I love this site, and I check it every morning before work. I have been doing NYT Crosswords almost forever, but this site makes it all more meaningful for me. Thank you, Rex!

  17. Whether I can or cannot do the puzzle, I still like reading your comments. They make me laugh, educate me, and overall just make doing the puzzle that much more enjoyable! Thank you to you and your fantastic team for the daily pleasurable experience of reading your posts!

  18. The new NY Times Crossword App for the iPhone has allowed me to do the crosswords again (my wife takes the paper version), and indirectly led me to Rex Parker. I donated in no small part due to the Vestal NY mailing address, as I am from not-too-far from there (Finger Lakes, though; not the Southern Tier) myself.

  19. Anonymous11:42 AM

    My dad and were avid puzzlers and would talk every night; we would brag about our skills, dissect the puzzle, marvel (or complain about)the construction, and rate the puzzle's level of difficulty. When my dad passed away a few years ago, i quit doing the puzzle. It was just too painful. I'm back at it, and I check in with Rex each night to get my post-puzzle fix. Thank you Rex!
